February Agenda2/16/2025 102/16/2025 Proposed January/February Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES DRAPING OF THE CHARTER PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP WELCOME CEREMONY COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Hall Projects (in priority order): Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished 5 party rentals scheduled with a couple others expressing interest. Chaps and Zumba still have long term contracts. EDUCATION - U.S. House fails to reauthorize 20-year-old bipartisan bill to fund rural schools, communities Schools in 30 of Oregon’s 36 counties — and schools in other Western states — will receive less federal funding in 2025 after the U.S. House of Representatives failed to reauthorize a 24-year-old bill that typically pays up to $80 million a year for schools and roads in Oregon along with wildfire prevention and conservation work. Read more LEGISLATIVE – SB 747, put forward by a Senator Khanh Pham (D- SE Portland), would require every landowner in the state with more than 200 acres of irrigated agricultural land to register and annually report fertilizer use, with a goal of having the Oregon Department of Agriculture “identify persons who are overapplying fertilizer” and impose civil penalties for violations. Farm groups are opposing. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE – JoAnn COMMUNITY SERVICE – JoAnn AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT COMMUNICATIONS – Betty TREASURERS REPORT - Bills – Dan Light bulbs 23.98 UNFINSHED BUSINESS: Review project estimates for dining hall floor and counters Cookie Exchange Idea (for Easter or next Christmas)? Grange apparel – Shirts will be available at State Convention. Jackets not. Taco themed dinner? NEW BUSINESS: Mail box down – reinstall or not? Lighting in storage area behind stage - $50 budget Insurance policy – new exclusion for violations of laws regarding personal information. Meal at State Convention on June 24. Need a few volunteers to help with prep and serving. Resolutions MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King, Jr. HEIRLOOM PROGRAM: Hope is the heavenly light that gilds our labors. Were we deprived of that source of consolation, our life would indeed be dreary. NEXT MEETING CLOSING
February 2025