Members present (7): Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Betty Chipps, Sandi Shew, Kathie & Doug Femrite and Vicki Pounds.
Visitations: None Guests: None
Members acting Pro-Temp: JoAnn Keeley, Overseer; Vicki Pounds, Lecturer.
Thought for the month:
Sow an act and you reap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow a character and you reap a destiny. James Allen (28 November 1864 – 24 January 1912) was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books
Roberta Elders, with Chaps & Petticoats (a Grange renter).
During this COVID season 2020, Roberta Elders has been very helpful with Grange interior painting and asks frequently what is happening with the Grange?. Roberta is interested in being an ‘Active’ Granger.
In that Roberta is known well by the grange members present, Dan Keeley asked if there was any discussion? Given no discussion, a show of hands was asked to accept Roberta into the Grange - voting was unanimous.
MEMBERSHIP Report: (Betty Chipps): Maplewood Grange.ended 2020 year with 16 members.
Betty will send reminders: Time to renew memberships - $45 payable to Maplewood.Grange.
MINUTES (Secretary):
Minutes from September 27, 2020 and October 25,2020 general meetings were emailed 12/24//20.
Note: November 22, 2020 general meeting was canceled.
COMMUNICATION (Secretary): See last page
Hall (Dan Keeley) – Septic tank has been located. It is steel, approx. 800 gallon capacity and pretty much rusted out. It is out about 8 feet from the building and about 2 feet under the surface.
Regarding the Septic, Dan has questions:
- Permit will be required to replace tank - cost? When to tackle the project? …likely Spring.
- Is the Septic leaking into the well?
- Is the drain field leaking into the well?
- Where is the drain field? Drain field is likely on the neighbor's field.
- Title Search may run $100, do we move on that?
- How should project be approached? CODE versus EXISTING
- Tank capacity recommended is: 1500/gal versus existing capacity is approx. 800/galHall – Projects (in priority order):
Roof on SE (correction SW) end of building needed patched – completed 11/2020
Mower shed – completed (sitting on pick-up). Discussed best placement was rear-end of Grange.
Rear yard becoming too rough for mowing. Needs renovation (in progress), rodents need trapped Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project plus:
Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project
Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project
Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need glued and paintedEntrance porch needs refinished
Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021
Dance hall seating upholstery stained, needs replaced - Deferred until Covid resolved.
Northeast side roofing screws
Kitchen needs exhaust fan
Need new rugs in front entry (inside and out)
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
Agriculture (Dan Keeley) – Hazelnut industry is facing a second mutated blight strain on the east coast that appears to be capable of wiping out our resistant trees. The new strain is so far confined to the area East of the Rocky Mountains. Please avoid bringing any hazelnut related plant material into Oregon. Some east coast nurseries are selling such stock on line in spite of a quarantine. If you see trees for sale from outside of Oregon please bring it to the Master’s attention.
Education (Dan Keeley) – Governor has changed the school closure rules to advisory and put teaches at the head of the line for vaccine, essentially punting the issue to local school boards. While individual schools are probably in the best position to make this decision, the schools will have to balance benefit to children against possible liability and risks to staff. Be a hot time at the school board meeting this month!
Legislative (Dan Keeley) – Another special session (third one) is in the history books. Resulted in passing all four proposed bills by large margins. Minority party complaints again centered around limited public input due both to speed of the session and virus containment measures. Some protests were violent this time around.
Pomona Report (Dan Keeley) – Elections postponed, master and secretary will not serve again. Volunteers needed.
Community Service (Dan Keeley) – State Fire Marshal's office is launching a program to provide smoke detectors to folks that don’t have and/or can’t afford them. Dan is coordinating/installing for St. Paul, so let Dan know if someone needs them, particularly if children are going unprotected.
Ending balance, as of December 27, 2020, in Columbia Bank checking account is $10,642.01. (see report - attached, last page). Hearing no comments, the report was “filed for audit.”
Bills/Receipts: Vicki advised the current January-PGE bill is approx.$90 (almost double previous month’s $50), heat pump is set at 40 degrees - wonders if the back-up furnace is kicking-on? Something to be checked into.
Betty presented a GW Hardware paint-purchase of $23.94 for reimbursement (previously approved at 9/27/20 grange meeting).
Betty noticed a donation was received of $100 from Judy Aus, a Lifetime member, should this be acknowledged? Dan requested the Secretary send a thank you on behalf of the Grange.
- Group photo for website – tabled till spring.
- Hall remodeling cleanup – rear-ramp toe boards/skids placed.
- Bike rodeo for spring – no report yet
- Reopening party – tabled till spring
- Foyer walls painted – Vicki completed,
- 2021 National Grange - Officers Bond - payable to Oregon State Grange.
- Agreed to renew same as last year: $72 premium for coverage limit of $12,500. - Request for donation received from DOGS for Better Lives (of Central Point, OR)
- Betty commented the Grange used to have a Deaf Awareness Committee that would handle such requests, do we want to give a donation of $25?
Treasurer will cut a check. Kathie will research a local vendor for future donations.
GOOD to the Order:
- Welcoming ceremony for Roberta Elders, new member, will take place at January meeting.
- Pass the word that POMONA seeks to fill the Master and Secretary vacant officer positions - advise Dan Keeley of interested parties.
Meeting Adjourned at 4:42pm with the ‘Closing of the Grange’ reading.
NEXT Meeting: January 24, 2021 at 4:30pm.