Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance.
Master: Dan Keeley * Overseer: Don Sether
Steward: Ken Fessler Executive Committee #1: (vacant)
Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis *
Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant)
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Ceres: Judi Aus * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Flora: (vacant)
Member: Vicki Pounds
***** Members present: 6, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
Members acting Pro-Tem: Ken Fessler, Gatekeeper; and Betty Chipps, Chaplain.
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: Last meeting Dan Keeley expressed, wife, JoAnn Keeley may be interested in joining the Grange.
Minutes: (Secretary) October and November meeting minutes were emailed. November 27th Minutes were tentatively approved, pending Master, Dan Keeley's input, which would make a quorum.
Oregon State Grange (OSG) letter from Susan Noah dated 12/20/16, with enclosures, was circulated:
- Quarterly Report
- Audit Procedures
- Calendar Order Form
- "New" Membership Recognition Forms (for 25, 50+ year recognition)
- "New" Supply Order Form
- In Memoriam Form Bulletin (needed in-addition to reporting the death of a member on the Quarterly Report)
Clackamas Pomona #1
- Betty noted the 2017 Clackamas Pomona Roster submission deadline (due 12/20/16) was missed. Don Sether noted Celia Luttrell could still take the information as she was actively compiling the Roster for print.
- Roster for Grangers with Businesses is due.
TREASURER Report: (Kathie Femrite) Current account balance is $8,144.08.
- Treasurer Report, covering the quarter, to be presented next meeting.
- Betty motioned we reimburse for Dan's expenses, approximately $80 as of last meeting. Motion seconded by Ken Fessler, and carried with all six in attendance at the meeting.
SECRETARY Report: (Betty Chipps)
- 4th Quarter Report was given: two meeting in 4th Qtr and presently 16 members. Pending a check for $180 and Master's signature, the report can be submitted timely.
OLD BUSINESS: (Betty Chipps)
- Election of Officers 2017 (and Committee Chairs) - ALL Nominees were elected.
- OSG Subordinate/Community Grange Roster was submitted 12/7/16.
- Report on Lifetime and Memorial Lifetime Membership: The membership enrollment fee(s) are paid only once and invested into the OSG membership pool. Annual rate of return to Maplewood is dependent on participation in the pool and on current rate of interest. Don Sether noted that current rate of interest is on its way up.
Agriculture (Ken Fessler): 370,000 plants arrived this week at Fessler Nursery.
Don Sether reported Legislative Director Burton Eller represented the National Grange
at an invitation-only listening session by President Trump's Ag Team (regarding new Farm Bill).
Education (Dan Keeley): (none):
Grange Workers Activities (vacant):
Lecturer (Sandy Shew): No report
Legislative (Dan Keeley): Betty reported the Legislature is in-session next month, in Salem.
Don Sether reported volunteer(s) are needed to report to/from legislature on Grange activities as
Ed Luttrell, our last Lobbyist, is no longer available. Prior Lobbyist Jim Welch, a cattleman,
was Grange Lobbyist many years. State Grange hoping volunteers will work for now.
Membership (Betty Chipps): Don Sether: In celebration of the National Grange's 150th year, prizes for new membership will be awarded for participation in the National Membership Drive: $750 - 1st place, $500 - 2nd, $250 - 3rd. Districts with one/more new members will be served an Ice Cream social by State Grange.
Rental (Dan Keeley): (none)
Veterans (Sandy Shew): Don Sether reported Governor signed off on awarding Veterans
1-1/2% versus the former 2-1/2% of Lottery Funds. Grange members should email the Legislature and protest the decline in distribution.
Youth (Don Sether): Don Sether reported FFA youth are encouraged to practice Lecture skills at local their local Grange - either Canby or Warner Grange will host next month's FFA.
- East-side Crawl Space Door - has been attached.
- Water LEAD Test: Complete. Test results well within safe limits.
- Entrance Signage: (no report)
- Roof Repair - North Side (in need of longer screws): Per Don Sether, less wind on the North side, thus roof will likely hold, for now.
- Exhaust Hoods for over Stoves: Per Don Sether, "Request for Grant" due by 05/01/2017.
Cleaning Day ... to be scheduled.
Betty searched the Clackamas Pomona Calendar and found Maplewood Grange Meeting Date reflects 4th Tuesdays each Month. Don Sether reported filing our Pomona Roster will correct the calendar.
- 4th Sunday, 9/24/17 - Maplewood hosts "Degree Day" for new members
- 4th Sunday, 10/22/17 - Maplewood hosts "POMONA" Grange Meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: at 5:15pm with the "Closing of the Grange" reading.
Next Meeting: February 26, 2017