Members acting Pro-Temp: JoAnn Keeley, Chaplain & Gatekeeper
Guest:: None Visitation: None Pending refers to Dues pmt
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley
Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Pending
Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward (LAS): Sandy Shew
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Laura Ellis: * Pending Flora: (vacant)
Member: Ken Fessler * Pending
Member: Roberta Elders Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** Pending #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Members present: 9, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
TOTAL Members: 17
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP – Bill and Cindy Sanford.. This Husband & Wife team have been hesitant to join as members, given their busy schedules, however, with persistence, they have agreed to join knowing the Grange will not run itself. Both are Grange renters and members of Chaps and Petticoats - while both are away and not able to attend today’s meeting - we know them well.
Dan asked for a motion to accept Bill and Cindy as members. Two memberships for the July-Dec period is $45.
JoAnn moved to accept the Sanfords as Members, Vicki seconded, motion carried.
MINUTES (Secretary):
The May 23, 2021 Minutes were mailed on June 25th and posted on the web.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) … see last page
SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps) - 2nd Qtr-2021 Report will be duly reported at the July Grange meeting.
Ending balance, as of June 27, 2021, in Columbia Bank checking account is $7,763.32. Vicki noted a $100 Rental Housing check was missing...Dan will research. No further comments - report was “filed for audit.”
Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS:
Dan presented for DEPOSIT: OSG Matching Grant funds received $4,940
Betty presented OSG Convention Pre-Registration third-attendee reimbursement: 10.00
(note: Pre-Reg,for two attendees, $20 check was remit to OSG in June)
Bills presented by Dan: Oregon Corporation Division license renewal $ 50,00
Shop Supplies and Septic expenses for a total of …………………………... 473.22
ACE Hardware (2), AutoZone (battery), Canby Bldgs (bracket), $ 523,22
Excavator Rental (septic dig $240), Long Bros (shed tin $122)
Don Sether moved to pay the bills, Kathie seconded, (Dan called for questions - none), motion carries.
Vicki asked do we restart garbage service? - YES. Dan asked, regarding the Furnace, do we want to have the fan to run all-the-time (generating fresh air) or just run when the furnace is on - YES to the latter.
Pending: Draping of the Charter: (Judi Aus requested AUG 22, 2021 Grange meeting)
Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) Member: APR 1,1961 - until ‘deceased’ OCT 5, 2020
HALL ( Dan Keeley): When improvements are done Fire Chief Dyke will do a final inspection and give us the occupation maximums/numbers to post. Inspection Report: Exit Signs to be installed and Panic Hardware, for two doors ($200/door) will need to be purchased.
Betty moved to approve $500 (maximum) to buy fire-code Panic Hardware (for two doors), motion seconded and all were in favor, VSO.
One party rental on the books for July.17: no money taken in yet until COVID mandates are officially lifted.
Regarding Septic, site evaluation hole has been dug, however, County permitting is about two (2) months out.
PROJECTS - PENDING in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Fire code improvements necessary - before party rentals
Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project plus:
Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project
Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project
Rear yard - In progress, moles need trapped - anyone have mulch?
Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, need to be glued and painted.
Entrance porch needs refinished
Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021
Northeast side roofing screws
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley): Hot weather has been hard on non-irrigated crops, like wheat. Crop expected to be down by 20-30%. Irrigation is short all over the state but especially in the SE area around Klamath Falls. Don Sether reported, due to heat, wheat will be all rice (just feed grain).
Overtime bill (for farm workers) did NOT pass.
Corporate Press: Entomologists confirm first dead Giant Hornet found (in Washington).
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Tadd at the Meridian Road Cemetery favors our on-going maintenance. 10 to 15-pounds of clothing was collected and has been distributed (to Portland Rescue Mission or OSG ‘Keep Oregon Warm’ youth fundraiser).
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Legislature has approved a state aid to education budget of 9.3 billion dollars for a budget of 11.9 billion. However around 0.6 billion of extra cash is projected from higher than projected corporate income tax receipts which by law are allocated to the education fund. Assuming that money materializes the total available funds will be very close to the 12.6 billion calculated by the quality education model and a bit more than the 12.2 billion advocated by the School Boards Assn., according to Peter Wong at the Oregon Capitol Bureau. Oregon has never funded education at the constitutionally mandated level calculated by the Oregon Quality Education Model.
Schools in 2021-2022, will open for education every day (not insisting on masks, at this time). Colleges are still insisting on masks.
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): The remote participation bill passed in the legislature.
HB2303 - Bill Post, advocated to bring back behind-the-counter-sales of Sudafed (type) drugs - it failed. Maplewood Grange’s EFU resolution passed. Also Granges are encouraged to use President (instead of Master) for their heads/leaders.
MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps)
As of today, Maplewood Grange reflects 17 Total Members, (of which 4 members need to remit dues).
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): Next Clackamas POMONA meeting will be JULY 24th, 9:00 AM, at Sandy Grange.
- OSG Matching Grant money for septic systems was received. (more info -- see New Business)
- Exit signs are here. Panic hardware waiting on Bill. Should we just order it? Yes.
- Possible community dance sponsorship in cooperation with Chaps dance club.
Dan wondered if the Grange might sponsor Line Dancing lessons before the Chaps lessons at 5-7pm? There were no objections to using the hall. Roberta would be willing to contact the Canby Senior Center Instructors, Kari and Marty, and ask if they would be interested as instructors.
1. GRANGE REOPENING (Dan/JoAnn Keeley) – This subject was discussed at the OSG Convention...
Don Kingsborough suggested we adopt the same date as Washington DC, National Night Out-AUGUST 3rd and ‘get together’ with other granges and get-to-know your neighbor/community.
Calendars were compared and the date was agreeable. Kathie suggests we ‘make it fun’ and yes - charge a fee for the event (because people find value in what they pay for). After discussion, it was agreed that dinner and entertainment at a $3.00 cost per person was reasonable: we could plan a Magic Show (offer vendor free use of the hall) and burgers.
JoAnn moved the Grange have an Opening Party on August 3rd with BBQ (food $3) and have a Magic Show or band, Don Sether seconded, motion carries VSO (voting sign of the order).
Discussion: Need a food permit ($27), must serve commercial food (boughten items, chips, etc.) or prepare on site (corn, canned beans). Dan will check out prices and send out email (invite).
2. DONATION REQUEST: JoAnn has received a letter from START RIGHT (benefits Clackamas County children) requesting our annual donation interest.
Don Sether moved to donate $50 to Start Right, JoAnn seconded, motion carries (VSO).
3. POMONA Cookie Booth at the Clackamas County Fair (Horning Hall: The Fair is August 17-21 and the Cookie Booth is active, thus volunteers are needed. Dan will make contact and find out more information.
Maplewood volunteers, thus far are: Kathie, Doug, Roberta (AUG 17 afternoon), Dan, JoAnn and Betty/Terry (available AUG 18 or 19).
4. INSPECTION – Site evaluation done and two construction permits (install septic and run new drain line) need to be applied for -- county approval, likely a two-month wait. Combined drain and septic is an option (or) application for separate septic and separate drain - increases cost by $300 to apply. Members preferred separate applications. Also use of a contractor would aid in the digging.
- Grange is occupancy A2 downstairs (95 people), A3 upstairs (150 people)
- 15 sq. feet per person maximum occupancy – For grange this comes to 160 persons in ballroom
- Radio responder system required for basement –unless waived by fire dept.
- Illuminated exit signs for egress doors – probably OK
- Panic hardware for egress doors – Need at least back door done
- 28” minimum door width - OK
- 50 persons per foot of door width - OK
- Two exits from each occupancy – Could be OK
- Stairs – Max. 8 ¼” rise per tread, Min. 10” run per tread - OK
- Handrails on stairs and ramps – one side between 30 and 42 inches high - OK
- Ramps – 10% maximum slope - NOT to CODE (our ramp is 22%)
- Maximum distance for fire escape – 75’ - OK
GOOD TO THE ORDER: Thought for the month:
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else – Emily Dickinson
NEXT Meeting: SUN, July 25, 2021 - Maplewood Grange at 4:30pm.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:55 pm with the Closing of the Grange Ritual reading.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty B.Chipps