November 28th, 202411/28/2024 The Maplewood Grange #662 general Meeting was called to order on December 22, 2024 (downstairs) at 3:40pm by Master / President, Dan Keeley with the “Opening of the Grange” reading.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 9 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Mindy Ferris, Sandy Shew, Troy Bayless and Laura Ellis. Visitation: Don Kingsborough, Clackamas POMONA Grange Guest(s): Lezlie Miller, Chaps & Petticoats : Members acting Pro-Temp: Overseer, Don Kingsborough and Gatekeeper, Vicki Pounds. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Christine Grimm and Sharon Boucher. - Both ladies come to us from the Chaps square dance club and live in the Woodburn area. MINUTES (Secretary, Betty Chipps): The December 01, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed to members on 12/18/24. Troy Bayless moved to accept the Minutes, Mindy Ferris seconded, motion carried VSO (voting sign of the Order). SECRETARY’S REPORT (Betty Chipps): The 2024 4th Quarter (financial) Report ended SEPTEMBER 30, 2024 reflects a total payable, due OSG, of $227 (represents 18 members for $225 + $2 welcome fee for two (2) new memberships: Christine Grimm and Sharon Boucher. The Q4-2024 Quarterly (Dues) Report - status below: Grange remits quarterly to OSG an amount of $12.50/per member. - Dues for 18 total members equates to $225.00, payable to OSG Note: Sheri Chandra withdrew membership by Request: (ending 4thQ 2024 Report) - Three (3) Regular meetings were held in the 4th Quarter 2024 (Membership attendance, each meeting: OCT 13 = 6, NOV = n/a, DEC 1 = 6, DEC 22 = 9). - Date Report approved: 12/22/2024 - Has your Grange conducted an annual Safety Inspection on your hall? YES - Be sure to set a date for your annual Audit. Mindy moved to approve the 4th Quarter 2024 Report, JoAnn seconded, motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps, Secretary) To do: Maplewood Grange existing ByLaws be submitted to OSG office. 2025 Oregon State Grange Convention: June 20-26, 2025 hosted in Corbett, hosted by Dist.#4. COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) – HALL REPORT: 2 party rentals scheduled (includes Jan.19, 2025 rental). Chaps and Zumba still have long term contracts. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley) Loose toilet in women’s bathroom - installed ADA (Amer.with Disabilities Act) compliant. Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen counters need refinished - not formica Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – none COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – JoAnn has delivered nearly150 pounds of donated items to Portland Rescue Mission (PRM) and a couple bags to the Veterans Village. Grange scholarships in Clackamas County are listed on Pomona website : Project Sustenance “I am proposing that each Grange… take part in Project Sustenance,” Hamp said, announcing the launch of a new initiative aimed at addressing food security and promoting personal sustainability. By empowering members to contribute to these goals in their communities, Project Sustenance hopes to enhance personal sustainability for communities across rural and small-town America. – JoAnn will make contact and report. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Kill the tests or manage the stress? Opinion | Massachusetts Ballot Question 2 and the Value of Standardized Tests - The New York Times (favors exit tests - helps students out by testing early for college or trade school placement). LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Come Jan. 1, 2025 Oregon school districts will be allowed to equip their buses with cameras to catch and report drivers who fail to stop. The new law was informed by Sean Sype, a Wilsonville High School student who told lawmakers he’d seen bad drivers speed around buses, endangering his classmates. Cameras could deter that behavior, Sype argued, and hold bad drivers accountable. Oregon will become just the fourth state to require tech manufacturers to give consumers and independent repair shops access to the tools, parts and manuals required to repair their gadgets. Unless a school district has fewer than 50 students, its school board must record video of its public meetings and post those online for people to view. Same goes for the boards of community colleges and public universities. A district that has bad internet access is allowed to upload an audio recording instead. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) – Memberships dues (see New Business). POMONA GRANGE (Don Kingsborough) – Grange Advocacy in Action …awards: Individual National winner – Dan Keeley Grange National Winner – Clackamas County POMONA SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – Attended Canby School’s Financial Aid Night - approximately 50 students were present. The Program was presented in Spanish and English, afterward students visited the different booths. Maplewood gave away two (2) Scholarship forms. JoAnn plans to contact FFA teachers at Canby and N.Marion schools. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the December 22, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 12/19/2024. The opening balance, as of 11/19/2024 was $16,783.66 and the ending balance on December 19, 2024 was $15,819.48 Report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Review project estimates for dining hall floor and counters – No progress yet Grange was inspected by our insurance company. No results yet.
Cookie Exchange - coming up DEC. 17th at Silverton Grange 5-9pm?
Introducing Don Kingsborough, Clackamas POMONA Grange - Community Service Chair. The Clackamas POMONA Grange includes 16 Community Granges (including Maplewood Grange). All 16 Granges come together to support the Veterans Village (16575 SE 115th Ave, Clackamas, OR 97015) through donations of service, food, clothing, bedding, toiletries, and hygiene supplies. POMONA partners with Do Good Multnomah who provides 28 temporary housing (tiny homes) and shared community facilities (showers, kitchen, etc) plus care management helping to orient our Veterans back into the community. Clarkes Grange prepares dinners once/month and delivers them in insulated containers to the Village. Redland Grange stocks the Food Bank each Thursday providing the pods with fresh choices. Warner Grange offers community Breakfast fundraisers each 1st Saturday beginning FEB 1st at 9am and concert entertainment each 1st Saturday evening to benefit the Veterans Village - see Flyer for times at: [email protected]. Degree DAY: FEB 23 at Warner Grange - Granges have your candidates arrive by 1:30pm. Begins 2:00pm with 1st and 2nd Degrees; break for potluck; followed by 3rd & 4th Degrees ceremony.end approx. 5:00pm. NEW BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
Wax Ring for one Toilet (replaced-upstairs) 13.00 TOTAL: $ 44.97 Betty Chipps moved to pay-the-bills, Troy Bayless seconded, motion carries, VSO
Dan advised the greatest expense is convention venues are more expensive. (i.e. June’s Convention at Corbett School approx. $10,000, and Clackamas Fairgrounds at $50,000).
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: none reported GOOD OF THE ORDER: The pen is only mightier than the sword if you’re allowed to use the pen. (Mark Steyn, Canadian author) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM (no picture available) Sharing FEELINGS of COMPASSION. NEXT MEETING: 3rd Sunday, February 16, 2024 at 2:00 pm CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at approx. 4:41pm with the ‘Closing of the Grange’ reading. MEETING - REOPENED at 4:45pm: Vicki Pounds motioned to reopen the meeting to approve the Slate of Officers on the Ballot, JoAnn seconded, motion carried. Dan asked if there were any further additions or discussion regarding the Ballot. Hearing none, Mindy moved and Roberta seconded to accept the Slate of Officers as presented, motion carried, VSO. Election Results: Master: Dan Keeley [email protected] 503-508-7807 Overseer: ___Don Sether [email protected] 503-829-2756 Lecturer:__Roberta Elders [email protected] 503-989-0372 Chaplain:___Troy Bayless 503-826-7938 Secretary: __Betty Chipps [email protected] 503-806-5654 Executive Committee __ JoAnn Keeley, Vickie Pounds, Sandy Shew Agriculture: __Don Sether (same as Overseer Community Service: JoAnn Keeley [email protected] 503-633-2838 Education: __Dan Keeley (same as Master) GWA: ___Roberta Elders (same as Lecturer Legislative: __Dan Keeley (same as Master) Membership: __Betty Chipps (same as Secretary Veterans: __Sandy Shew (NO email available) 503-651-2487 Youth: _____Mindy Ferris [email protected] ________503-683-1182 Rental Chair: __Dan Keeley (same as Master) MEETING ADJOURNED at 4:48pm. Respectfully submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary October Minutes10/27/2024 The Maplewood Grange #662 general Meeting was called to order (downstairs) at 3:45 pm by Master / President, Dan Keeley. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 6 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Sandy Chew, and Betty Chipps. Visitation: none Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary, Betty Chipps): The September 22, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were placed on the Grange website, read/summarized by the Secretary, and were available to members and visitors from Clackamas Pomona Grange. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps, Secretary) 3rd Qtr Report to OSG due 10/31 Fidelity Bond Form & payment due Nov.15. (Confirm who is covered, limits) Audit Committee: notes/recommendations: - : cannot include check signers on committee. - Bank statements to be reconciled monthly by non-signer. Fidelity bond coverage limit of $25,000 - $75 premium same as last year:
COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) – 7 party rentals scheduled (one gratis). Noted the 7 rentals included: Nov. 2, mini horses; contracts Dec. 7th; one deposit pending for Christmas party contract signed this AM and one other pending signature. Chaps and Zumba still have long term contracts. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley) Loose toilet in women’s bathroom - flange may be rusted. Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Lawn sprinkler tractor has been repaired and is stored under the stairs with the hoses and weed sprayer. Water leak found in museum around sliding door. Dan wonders if there is a ground squirrel that has chewed through the line or a repair issue with the pipe (possibly has filled with sand). Certainly will need fixed though repair costs unknown - Dan suggests to handle future repair issues, a budget could be established for normal maintenance. Oregon State Grange has asked for a bit of help looking after Fairfield grange hall since its closure. Dan will be looking in on it periodically. Anyone seeing abuse or damage please let Dan know. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Harvest is really over! Our nut crop was very good. Industry wide the crop was above average but not a record. Prices are also up a bit, edging into the profitable range. This is important because many other major crops remain unprofitable or barely profitable. Ag industry is also on edge due to tariffs proposed by both major political parties. Republican party proposals are higher and thus more alarming but both sides seem intent on damaging Ag exports. From news reports it appears that insanity will prevail in eliminating glyphosate (roundup) as an herbicide despite the lack of any significant evidence it impacts human health. Multiple studies show no correlation between legal use of roundup or its generics and incidence of any sort of cancer. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Bring in winter clothing, blankets for donation to Portland Rescue Mission and Veterans Village - can use toiletries and hygiene items too. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – A major push is emerging to require more civics instruction, at least in public schools (i.e. constitution review, legislative and election education). It appears this may be one issue that both sides of the political spectrum can agree on. Devil is in the details of course. Other subjects showing some signs of bipartisan agreement are technical education and college credit classes in high school. Saint Paul School District for example is building a new technical/industrial education building. We will see whether the budget will allow its operation long term. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Small number of measures but important issues on the ballot in November. I will open the floor to any who want to discuss the measures. The following is a repeat from September for those just getting around to investigating the measures. Type Title Description LRCA Measure 115 Allow the Legislature to impeach elected state executives LRCA Measure 116 Establish the Independent Public Service Compensation Commission to determine certain public officials' salaries LRSS Measure 117 Establish ranked-choice voting (RCV) for federal and some state offices in Oregon CISS Measure 118 Require Oregon issue payments to residents from increased corporate taxes. CISS Measure 119 Require cannabis businesses to submit to the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission a signed labor peace agreement between the business and a labor organization with its licensure or renewal application I researched a few complaints about my favorite, ranked choice voting (RCV), that have cropped up online. First is why the legislature exempted themselves from the use of RCV in the measure. Turns out the county clerks association requested that less competitive races be exempted. Legislative races are often less competitive and were duly removed from the measure. Idea was to ease into the new system instead of jumping in all at once. Second is the cost of the new system. The states that have implemented RCV have seen up front costs in the one million dollar neighborhood, exclusive of educational and promotional efforts. In Oregon that would amount to around 50 cents per voter. In addition there will be some costs associated with the longer ballots. Estimates I have seen for that are in the 30 cent range. Another is complexity. Counting is indeed more complex, but is handled by computer. Some argue it is less secure due to the need to process statewide votes at one location. Others argue it is more secure due to tighter security at the state level and the difficulty of hacking into a more complex program without leaving evidence. Researching more than one candidate and then deciding who you like for second or third place is also more work, but it is optional. Voters can continue to vote their first choice and have the same input on the election they have always had. Actually filling out the ballot is no more complicated than a multiple choice test back in the school days. I hope most voters can handle that. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – There were no applicants this year under the Agriculture and/or Forestry programs. More discussion needed on who should receive - we have to talk with Counselors - get them to circulate. In Molalla, if no one applies for the designated Scholarship then the field is open to anyone who requested another scholarship (according to Pam Furlan). Betty volunteered to talk with North Marion counselors. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the October 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 10/24/2024. The opening balance, as of 9/20/2024 was $$13,805.51 and the ending balance on October 24, 2024 was $15,860.93 Report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) - Troy Bayless will continue his membership in 2025. NEW BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
Garbage bags 10.99 Light string (upstairs) 10.98 2 light strings (LED) 21.96 Paper products (towels & TP.) 157.77 TOTAL: $205.29 Vicki Pounds moved to pay-the-bills, JoAnn Keeley seconded, - no discussion, motion carries, VSO
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: none reported GOOD OF THE ORDER: The underlying essence of science is questioning. Ask an impertinent question and you are on your way to a pertinent answer. (Jacob Bronowski, Mathematician and philosopher) (member) “Ship-Mates program is a National Grange fundraiser - developed for Grange by Calif. company. see October Bulletin: Denim shirts, T-Shirts & Hoodies S-XL $30/ea. HEIRLOOM PROGRAM (pictured a waving red, white and blue FLAG) WE DESIRE A PROPER EQUALITY and FAIRNESS; PROTECTION FOR THE WEAK; RESTRAINT UPON THE STRONG; IN SHORT, JUSTLY DISTRIBUTED POWER. THESE ARE AMERICAN IDEALS, THE VERY ESSENCE OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, AND TO ADVOCATE THE CONTRARY IS UNWORTHY OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF OUR REPUBLIC. (Grange Declaration of Purposes) NEXT MEETING: chose Sunday, DECEMBER 1, 2024 at 3:30 pm (NO November mtg) CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at approx. 4:43 PM.. Respectfully, Betty Chipps, Secretary September 22, 20249/22/2024
Pomona Master, Joyce Parker announced:
7 PM - Lecturer Program (Dessert Auction ), 7:30 PM - 5th Degree Conferral
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: none reported GOOD OF THE ORDER: Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. (T. S. Eliot) Suzy Ramm promoted the Chip-Matters Program (look to OSG’s October Bulletin). T-shirts and Sweat Shirts orders available in many colors: Green, Tan, Gray, Maroon, etc. Suzy also directed our awareness to a Willamette Valley- Dundee area business using the Grange name and the on-going legal efforts to protect our Grange interests. . Land Use History - Dan Keeley shared a video on SB100 (1973) Oregon’ Land Use System and the origin of 1000 Friends of Oregon (1974). Henry Richmond and then Governor Tom McCall originated bill to establish / manage urban-sprawl boundaries Don Sether spent a day at Channel 2 News - in 1979 Gov. McCall was siill doing commentaries - he really cared. HEIRLOOM PROGRAM (pictured K-classroom and Teacher & 2 children , at a round table.) IT IS DELIGHTFUL TO ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE, AND MUCH MORE SO TO DIFFUSE IT. (3rd Degree: Lecturer) NEXT MEETING: Sunday, OCTOBER 27, 2024 at 3:30 pm CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at approx. 3:23 PM with “Closing of the Grange” ritual. Respectfully, Betty Chipps, Secretary August 22, 20249/18/2024 Maplewood Grange
Regular Monthly Minutes 8/25/24 Meeting started at 3:40pm Members present: Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Roberta Elders, Mindy Ferris, Sandy Shew, Vicki Pounds No visitors Minutes from 7/28/24: Secretary absent so no minutes were available Committee Reports: Hall: Dan Keeley 4 folding tables, 2 residential exhaust hoods & 2 bathroom sinks were salvaged from Russelville Grange Hall which was being vacated Upcoming Rentals: 3 scheduled Sprinkler was damaged by vandals and so far Dan hasn’t been able to fix it Agriculture: None at this time Education: Dan Keeley School is starting so be aware Legislative: None at this time Communty Service: JoAnn Keeley Odd Fellows Cemetery needs mowed, a couple of dead trees removed and fencing fixed Scheduled a work day for September 11 @ 10am JoAnn will contact Tadd Lewis(property owner) about our plans. Communications: Secretary was absent so no news Treasurer’s Report: Vicki Pounds Bills presented by Dan Keeley - $194.82 Unfinished Business: Promotional booth – Dan staffed a booth at the Hubbard Hop Festival and handed out information at the Clackamas County Fair. He reported that it was well received by attendees and was able to educate the public about Grange. Pomona visitation at our next meeting on September 22nd – Eat at 1pm with the meeting to follow at approximately 2pm. The meeting will need to be over by 4:00 so the hall can be made ready for square dancing lessons. Troy will not be able to help with the dinner. Roberta volunteered to bring Costo lasagna and garlic bread. She will bake it the day before and then warm it in the oven at Maplewood for the lunch. JoAnn will bring a gluten free lasagna, cucumber slices and tomatoes. Mindy will bring salad from the Chef Store. Everyone will bring a dessert to share. Mindy will leave the grass we use for the County Fair booth in the furnace room at Maplewood Roberta worked at the State Fair Grange Log Cabin today. She said all work shifts have been filled. New Business: None Members Sick or Distressed: It was suggested that Betty, as secretary, send Don Sether and Sheri Chandra each a ‘Miss You/Hope you are doing okay’ card since they have had some health problems. Good of the Order: Discussion was held about asking Sonny Hayes Eberts(State Grange President) if he needed any help re-organizing Fairfield Grange, which has been closed. Members didn’t want to spend the time considering we are trying to keep enough members ourselves. Dan – A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested. A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Next meeting is scheduled for September 22 at 2pm after lunch. Meeting was adjourned at 4:26pm July 28th, 20247/28/2024 The Maplewood Grange general Meeting was called to order on Sunday, JULY 28, 2024 at 4:43 pm by Master / President, Dan Keeley with the “Opening of the Grange” reading (downstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 7 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Troy Bayless, Roberta Elders, Mindy Ferris, Betty Chipps and Vicki Pounds (arrived earlier) Members acting Pro-Temp: Overseer: JoAnn Keeley ; Stewart: Betty Chipps and GateKeeper: Roberta Elders. Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary): The June 9, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed to the membership on July 20th by Secretary, Betty Chipps. (six present - no changes were noted). SECRETARY REPORT (Betty Chipps) – The 2024 2nd Quarter (financial) Report ended JUNE 30, 2024 with a payable to OSG of $1.83. The Q2-2024 Quarterly (Dues) Report - status below: NOTE: Eff. 1/1/24, individual Membership Dues increased from $45 to $50 annually, Grange remits quarterly to OSG an amount of $12.50/per member. - Dues for 18 total members equates to $225.00, payable to OSG - Life Membership Credit in the amount of ($223.17) was applied adjusting dues payable to $1.83 - Two (2) Regular meetings were held in the 2nd Quarter 2024 (Membership attendance, each meeting: APR 28 = 5, MAY -No Mtg, JUNE 9 = 7). - Date Report approved: 07/28/2024 - Does your Grange have a Commercial Kitchen? NO Do you rent it out? YES - Has your Grange filed, for 2023, its 990-N form (e-Postcard)? YES Please send a copy to the OSG Office. Maplewood subordinate Grange Q2-2024 report was signed by Secretary and Master/President, Dan Keeley; Seal was affixed, and disbursed to OSG. Vicki Pounds, Grange Treasurer, issued a check to Oregon State Grange for $1.83 and Betty Chipps enclosed Maplewood Grange 990-N e-postcard “accepted” filing with the IRS. COMMITTEE REPORTS: HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) – not 2 but 3 party rentals scheduled as noted by Vicki (included Dec 7 - Judith Diaz). Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Electrical outlet installed outside around the corner from the rear door. It is for renters and/or RV parked here during some square dance meetings. Our grange lawyer asked that we name Oregon State Grange as another additional insured on our contracts. New contracts going out will contain this requirement. Discussed Grange insurance; does NOT provide coverage IF alcohol is on premises. However State Grange allows if renter insurance is provided by licensed OLCL server. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley) Women’s bathroom window restoration - finished and functional Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Sprinkler Tractor was vandalized - Thursday evening, 7/25/24, camera records show SUV, parking logs were kicked away and Sprinkler damaged. Dan will attempt to repair it. Bathroom floors and ball room & dining room upholstery have been cleaned by Stanley Steemer (see expense reimbursement). STATE SESSION (Dan Keeley) – OSG agriculture policy, after 10 years, most of the policy was expiring (policy sunsets after 10 years). I rewrote and updated most of the policy statements which were then reviewed and edited by a Clackamas Pomona committee. the policy statements were then debated at the State Session and passed almost intact.Numerous other policies were updated and some new ones passed. (Summary in notebook.) Session was pretty good with several valuable seminars and lots of fellowship. Attendance, however, continues to decline with maybe 150-160 attendees. Sonny Hays-Eberts, (state grange WebMaster), was elected State President. He told me he intends to be more focused on visiting /assisting local granges and less on the administrative duties of the office, which he expects the staff to mostly handle. Mindy Ferris was in attendance and received the 6th Degree at State Session. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – A major hazelnut plant and CoOp geared toward processing retail bags, Hazelnut Growers of Oregon (HGO), has been mismanaged, out-of-business, is being sold … we will see whether whole or as salvage. HGO merged with Wilco eight (8) years ago and has lost money since. Wilco’s board dumped the news on their growers a couple of months ago that they would not have a processor this fall. So much for CoOps looking out for their grower/owners interests. Troy Bayless reported he went up the Valley and 20-ton bales on hay trucks (regulated to be tarped) were NOT tarped Dried fodder blows onto the car windshields and into the grills. Not being tarped blows dry tinder and is a fire hazard too. Dan proposed a Grange Resolution be presented for the next Legislative Session. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – The party is over when it comes to Pandemic related funding for schools and much else. Newberg schools, in my area, are looking at a 20+ percent budget cut which is going to eliminate most extracurricular activities and a good amount of curriculum as well (i.e. vocational classes). One side says the board should have cut back way earlier in anticipation and the other side says the state should have maintained the higher budget level as quality education is worth it. The higher budget level during and after the pandemic covered remote learning costs and much else but not sports, clubs, etc. The state budget committee is going to have its work cut out for it. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Dan is participating in a Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) campaign. The usual conspiracy theories and falsehoods are cropping up online. Please read up carefully before voting in November. One major opposition talking point is that a candidate could get elected without having the most first choice votes. This is true but only relevant if you don’t value second choice votes. It can also happen in a runoff election if the leading candidate gets beat in the runoff election. MEMBERSHIP(Betty Chipps) –Two Memberships are outstanding - Reminder Notice sent. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – requirements for next year? There were no applicants this year under the Agriculture and/or Forestry programs. Troy Bayless suggested expanding to include Trade Schools (carpentry, electrical, welding, etc.). PEO suggested go to the school Counselors i.e. Canby has a school table open for one evening of Scholarship - perhaps place a Grange table at Canby’s Scholarship day. Troy will check into North Marion Schools. JoAnn moved to continue with Agriculture and Forestry Scholarships and also open to include Trade School subjects, Troy seconded, motion carries VSO. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the July 28, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 07/26/2024. The opening balance, as of June 7, 2024 was $12,370.49 and the ending balance on July 26, 2024 was $12,792.99. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) CLACKAMAS POMONA Cookie Booth: Pam Furlan, Chair, is looking for folks to work in the Cookie Booth fundraiser during the Clackamas County Fair on August 13-17 and soon to help mix cookie dough. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Set a date for cemetery maintenance this fall? Postponed till August meeting. Status: Posts are falling down and dead Birch tree(s) to be removed. Discussed it would be best if a good rain occurred before digging. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps, Secretary) – see last page CLEANING DAY was June 9th (Mindy Ferris could not attend but returned another day - Much thanks for 1. Organizing the Museum and 2. Painting the entrance and exit doors. GOODIE BASKET – Secretary regrets the Raffle ticket were not turned-in to OSG, which 1. Would have shown our support to the the Youth AND 2. Entered us into the Goodie Basket Raffle drawing. – While we missed the Raffle, it was decided to send the money to the OSG Youth - Betty will call OSG and inquire how to proceed.
Dish Detergent 4.99 Dial Hand Soap 7.99 Toilet Paper 62.47 Paper Towels 47.67 Paper Towels 91.98 Ordered - not yet received via Amazon Stanley Steemer 590.00 Maplewood Website rental 144.00 Garden Hose 49.99 TOTAL: $1,025.07 Reimbursement to Vicki Pounds: Plastic Bin for records storage 16.99 Betty Chipps moved to Pay the Bills, Troy seconded, motion carries, VSO.
JoAnn moved to donate $50, Roberta seconded to $50. Troy requested amendment to motion (given inflation cost on goods) be a donation of $100, JoAnn seconded - motion carried VSO.
Set - Up stations, 1:30 pm Lasagna Meal (Meat & Gluten Free) - for 40 people, Note: time changed to 1:00 pm, at August Mtg 2:30 pm - after lunch , Ritual Program upstairs (Troy will provide a budget) - Betty: The $60 thing is only for Pomona meetings. Visitations are usually pot luck. My mistake.
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: N / A GOOD OF THE ORDER: In a free society some are guilty, but all are responsible. (Rabbi Abraham) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM (pictured a metamorphosis of Butterfly - cocoon to winged) CHANGES and TRANSFORMATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY PASSING BEFORE US. (second degree, Ceres) NEXT MEETING: Sunday, AUGUST 25, 2024 at 3:30 pm (set as constant meeting time) CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at approx. 5:45 PM with “Closing of the Grange” reading. Respectfully, Betty Chipps, Secretary Secretary COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps) JUNE 09, 2024 Meeting 1stQ-2024 OSG Report asked: Subordinate Granges please send a copy of your By-Laws to OSG. Has this request been met? APRIL was GRANGE Month: At our March 24th meeting, we wanted to show our support to the FFA. NM and Canby Schools have been contacted : FFA Banners are spendy approx. $400. How do we show involvement? What is the current status? Clackamas County Fair –GRANGE BOOTH: ‘Moovin' n Groovin' is the August 13 -17, 2024 theme at the Clackamas County Fair. Registrations are online only - Deadline to Register is July 26,. I will be Registering Maplewood for the Horning Hall Booth Display on Monday, July 22nd via the online portal. NOTE: the Booth set-up date is: Sunday, AUGUST 11 (9am - 6pm), Take down date is : August 18 (9am - 4pm). Dan suggested: It does seem like a natural tie in to Chaps and Zumba activities at the Grange. Thought it would be great to incorporate the ‘Moovin' n Groovin' idea with Maplewood Grange and dance. In terms of ideas, Dan tried AI (Artificial Intelligence) media and it does seem to work. Betty thought: If we could create cows in sq. dance attire & Zumba leotards, that would be a hoot -.with other animals (owls, goats and pigs, etc.) in the audience watching. Dan and JoAnn can help with Set-up, maybe takedown, now we need to get creative. Who is interested to meet at the Grange at 5:30 on Sunday, July 21st to brainstorm our ideas and the possibilities? >>> OREGON STATE GRANGE <<< Correspondence from Jay Sexton, dated June 6, 2024 enclosed:
>>> Clackamas POMONA GRANGE <<<
- Roberta works Tuesday+Wednesday, - Keeleys + Betty/Terry scheduled for 8/15 at 10am - 1pm,.
April Minutes4/28/2024 Meeting started at 4:35pm
Members present: Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Mindy Ferris, Sandy Shew, Troy Bayless JoAnn Keeley will be acting secretary because Betty Chipps is absent. Since we didn’t have a quorum we can’t vote or approve business. Minutes were sent by email to members previous to the meeting. Those present did not have any changes. Committee Reports: Dan: Hall - There are 7 party rentals on the books as of today. Agriculture - Ag Fest in Salem went well. The state grange booth was busy. There were quite a few people overall at the event. Education – There was a teacher at Canby High School that received an award for excellence. Legislative – Dan encouraged everyone to study their voter’s pamphlets and vote. Pomona – There were over 60 resolutions presented to Pomona from individual granges and some that are sunsetting this year that will be voted on at the State Grange Convention in June. Between two different days the members were able to go through all of them so they will be ready for consideration at the convention. Pomona will also be selling cookies at the 2024 Clackamas County Fair. Pam Furlan will send out a request soon for help to prepare the dough. JoAnn: Scholarship – There were no applications received for our scholarships. Next year I suggest we change our requirements to include a broader range of college studies &/or applicant groups. Cemetery – Dan weed sprayed the entire cemetery. JoAnn sprayed around each stone to kill the grass which will make it easier to edge. She also reminded everyone the cleanup days are May 16th and May 18 starting at 10am. Quarterly Report – Maplewood paid $225. The office is asking for a copy of our bi-laws. Treasurer’s Report – Vicki had sent it by email to members previous to this meeting. Those present did not have any changes. Report will be filed for audit. Roberta has asked for a $15 refund to pay for her entrance into Ag Fest. Mindy Ferris gave $50 to JoAnn to give to Vicki for her 2024 dues. Old Business: Cleaning the hall day is scheduled for June 9th. Everyone that can is asked to come at 10am. Dan will send out an email with a list of potential jobs so everyone can come prepared. The members present decided on potluck for lunch rather than pizza for that day. State Convention – Mindy is interested in participating in the 6th Degree program. Dan has agreed to be 1st delegate. JoAnn has offered to be 2nd delegate. We will ask the full membership by email if they agree. New Business: Redland Grange is interested in our old floor buffer machine. The members present agreed to give it to them since we no longer have use for it. Next meeting will be June 9th after our cleaning time. Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm. March Minutes3/24/2024 Maplewood Grange Meeting MARCH 24, 2024 @ 3:00pm
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM, by Master / President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, March 24, 2024 with the “Opening of the Grange” reading (downstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: Don Sether, Master (part-time, while Dan was present with potential renter) . ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 9 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Sandy Shew, Mindy Ferris and Betty Chipps (late arrival). PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary): The February 25, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed March 20th to members. Dan inquired of members were there any comments, hearing none: Don Sether moved to approve the minutes as presented, Mindy Ferris seconded, motion carried, VSO (voting sign of the order). COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) –9 party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Small meter base removed and roof patched Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Hazelnut blight turned out to be locally bred. Growers planting resistant trees in heavily blighted orchards put extreme selection pressure on the blight and it does what diseases do, it evolved. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Sorry, busy this week - No report. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Short session is over and measure 110 has been extensively remodeled. Private possession of controlled substances is again a crime, albeit a specially designed misdemeanor. Cities and counties are being encouraged (but not required) to use the threat of jail time as a lever to get addicts into treatment. Law would then allow (but again not require) the conviction to be expunged from the persons record. Additional money was also provided for treatment. We will see how that part goes. Visitation at Redland – Great pot luck but meeting a bit long. Several resolutions debated and sent on to Pomona. Pomona will schedule an extra work day for the legislative committee early in April. Around 50 resolutions expected for review (Dan taking 35). Clackamas POMONA Grange (Dan Keeley) sponsors a CANDIDATES’ FORUM on Sunday, May 5th, Abernethy Grange: 1:00 PM Nacho Bar (Cinco de Mayo), Cookies and beverages 2:00 PM Candidate Statements - bring your Questions! SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – Schools should be turning in applications: deadlines: North Marion (April 7th), Canby (April 15th), Sandy Shew is interested in having the Applicants come and present their program. JoAnn advised Committee will decide before April 20th. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) Veteran Village donations are due today, can bring into Maplewood just let Dan/JoAnn know before April 27th Pomona meeting at Abernethy Grange. Portland Rescue Mission (PRM) deadline is end of May. IOOF / Meridian Cemetery Clean-Up 10:00 AM – MAY 14 and/or MAY 16, or MAY 18th - Dan has sprayed weeds around the Cemetery. JoAnn will check out headstone grasses. Volunteers 5/14 & 5/16: Betty, Don, Roberta – bring knee pads, garden cleaning tools (knee pads, claw, nippers, wire-brush, 5-gal bucket), hat & sunscreen protection. Roberta Elders is interested in Guide Dogs for the Blind (near Boring) – they take pups and go walk in the country, and other settings to train them. The dogs are trained to aid the blind or as health monitors for their owners. Roberta attended one tour at the Adult Center, main event usually at 10:00 AM. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps) Maplewood visitation to Redland Gr. was March 14th. President (& Legislative Chair), Georgene Barragan filled the missing stations of Pomona, Ceres and Flora with, respectively, Joyce Parker, JoAnn Keeley and Betty Chipps - I was impressed by this. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the March 24, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 03/21/2024. The opening balance, as of February 23, was $12,,202.22 and the ending balance on March 21, 2024 was $12,760.72. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) – Spring Cleaning day JoAnn Keeley motioned to have June 9th as Spring Cleaning Day (meet at 10 AM and bring in lunch), Don Sether seconded, motion carries. NEW BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) BILLS presented to Treasurer – Reimbursement to Dan Keeley: 02/27/2024 All Systems Heating $ 350.00 (furnace & heat pump tune-up: filter can rusted) 02/27/2024 Paint for Dance Hall Lamps 9.99 02/28/2024 Lamp Cord for Dance Hall Lamps 10.27 (lamps-rewired) 03/09/2024 Lawn work and dish soap 12.98 03/20/2024 Dimmer for Ball Room Light 25.35 03/20/2024 Diesel for mower 3.5 gal@$4.05 14.17 TOTAL $ 422.76 additional: Valley AG (2 bags fertilizer) 44.00 Insurance - $ 3,159.00 (standard expenditure) Mindy Ferris commented State Farm has lapsed policies on Granges. Don Sether moved to pay the bills, Betty seconded (no further discussion), motion carries,. Grange Hall Speaker, one more being repaired, cost TBA. JoAnn moved to pre-approve the cost of Speaker, Betty seconded, motion carries.
- Certified Report (JoAnn & Betty jointly) completed and seal affixed before mailing.
Mindy motioned to buy an FFA banner and post out front to show our community support. JoAnn will ask North Marion and Canby Schools: how can the Grange support FFA?
JoAnn so moved to accept our Mission Statement, Roberta seconded, motion carries, VSO.
GOOD OF THE ORDER (none) CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at 5:46 PM with “Closing of the Grange” reading. NEXT MEETING: April 28, 2024 at 4:30pm February Minutes 20242/25/2024
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:40 PM, by Master,/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, February 25, 2024 with the “Opening of the Grange” stations (upstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Visitation: (none) Guest: Alina Blankenship, Sky Guardian Falconer Members acting Pro-Temp: Gatekeeper; JoAnn Keeley ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 8 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Troy Bayless, Sandy Shew. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary): The January 14, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes are yet to be completed. Betty received “20 lashes with a wet noodle” from Grange Master. SECRETARY COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps) – No report. COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Eight party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Recent rentals have gone fairly well except for a glitter issue recently. I asked our insurance agent, Sean Connor, about the advisability of waiving renters insurance in favor of beefing up Maplewood’s policy. He said ‘very bad idea.’ While he has some business interests to look out for I think I trust his judgment in this case. His number one rationale was renters should have some personal exposure to worry about when bad behavior occurs. Renter didn’t quite turn the faucet off, in the storage room, and the drip caused a puddle. Please keep an eye out for faucet leaks in the storage room, when visiting the hall. Also, lights have been left on several times lately. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): . Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (pipes under both restrooms have been insulated) Northeast side roof needs additional screws (nailed through shingles but not boards) Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Federal farm bill has been extended through 2024. Work on the replacement 5-year bill is proceeding slowly with considerable controversy. Some Oregon legislators propose bypassing land use rules to expand urban growth boundaries in the name of affordable housing. This is bad for agriculture partly due to loss of farmable acres but also due to increased traffic and conflicts in the rural areas. Farm Bureau and Thousand Friends of Oregon are opposing HB 1530 and HB 1537 (governors housing bill) for these and other reasons. Grange has policy and opposition, as well. Don Sether reported Commodities horrible as nothing is being exported out of the United States. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley):
- $1,000 will be awarded to a graduating senior with plans to enroll in an Agricultural related field. - Recipients have been requested to present their essa/programy to the Exec. Gr. Board. - Applications turned in for North Marion and Canby High Schools - School Award deadlines are April 7 and April 15. - a Committee member will attend the Award Ceremony. Grange is welcome to go to the Scholarship Award ceremonies, which happen before Graduation.
“According to the Aspen Institute’s Project Play, in fall 2022, the average amount spent on a single child’s primary grade sport per season was $833. For families with household incomes at or above $150,000 a year, the average is $2,068. Around half of those who’ve played or have children who’ve played youth sports say they’ve struggled to pay for it, according to a 2023 Project Play report.” That doesn’t include the difficulty or expenses parents have getting their kids to practices, particularly in families where all the adults work outside the home. Maybe grade school kids should go pro now also? LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Legislative short session is about ⅔ over. As expected, dealing with addictive drugs is a top issue. The Republican caucus has proposed essentially a straight up repeal of Measure 110, with the exception of cannabis remaining legal. The argument is that addicts will not seek treatment unless compelled to (in jail) and that country health departments will do a better job of treating addicts than the state has. Some opposition from District Attorneys and prison officials, mostly complaining they do not have the capacity or budget to go back to the war on drugs. Democratic caucus has proposed more modest adjustments centered on making public consumption of most addictive drugs illegal similar to alcohol consumption, accelerating establishment of treatment centers and non-police agency response to drug violations and overdoses. The objective is to get addicts into treatment programs without a criminal record that limits employment. Opposition argues that the state has had plenty of time to get treatment programs running and has failed. My opinion is that addicts have to want help for any program to be successful. The main question is whether jail or counseling will be more effective in persuading folks and what to do with them in the meanwhile. Troy Bayless addressed ‘wrap’ on personal employment for drug violations is ineffective as there are always get-arounds. Counseling should be effective. Troy inquired: was legislation proposed for repair of own Farm Equipment? Discussed: QVC Code supports ability to fix own equipment - issue is copyright information. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – Membership dues for 2024 is $50. Don Sether gave a $50 check to the Treasurer. POMONA REPORT – Don Sether advised Clackamas POMONA Grange prompted RESOLUTIONS need to be presented before April 2024. YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – (absent) TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the February 25, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 02/23/2024. The opening balance, as of January 12, was $14,244.05 and the ending balance on February 22, 2024 was $12,481.52. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ Vicki reminded the membership that Grange Dues ($50) are due. Thus far I have only 3 checks.. TABLED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) – None UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley): Website Host – Weebly Are we willing to continue to pay for our website ($211 per year from Weebly) or go with a smaller, plainer one on the National Grange site using WordPress? Pros / Cons: National Grange supports WordPress - it’s simple, no pictures & no videos. Troy asked, has Weebly generated rentals? Dan said Weebly does allow tracking - has generated approximately 25% of rental inquiries Dad advised OK to pay $211 since Weebly was pre pre-approved vendor. NEW BUSINESS
02/04/24 Janitorial Supplies & rug pad 22.58 02/16/24 Dimmer for ballroom 25.35 02/17/24 Electrical for Dimmer 6.78 Sub-Total $ 89.17 l Spot Lamp - Disco ball Additiona Fixture 61.84 expenses Mop 24.00 presented Misc 21.97 TOTAL $196.98 Don Sether moved and Betty Chipps seconded to pay the bills, motion carried. VSO
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – none noted. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) Whether you think you can or think you can’t , you’re right. (Henry Ford) GUEST: Alina Blankenship, Sky Guardian Falconry located in West Linn (503) 969-6119. ([email protected]) ( Falconry is the hunting of wild animals in their natural habitat by means of a trained Bird of Prey.. Landowners/Facilities are provided habitat training as well. Mutually benefiting the Urban / Suburban environments with the bird-of-prey::
A business will provide a habitat (nesting home) for the raptor, and through normal course, the natural hunter will prevent damage to crops, orchards, or business grounds. Examples: the Army Corp of Engineers benefits by the hunting of voles; the hawk would flush out squirrels in a Filbert orchard NEXT MEETING – March 24, 2024 at 3:30 PM. CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 4:16 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps Secretary October minutes10/22/2023 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:32 PM, by Master,/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, October 22, 2023 with the “Opening of the Grange” reading (downstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitation: (none) Guest: Sheri Chandra (Chinchilla Show contact) Members acting Pro-Temp: Betty Chipps, Gatekeeper; JoAnn Keeley, Chaplain ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 6 + 1 (new) = 7 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, and Sheri Chandra (after membership approval). Welcome, Sheri! PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Sheri Chandra met Grange members at our last meeting on October 1st and she desires membership. Dan asked for discussion before we vote, several of us already chatted with Sheri last meeting. . Members were asked to vote to accept Sheri as a new Maplewood Grange member - vote was unanimous, membership ‘approved’, VSO (voting sign of the order). MINUTES (Secretary): The October 1, 2023 Grange Meeting Minutes were not yet completed - two sets of minutes to be approved next meeting. . COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps) – two Flyers were presented from other Granges:
SECRETARY REPORT- (Betty Chipps): No report. COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Four party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Dan requests: Please observe on Tuesday’s are Trash bins still full? IF so, then please call Dan and report our bins were not emptied. Situation: PGE informed the electrical wires, on top of the roof, are cracked and must be corrected. Whiskey Hill Electrical has agreed to do the electrical wire repair albeit at a higher price ($2,500). – should be done in a couple weeks (after the Grange Harvest Fest.).. Dan asked does PGE charge for two meters? Yes, JoAnn reviewed the bill and noted one ‘basic’ charge of $20 is assessed for each meter. An additional misc. power of 4.49 ( total $24.49) was noted. Dan will inquire whether one (1) meter can be removed. Don Sether motioned and Roberta seconded to access the wires and submit a budget, motion carries, VSO. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Museum could use some refreshing next.. Repair electrical service wires Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): Good News – Harvest pretty much over with and appears to have been a safe one. Hazelnuts will have a record high crop and prices are edging back up to maybe reasonable levels (and better than average). Oregon has selected a new director for the Department of Agriculture. Alexis Taylor has considerable experience in the Department of Agriculture and most AG groups are cheering the choice. Bad news is getting depressing – giving it a rest this month! COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley):
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Story from the Oregonian education newsletter by Terah Bennett Queer students at Catholic schools around the Portland area say they’ve felt the effects of guidance released by Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample earlier this year directing schools to use only pronouns assigned to students at birth among other things. At some schools, that feels subtle, with instances such as perceived administrative disapproval of LGBTQ+ icons on school posters. Other students say they’ve felt the blowback more directly, including being deadnamed by classmates. Gwendolyn McGarry, a student body co-president at St. Mary’s Academy, says the conflict echoes battles in the wider Catholic church. “I don’t know if there’s a way to support queer and Christian students at the same time,” she said. Youth Voices reporter Terah Bennett, herself a former St. Mary’s student, interviewed youth across the metro area to bring readers insights into how Sample’s controversial guidance is impacting students. Give her story a read (click at left to follow link)– and don’t forget to keep up on all the latest stories written by our teen writers at LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – A group has formed to attempt to repeal Measure 110. As might be expected it is largely a Republican party effort at this point. So far I have heard no discussion of whether they want to return to the war on drugs or establish some other policy with regard to mind altering drugs. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – No. Report POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – No report. YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – absent TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the October 22nd Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 10/19/2023. The opening balance, as of September 29 was $11,165.23 and the ending balance on October 19, 2023 was $11,560.86. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ TABLED BUSINESS
Fidelity Bond coverage limits and rates have changed for 2024.. The Grange, in 2023, elected $12,500 of coverage and paid $72 in premium. Comparable coverage in 2024 provides $25,000 of coverage at a rate of $75. The next level of coverage would be $50,000 for $100 premium AND requires an Underwriting application be completed. Don Sether moved to purchase $25,000 of coverage for $75, JoAnn seconded, motion carries, VSO. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley):
10/21/23 Mower Battery Cable 9.99 TOTAL $64.95 Don Sether moved and Betty Chipps seconded to pay the bills, motion carried. VSO
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – None reported. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) – Opportunity is missed by many people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. (Thomas Edison) Guide Dogs for the Blind – Roberta asked if the Grange had an interest in this organization? The site in Boring gives guided tours each Wednesday at 10:00 AM. This organization runs a two-week live-in program: The owner and their potential dog live on site to create a pairing and become acclimated. Graduation is every other Saturday. HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – (picture: senior couple, sit on the sofa with photo album in hand). SPEAK GOOD OF OTHERS, RATHER THAN EVIL. GATHER UP MEMORIES OF OTHERS’ VIRTUES AND PASS BY THEIR FAULTS IN PITY. (Third Degree - Chaplain) NEXT MEETING – Combines November / December business on Sunday, DECEMBER 10th at 3:30 PM – Join us for the Welcome Ceremony for Sheri Chandra, NOTE: Per Dan Keeley November 4th email: The November/December Meeting date has been changed to NOVEMBER 26 at 3:30 PM, to accommodate a scheduling conflict expressed by some members. CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 4:42 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |