July 28th, 20247/28/2024 The Maplewood Grange general Meeting was called to order on Sunday, JULY 28, 2024 at 4:43 pm by Master / President, Dan Keeley with the “Opening of the Grange” reading (downstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 7 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Troy Bayless, Roberta Elders, Mindy Ferris, Betty Chipps and Vicki Pounds (arrived earlier) Members acting Pro-Temp: Overseer: JoAnn Keeley ; Stewart: Betty Chipps and GateKeeper: Roberta Elders. Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary): The June 9, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed to the membership on July 20th by Secretary, Betty Chipps. (six present - no changes were noted). SECRETARY REPORT (Betty Chipps) – The 2024 2nd Quarter (financial) Report ended JUNE 30, 2024 with a payable to OSG of $1.83. The Q2-2024 Quarterly (Dues) Report - status below: NOTE: Eff. 1/1/24, individual Membership Dues increased from $45 to $50 annually, Grange remits quarterly to OSG an amount of $12.50/per member. - Dues for 18 total members equates to $225.00, payable to OSG - Life Membership Credit in the amount of ($223.17) was applied adjusting dues payable to $1.83 - Two (2) Regular meetings were held in the 2nd Quarter 2024 (Membership attendance, each meeting: APR 28 = 5, MAY -No Mtg, JUNE 9 = 7). - Date Report approved: 07/28/2024 - Does your Grange have a Commercial Kitchen? NO Do you rent it out? YES - Has your Grange filed, for 2023, its 990-N form (e-Postcard)? YES Please send a copy to the OSG Office. Maplewood subordinate Grange Q2-2024 report was signed by Secretary and Master/President, Dan Keeley; Seal was affixed, and disbursed to OSG. Vicki Pounds, Grange Treasurer, issued a check to Oregon State Grange for $1.83 and Betty Chipps enclosed Maplewood Grange 990-N e-postcard “accepted” filing with the IRS. COMMITTEE REPORTS: HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) – not 2 but 3 party rentals scheduled as noted by Vicki (included Dec 7 - Judith Diaz). Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Electrical outlet installed outside around the corner from the rear door. It is for renters and/or RV parked here during some square dance meetings. Our grange lawyer asked that we name Oregon State Grange as another additional insured on our contracts. New contracts going out will contain this requirement. Discussed Grange insurance; does NOT provide coverage IF alcohol is on premises. However State Grange allows if renter insurance is provided by licensed OLCL server. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley) Women’s bathroom window restoration - finished and functional Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eaves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Sprinkler Tractor was vandalized - Thursday evening, 7/25/24, camera records show SUV, parking logs were kicked away and Sprinkler damaged. Dan will attempt to repair it. Bathroom floors and ball room & dining room upholstery have been cleaned by Stanley Steemer (see expense reimbursement). STATE SESSION (Dan Keeley) – OSG agriculture policy, after 10 years, most of the policy was expiring (policy sunsets after 10 years). I rewrote and updated most of the policy statements which were then reviewed and edited by a Clackamas Pomona committee. the policy statements were then debated at the State Session and passed almost intact.Numerous other policies were updated and some new ones passed. (Summary in notebook.) Session was pretty good with several valuable seminars and lots of fellowship. Attendance, however, continues to decline with maybe 150-160 attendees. Sonny Hays-Eberts, (state grange WebMaster), was elected State President. He told me he intends to be more focused on visiting /assisting local granges and less on the administrative duties of the office, which he expects the staff to mostly handle. Mindy Ferris was in attendance and received the 6th Degree at State Session. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – A major hazelnut plant and CoOp geared toward processing retail bags, Hazelnut Growers of Oregon (HGO), has been mismanaged, out-of-business, is being sold … we will see whether whole or as salvage. HGO merged with Wilco eight (8) years ago and has lost money since. Wilco’s board dumped the news on their growers a couple of months ago that they would not have a processor this fall. So much for CoOps looking out for their grower/owners interests. Troy Bayless reported he went up the Valley and 20-ton bales on hay trucks (regulated to be tarped) were NOT tarped Dried fodder blows onto the car windshields and into the grills. Not being tarped blows dry tinder and is a fire hazard too. Dan proposed a Grange Resolution be presented for the next Legislative Session. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – The party is over when it comes to Pandemic related funding for schools and much else. Newberg schools, in my area, are looking at a 20+ percent budget cut which is going to eliminate most extracurricular activities and a good amount of curriculum as well (i.e. vocational classes). One side says the board should have cut back way earlier in anticipation and the other side says the state should have maintained the higher budget level as quality education is worth it. The higher budget level during and after the pandemic covered remote learning costs and much else but not sports, clubs, etc. The state budget committee is going to have its work cut out for it. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Dan is participating in a Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) campaign. The usual conspiracy theories and falsehoods are cropping up online. Please read up carefully before voting in November. One major opposition talking point is that a candidate could get elected without having the most first choice votes. This is true but only relevant if you don’t value second choice votes. It can also happen in a runoff election if the leading candidate gets beat in the runoff election. MEMBERSHIP(Betty Chipps) –Two Memberships are outstanding - Reminder Notice sent. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – requirements for next year? There were no applicants this year under the Agriculture and/or Forestry programs. Troy Bayless suggested expanding to include Trade Schools (carpentry, electrical, welding, etc.). PEO suggested go to the school Counselors i.e. Canby has a school table open for one evening of Scholarship - perhaps place a Grange table at Canby’s Scholarship day. Troy will check into North Marion Schools. JoAnn moved to continue with Agriculture and Forestry Scholarships and also open to include Trade School subjects, Troy seconded, motion carries VSO. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the July 28, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 07/26/2024. The opening balance, as of June 7, 2024 was $12,370.49 and the ending balance on July 26, 2024 was $12,792.99. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) CLACKAMAS POMONA Cookie Booth: Pam Furlan, Chair, is looking for folks to work in the Cookie Booth fundraiser during the Clackamas County Fair on August 13-17 and soon to help mix cookie dough. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Set a date for cemetery maintenance this fall? Postponed till August meeting. Status: Posts are falling down and dead Birch tree(s) to be removed. Discussed it would be best if a good rain occurred before digging. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps, Secretary) – see last page CLEANING DAY was June 9th (Mindy Ferris could not attend but returned another day - Much thanks for 1. Organizing the Museum and 2. Painting the entrance and exit doors. GOODIE BASKET – Secretary regrets the Raffle ticket were not turned-in to OSG, which 1. Would have shown our support to the the Youth AND 2. Entered us into the Goodie Basket Raffle drawing. – While we missed the Raffle, it was decided to send the money to the OSG Youth - Betty will call OSG and inquire how to proceed.
Dish Detergent 4.99 Dial Hand Soap 7.99 Toilet Paper 62.47 Paper Towels 47.67 Paper Towels 91.98 Ordered - not yet received via Amazon Stanley Steemer 590.00 Maplewood Website rental 144.00 Garden Hose 49.99 TOTAL: $1,025.07 Reimbursement to Vicki Pounds: Plastic Bin for records storage 16.99 Betty Chipps moved to Pay the Bills, Troy seconded, motion carries, VSO.
JoAnn moved to donate $50, Roberta seconded to $50. Troy requested amendment to motion (given inflation cost on goods) be a donation of $100, JoAnn seconded - motion carried VSO.
Set - Up stations, 1:30 pm Lasagna Meal (Meat & Gluten Free) - for 40 people, Note: time changed to 1:00 pm, at August Mtg 2:30 pm - after lunch , Ritual Program upstairs (Troy will provide a budget) - Betty: The $60 thing is only for Pomona meetings. Visitations are usually pot luck. My mistake.
MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: N / A GOOD OF THE ORDER: In a free society some are guilty, but all are responsible. (Rabbi Abraham) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM (pictured a metamorphosis of Butterfly - cocoon to winged) CHANGES and TRANSFORMATIONS ARE CONSTANTLY PASSING BEFORE US. (second degree, Ceres) NEXT MEETING: Sunday, AUGUST 25, 2024 at 3:30 pm (set as constant meeting time) CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at approx. 5:45 PM with “Closing of the Grange” reading. Respectfully, Betty Chipps, Secretary Secretary COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps) JUNE 09, 2024 Meeting 1stQ-2024 OSG Report asked: Subordinate Granges please send a copy of your By-Laws to OSG. Has this request been met? APRIL was GRANGE Month: At our March 24th meeting, we wanted to show our support to the FFA. NM and Canby Schools have been contacted : FFA Banners are spendy approx. $400. How do we show involvement? What is the current status? Clackamas County Fair –GRANGE BOOTH: ‘Moovin' n Groovin' is the August 13 -17, 2024 theme at the Clackamas County Fair. Registrations are online only - Deadline to Register is July 26,. I will be Registering Maplewood for the Horning Hall Booth Display on Monday, July 22nd via the online portal. NOTE: the Booth set-up date is: Sunday, AUGUST 11 (9am - 6pm), Take down date is : August 18 (9am - 4pm). Dan suggested: It does seem like a natural tie in to Chaps and Zumba activities at the Grange. Thought it would be great to incorporate the ‘Moovin' n Groovin' idea with Maplewood Grange and dance. In terms of ideas, Dan tried AI (Artificial Intelligence) media and it does seem to work. Betty thought: If we could create cows in sq. dance attire & Zumba leotards, that would be a hoot -.with other animals (owls, goats and pigs, etc.) in the audience watching. Dan and JoAnn can help with Set-up, maybe takedown, now we need to get creative. Who is interested to meet at the Grange at 5:30 on Sunday, July 21st to brainstorm our ideas and the possibilities? >>> OREGON STATE GRANGE <<< Correspondence from Jay Sexton, dated June 6, 2024 enclosed:
>>> Clackamas POMONA GRANGE <<<
- Roberta works Tuesday+Wednesday, - Keeleys + Betty/Terry scheduled for 8/15 at 10am - 1pm,.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |