Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:33pm, by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday,
January 24, 2021, with the “Opening of the Grange” reading.
Members acting Pro-Temp: Dan Keeley, Overseer Guest(s): None Visitation: None
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley
Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis *
Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward (LAS): Sandy Shew
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Laura Ellis: * Flora: (vacant)
Member: Ken Fessler *
‘New’ Member: Roberta Elders Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Pending: Draping of the Charter for:
Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) - Member APR 1,1961 - until ‘deceased’ OCT 5, 2020)
***** Members present: 7, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
Thought for the month - JANUARY 2021
“There is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it”. (Amanda Gorman, Poet Laureate)
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP / Welcome Ceremony - circle: for Roberta Elders
MINUTES (Secretary):
Minutes from December 27, 2020 general meetings were emailed. Dan asked were there any concerns or corrections to the minutes? Vicki was not comfortable with the Treasurer’s Report appearing at the back of the minutes and was asked if our financial information was getting to the website? NO - Dan purposely omits the Treasurer’s Report on the Maplewood website.
Hearing no further comments, the Minutes were approved.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) … see last page
SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps)
The Q4-2020 Quarterly (financial) report, ending 12/31/2020, develops a payable due OSG of $115.88 reported:
- Dues for 16 total members this quarter ($45 dues/4 qtrs = $11.25 per member) is $180,
- Less remaining Lifetime Membership credit, to be applied, is ($65.12),
- Equals a total of $114.88, plus a welcoming-fee for one ‘new’ member of $1.00 = $115.88 total dues.
- (2) Regular meetings were held in the 4th Quarter:
- answered: Has the Grange secured bonding for 2021 year? YES
- answered: Have you conducted an annual Safety Inspection? YES
- Date Report approved: 1/24/2021
Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed and Q4 report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan.
Ending balance, as of January 24, 2021, in Columbia Bank checking account is $10,528.81. Vicki noted the Garbage service was cancelled during COVID, thus zero expense in January. Dan asked if there were any comments? Hearing none, the report was “filed for audit.”
HALL ( Dan Keeley) – Remodeling cleanup, plus ramp toe boards and handrails need secured
The Septic tank has been located. It is steel, approximately 800 gallon capacity and pretty much rusted out. It is out about 8 feet from the building and about 2 feet under the surface. County tells me an “owner” can do their own tank installation. Estimated Costs:
Commercial Permit $900
Tank and accessories – Plastic $4,200 - Concrete $5000 $5,000
Pipe - $2/ft. Quantity depends on drain field location 50
Excavator – Approx. $400/day 400
Bedding rock – 2 yards at $25/Cu. Yd. - 50
Materials Costs $5,500
Guesstimated Contractor Cost $14,000 - 15,000
Dan indicated we need to locate the junction-box (stemming from septic tank) to drain the field and suggested a contractor be hired to locate the junction-box. After some discussion, Betty motioned to hire a contractor to locate the junction-box for a maximum cost of $200, Roberta seconded, motion passed VSO.
Dan will contact Doug Sprague of Canby Excavating and talk about this discovery.
Dan said fixing the tank will not fix the well. He will check the nitrate levels again, if climbing, then a filter will need to be purchased.
Mower proposed shed location has been staked out (4 stakes East of Grange, measures 11’x12’ - will also fit trash bins). Lumber is cut and ready to assemble.
- New painted metal skin would cost about $440.
- (or) Used galvanized metal with some damage on walls = zero cost. - New metal on the roof would run $120.
After discussion, it was decised Dan will purchase new tin for shed roof and reuse sheet metal on sides.
Vicki volunteered to paint used sheet metal.
PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Mower shed – In progress
Rear yard is becoming too rough for mowing. Needs renovation and moles need trapped – In progress.
Does anyone have mulch?
Septic tank needs replaced - chosen as MATCHING GRANT project
Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project
Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project
Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need glued and painted.
Entrance porch needs refinished
Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021
Dance hall seating upholstery stained, needs replaced - deferred until COVID resolved.
Northeast side roofing screws
Kitchen needs exhaust fan
Need new rugs in front entry - In progress
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
Regarding the Hall seating upholstery: Vicki suggested obtaining a vendor bid to steam-clean benches (attempt to remove old stains) and include an application of protectant sealer. JoAnn will research.
AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley): COVID virus has caused severe dislocations in agriculture.
Health Department and OR-OSHA rules have about halved the number of workers than can stay in existing farm housing. Combined with the high infection rates in many minority communities that has left many farms critically short of help. Appears to be some progress on trade conflicts. Chinese discussing removing retaliatory tariffs (appros. $.65, in field $.62) on hazelnuts if previous administrations trade policies reversed.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (Dan Keeley): If you don’t need the government stimulus money, consider donating to your local food bank. Wildfire relief fund in need also..
Any interest in resuming the cemetery clean up? (minimal interest expressed)
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Most Schools are planning for some students, especially elementary school students, to return to in-person attendance in mid to late February after teachers have an opportunity to be immunized. Articles in our newspaper estimated the achievement gap between high and low achievers has widened substantially with lower ranked students estimated to need an additional 5-6 months of instruction to catch back up. Some teachers unions are opposing reopening.
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Violent protests (criminals & vandals - not protestors) at the State Capitol resulted in relatively minor property damage (some broken windows), some injuries and major damage to community trust and cooperation. One representative caught on camera letting the mob of protesters into the statehouse has been relieved of most duties and privileges and may be prosecuted.
MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps)
Welcome Roberta Elders, new member! As of today, Maplewood Grange reflects 17 Total Members.
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): Elections postponed (until in-person meetings possible), Master and Secretary will not serve again. Volunteers needed.
- Group photo for website – tabled till spring
- Reopening party – tabled till spring
- Bike rodeo for spring – N. Marion Schools do not have a similar function. Would probably be willing to let us use a parking lot as long as our insurance meets their requirements. School suggested coordinating with Aurora Colony Days or Hubbard Hop Festival. N. Marion would include a plug in their school newsletter.
1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS - None
2. It is a new year and time to renew Grange Membership ($45) dues for 2021.
NEXT Meeting: SUN, February 28, 2021 - Maplewood Grange at 4:3 0pm.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:30 pm, with the “Closing of the Grange” reading.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps, Secretary
>>> Connecting with OREGON STATE GRANGE (OSG) <<<
Correspondence from Susan Noah, dated December 17, 2020
1. 2020 Q4 Quarterly Report (due 1/31/2021) - to be approved at 1/24/21 Grange meeting..
2. Community Service-Involvement 2020 annual Report Form - given to JoAnn Keeley, C.S. Chair.
Susan Noah, OSG Master, correspondence dated January 5, 2021
- (semi-annual) Matching Grant application, awarded by OSG, allows subordinate granges to access needed funds for improvements raising the profile of the Grange in the community - deadline March 1 - given to Dan Keeley, Hall Chair.
>>> CLACKAMAS POMONA GRANGE <<< Next meeting date: ____April 24, 2021___
GRANGE MAIL (Betty Chipps): collected 12/23/20 FYI: mail was damp.
- DOGS for Better Lives (formerly DOGS for the DEAF.), letter from Bryan Williams, CEO
- correspondence dated 1/4/21 expressed $25 Donation was appreciated - original to: Vicki Pounds - ODOT (Oregon Dept. of Transportation) advises Aurora - ADA (Aid for Disabilities) Curb Project
- off 99E north of Orchard Avenue NE and south of Ottaway Rd NE - original to: Dan Keeley