Officers and Organization
Master - Dan Keeley
Overseer - Don Sether
Lecturer - Roberta Elders
Steward - JoAnn Keeley
Lady Assistant Steward - Mindy Ferris
Assistant Steward - Mike Ellis
Gate Keeper - Sandy Shew
Secretary - Betty Chipps
Treasurer - Vickie Pounds
Chaplain - Troy Bayless
Ceres - Sheri Chandra
Executive Committee
JoAnn Keeley
Vicki Pounds
Sandy Shew
Hall Rentals - Dan Keeley
Ag Committee - Don Sether
Education Committee - Dan Keeley
Legislative Committee - Dan Keeley
Community Service - JoAnn Keeley
Membership - Betty Chipps
Veterans - Sandy Shew
Scholarships - JoAnn Keeley, Judi Aus, Sheri Chandra
MASTER (Nowadays President is often preferred) - The chief executive officer of a local or subordinate grange. Generally responsible for overall leadership, conducting meetings and maintaining a disciplined and welcoming attitude among the membership.
OVERSEER - The second in command generally responsible for overseeing the work agreed to by the membership and ordered by the Master.
LECTURER - Comparable to a social director, the Lecturer is responsible for designing educational or entertaining programs to be presented at meetings.
STEWARD - Keeper of the implements and in charge of the physical assets of the grange hall.
CHAPLAIN - The member in charge of leading prayers and reminding the membership of their responsibilities toward the creator. It should be added that no grange member is ever asked to violate tenets of his or her faith, whatever that may be, as long as those tenets do not interfere with the equally important tenets of the rest of the membership. As a result Grange membership has always been open to all people of good will regardless of their religious affiliation.
SECRETARY - The secretary is responsible for keeping and posting accurate records of the meetings, carrying on correspondence as required, keeping photos of grange functions and other records as directed by the Master.
TREASURER - The treasurer is responsible for paying authorized bills, keeping accurate financial records and managing the money in the grange's accounts.
GATE KEEPER - The gate keeper is responsible for monitoring attendance at meetings and limiting entrance during meetings to authorized guests and those in possession of the pass word.
Committees are established to investigate and present information for the memberships education. Current committee subjects are Agriculture, Legislative, Education and Youth.
Master - Dan Keeley
Overseer - Don Sether
Lecturer - Roberta Elders
Steward - JoAnn Keeley
Lady Assistant Steward - Mindy Ferris
Assistant Steward - Mike Ellis
Gate Keeper - Sandy Shew
Secretary - Betty Chipps
Treasurer - Vickie Pounds
Chaplain - Troy Bayless
Ceres - Sheri Chandra
Executive Committee
JoAnn Keeley
Vicki Pounds
Sandy Shew
Hall Rentals - Dan Keeley
Ag Committee - Don Sether
Education Committee - Dan Keeley
Legislative Committee - Dan Keeley
Community Service - JoAnn Keeley
Membership - Betty Chipps
Veterans - Sandy Shew
Scholarships - JoAnn Keeley, Judi Aus, Sheri Chandra
MASTER (Nowadays President is often preferred) - The chief executive officer of a local or subordinate grange. Generally responsible for overall leadership, conducting meetings and maintaining a disciplined and welcoming attitude among the membership.
OVERSEER - The second in command generally responsible for overseeing the work agreed to by the membership and ordered by the Master.
LECTURER - Comparable to a social director, the Lecturer is responsible for designing educational or entertaining programs to be presented at meetings.
STEWARD - Keeper of the implements and in charge of the physical assets of the grange hall.
CHAPLAIN - The member in charge of leading prayers and reminding the membership of their responsibilities toward the creator. It should be added that no grange member is ever asked to violate tenets of his or her faith, whatever that may be, as long as those tenets do not interfere with the equally important tenets of the rest of the membership. As a result Grange membership has always been open to all people of good will regardless of their religious affiliation.
SECRETARY - The secretary is responsible for keeping and posting accurate records of the meetings, carrying on correspondence as required, keeping photos of grange functions and other records as directed by the Master.
TREASURER - The treasurer is responsible for paying authorized bills, keeping accurate financial records and managing the money in the grange's accounts.
GATE KEEPER - The gate keeper is responsible for monitoring attendance at meetings and limiting entrance during meetings to authorized guests and those in possession of the pass word.
Committees are established to investigate and present information for the memberships education. Current committee subjects are Agriculture, Legislative, Education and Youth.