April Minutes4/28/2024 Meeting started at 4:35pm
Members present: Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Mindy Ferris, Sandy Shew, Troy Bayless JoAnn Keeley will be acting secretary because Betty Chipps is absent. Since we didn’t have a quorum we can’t vote or approve business. Minutes were sent by email to members previous to the meeting. Those present did not have any changes. Committee Reports: Dan: Hall - There are 7 party rentals on the books as of today. Agriculture - Ag Fest in Salem went well. The state grange booth was busy. There were quite a few people overall at the event. Education – There was a teacher at Canby High School that received an award for excellence. Legislative – Dan encouraged everyone to study their voter’s pamphlets and vote. Pomona – There were over 60 resolutions presented to Pomona from individual granges and some that are sunsetting this year that will be voted on at the State Grange Convention in June. Between two different days the members were able to go through all of them so they will be ready for consideration at the convention. Pomona will also be selling cookies at the 2024 Clackamas County Fair. Pam Furlan will send out a request soon for help to prepare the dough. JoAnn: Scholarship – There were no applications received for our scholarships. Next year I suggest we change our requirements to include a broader range of college studies &/or applicant groups. Cemetery – Dan weed sprayed the entire cemetery. JoAnn sprayed around each stone to kill the grass which will make it easier to edge. She also reminded everyone the cleanup days are May 16th and May 18 starting at 10am. Quarterly Report – Maplewood paid $225. The office is asking for a copy of our bi-laws. Treasurer’s Report – Vicki had sent it by email to members previous to this meeting. Those present did not have any changes. Report will be filed for audit. Roberta has asked for a $15 refund to pay for her entrance into Ag Fest. Mindy Ferris gave $50 to JoAnn to give to Vicki for her 2024 dues. Old Business: Cleaning the hall day is scheduled for June 9th. Everyone that can is asked to come at 10am. Dan will send out an email with a list of potential jobs so everyone can come prepared. The members present decided on potluck for lunch rather than pizza for that day. State Convention – Mindy is interested in participating in the 6th Degree program. Dan has agreed to be 1st delegate. JoAnn has offered to be 2nd delegate. We will ask the full membership by email if they agree. New Business: Redland Grange is interested in our old floor buffer machine. The members present agreed to give it to them since we no longer have use for it. Next meeting will be June 9th after our cleaning time. Meeting adjourned at 5:25pm. AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |