July Agenda7/28/2024 07/28/2024 Proposed July Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES DRAPING OF THE CHARTER PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP WELCOME CEREMONY COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Hall Projects (in priority order): Women’s bathroom window restoration – Not restored but repaired and functional. Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished 2 party rentals scheduled (Ouch!). Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Our grange lawyer asked that we name Oregon State Grange as another additional insured on our contracts. New contracts going out will contain this requirement. Sprinker tractor has been remodeled and seems to work now. It was getting stuck. If you see it into the neighbor’s fence please shut off the valve (faucet) where the hose is hooked up and call me. Bathroom floors and ball room and dining room upholstery have been cleaned by Stanley Steemer. State Session OSG agriculture policy which was expiring, passed almost intact at State Session. Numerous other policies were updated and some new ones passed. Summary in notebook. Session was pretty good with several valuable seminars and lots of fellowship. Attendance, however, continues to decline. Maybe 150 -160 attendees. Sonny Ebert was elected state president. He tells me he intends to be more focused on visiting/assisting local granges and less on the administrative duties of the office, which he expects the staff to mostly handle. AGRICULTURE – A major hazelnut processor CoOp (HGO) has been mismanaged out of business and is being sold, we will see whether whole or as salvage. HGO merged with Wilco 8 years ago and has lost money since. Wilco’s board dumped the news on their growers a couple of months ago that they would not have a processor this fall. So much for CoOps looking out for their grower/owners interests. EDUCATION - The party is over when it comes to Pandemic related funding for schools and much else. Newberg schools in my area are looking at a 20+ percent budget cut which is going to eliminate most extracurricular activities and goodly amount of curriculum as well. One side says the board should have cut back way earlier in anticipation and the other side says the state should have maintained the higher budget level as quality education is worth it. The higher budget level during the and after the pandemic covered remote learning costs and much else but not sports, clubs and etc. The state budget committee is going to have it’s work cut out for it. LEGISLATIVE – Dan is participating in a ranked choice voting promotional campaign. The usual conspiracy theories and falsehoods are cropping up online. Please read up carefully before voting in November. One major opposition talking point is that a candidate could get elected without having the most first choice votes. This is true but only relevant if you don’t value second choice votes. It can also happen in a runoff election if the leading candidate gets beat in the runoff election. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE – JoAnn – requirements for next year? COMMUNITY SERVICE – JoAnn COMMUNICATIONS – Betty TREASURERS REPORT - Bills – Vicki Plastic Bin for records 16.99 Dan GFI outlet for exterior plug 25.98 Dish Detergent 4.99 Toilet paper 62.47 Paper Towels 47.67 Paper Towels 91.98 Dial hand soap 7.99 Stanley Steemer 590.00 Website rental 144.00 Garden Hose 49.99 1025.07 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Cemetery work – Set a date this fall? NEW BUSINESS: Dan staffed a promotional booth at Hubbard Hop Festival as an experiment. It went fairly well. Should we try to repeat it at other events? Cost was limited to rice crispie treats and some dollar store prizes. MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: In a free society some are guilty, but all are responsible. Rabbi Abraham Hershel
December 2024