Roll Call: Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Kathie Femrite, Felipe & Katie Gonzales, and Sandy Shew (8 members, 0 guests - Quorum=7)
Potluck was delayed until 4:40pm, as potential Renter's toured the Grange.
Grange meeting was called to order at 4:40pm by Dan Keeley
Secretary Report: 7/23/17 meeting had no minutes, as only 4 members were in attendance.
Treasurer Report: Ending balance $7,667.67. Vicki reported a June Rental-check was cashed, redeemed due to the hall being left unclean. The check bounced and an NSF fee of $12 was incurred. Vicki suggested future security payments actually be deposited-then later refunded if hall is kept clean.
1. Ballroom floor sealing treatment - pending; mopping done and treatment material is on hand,
- test site: chair closet corner
2. Stage wiring - pending.
3. NE-side roofing screws replacement - need long roofing screws versus short screws
4. Women's bathroom plumbing revision - pending.
5. Rear door cement landing replaced (cracked and rough)
6. Lobby tiles cleaned and re-grouted
7. Kitchen cupboards - need sanded, cleaned and repainted
8. Some upstairs window repairs - pending
9. Woodwork and Doors throughout building need cleaning (Formula 409 works).
10. Shed (outback) has sunk into dirt - needs to be jacked back-up (maybe placed on blocks)
- Repair date scheduled (see New Business)
11. John Deere mower (housed in shed outback) not running - needs refurbished to use OR sold.
Agriculture: Around St. Paul, Farmers cannot get laborers due to emigration enforcement issues.
Education: School supply donations were taken to Pomona: included 3 backpacks, "New-Adventure" rain jacket, notebook paper, binders and more.
Hall: Rentals are scheduled for Sept. 2nd (Memorial reception) and Sept. 16th (birthday party). Pomona will offer a Degree Day Sept. 17th at Maplewood Grange (JoAnn Keeley, Felipe and Katie Gonzalez are Maplewood's new members).
Lecturer (Sandy Shew): no report
Legislative (Dan Keeley): SB 181 (Non-profit organizations taxation and annual reporting requirements bill) - did NOT pass. Dan circulated The Capitol Granger published by Grange Lobbyist: Craig Loughridge - also available via the OSG website.
Membership (Betty Chipps):
Two (2) membership renewal payments have been received: (Note: await one more membership renewal)
- JoAnn Lee: (status: crippled and travels with Daughter (only), unable to attend meetings,
- and Stacie Bernert.
Lifetime member: Joyce (Oliver) Urnaut wants to receive communications only, does NOT wish to attend.
1. Dressing Room, downstairs, has been set-up and ready for use.
1. Regarding 2018 SW-side Wall Residing Project (insulation & Hardy Siding to be installed): Bids are
in - Dan will submit OSG Matching Grant for 2018 (applications accepted through SEPT 15th).
2. Cleaning Day was fairly successful (6 members participated) - accomplished:
- Entry stairs carpet vacuumed, stage floor swept, dance floor swept, upstairs mirror cleaned,
upstairs windows cleaned and millwork wiped, upstairs benches vacuumed.
- Some upstairs window repairs were made, outside windows cleaned,
- Dressing room cleaning and de-clutter tackled.
- Rear entrance landing, hallway, walls, stairs swept/vacuumed and kitchen ramp dusted/vacuumed.
- Behind stage storage de-cluttering (began).
3. Betty Chipps reported: Award was received, from Aurora Colony Days Parade, for "Best Spirit" entry.
4. Betty asked for follow-up discussion regarding the "Your Grange" Banner that is sun-faded. Shall we replace the banner with metal as Don Sether previously suggested and move the banner to the North facing entrance wall? After discussion, the decision was to take down the "Your Grange" Banner and not replace it.
Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: (Dan Keeley)
$300 cash from two rentals: received from Memorial (9/2) and Birthday Party(9/16).
$400 rental funds received (today).
Expense reimbursement (payable to Dan Keeley) was presented to Treasurer:
Annual Website renewal: $ 49.00
Heat Pump (related): $302.95
INFO: Starting Compressor blew, result melted box on side of building - cause: fuses too big in electrical room.
Betty Chipps moved to pay Dan for bill reimbursements, Kathie Femrite seconded, all approved via "voting sign of the order."
Repair date to jack-up sunken shed was scheduled for Friday, September 1st at 10:00am:
- crew: Dan Keeley, Femrites and Felipe Gonzalez. Tools needed: cement bricks and jacks.
Dan will also bring his power-washer and, time-permitted, tackle pressure-washing the front entrance.
The Grange Cabin at the Oregon State Fair needs staff; volunteer between August 25th - September 4th.
Dan Keeley asked: What shall we do to celebrate/recognize the National Grange's 150th Anniversary?
- Betty suggested a Kid's Carnival Day (for families) with food served, games played and prizes.
- Dan and JoAnn have enjoyed, in the past, a Halloween Theme: bob for apples, pumpkin carving.
After some discussion, JoAnn motioned that Maplewood Grange celebrate the 150th Anniversary with a PUMPKIN DECORATING DAY (with fishing-pole booth) on October 15th from 3:00-4:30pm, Kathie seconded, Voting-sign-of-the-Order ... all in favor. Dan can get the Pumpkins, Betty will create the Flyer, Dan will place the flyer on our website, JoAnn will get the painting supplies, Kathie volunteered too. Refreshments to be: Donuts, Cider and baked goods. Suggestions for invitation: Schools and Sq. Dance Lesson folks.
(Note: Vicki Pounds will be out-of-town)
Betty reminded: OSG Website lists Membership Dues as: $45 Individual, $90 Family, $50 Business
- Maplewood rate is currently $40 and $80 respectively. Do we increase dues?
Discussion ensued; it was decided we would review in 2018.
Agenda item to be discussed next meeting: Maplewood hosts DEGREE DAY - (3rd Sun.) SEPT 17th ...
- Read, in the Clackamas County POMONA 2017 Roster, preparation entitled: "Degree Day Schedule."
The POMONA Grange will visit on October 22nd at the regular Maplewood Grange Meeting. The 3:30pm Potluck will include: Soup (Dan), Corn Bread and Salad (Betty), Dessert (Sandy), plus what others bring. The meeting time is 4:30pm.
COMMUNICATION (Secretary - Betty Chipps):
Clackamas County POMONA: August 2017 Newsletter ... emailed to members.
Oregon State Grange (OSG)
- July12, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master/OSG (given to Dan)
- AUG/SEPT 2017 Oregon State Grange Bulletins - have been mailed out to Members.
(NOTE: Felipe & Katie Gonzalez did not receive.)
- 2nd SUN, 09/10/17 11:00am - 3:00pm BORING Gr. - Nat'1 Grange 150th Celebration
- 3rd SAT, 09/16/17 10:00am - 3:00pm SPRINGWATER Gr. - 93rd Anniv. & Comm. Fair
- 3rd SAT, 10/21/17 5:00pm WARNER Gr. - Cuddle Cots Fundraiser Dinner/Auction
3rd SAT, 09/16 Grange reservation 3:30pm BD Party
3rd SUN, 09/17 Degree Day (run by POMONA) Note: Betty canNOT attend - NO minutes required for event.
- Grangers provide Coffee, Cookies, and Finger Food.
4th SUN, 09/24 Grange Meeting? YES
3rd SUN, 10/15 - Maplewood Grange celebrates National Grange's 150th Anniversary ... invite friends, family and other Grangers to: "PUMPKIN PAINTING" Day at, 3:00 - 4:30pm
4th SUN, 10/22 Hosting visitation from POMONA @ Grange Meeting 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting
1st MON, 11/06 - Kendra Morgan reservation Disabled Adults (non-profit) Meeting 5:00pm-8:00pm
3rd SUN, 11/19 - Chaps and Petticoats Jamboree 4:00pm-6:00pm
4th SUN, 11/26 - Grange Meeting??
4th SUN, 12/24 - Grange Meeting- NO
Future Dates:
- December _??_ , 2017 New Year's Eve Party scheduled by Valley River Dancers from Newberg?
- May 4, 2018 - C & P will be DARK (remove hall reservation)
GOOD to the Order: (none)
Next Meeting: 10/22 Maplewood hosts POMONA @ Grange Meeting 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting
Meeting Adjourned: at 6:13pm by Dan Keeley.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Chipps, Secretary