ROLL CALL: Members present: 7 (Quorum = 7)
Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Betty Chipps, Sandy Shew, Roberta Elders and Mindy Ferriss.
Visitation: Clackamas POMONA Grange - President, Joyce Parker and Breanna Hays-McKay representing OSG.
Guest: NONE Members acting Pro-Temp: Chaplain: Joyce Parker; Ceres: Betty Chipps
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None
MINUTES (Secretary):
The February 27, 2022 Minutes were distributed to members, via email, on March 25th. Dan confirmed members had received the minutes and asked if there were any questions or comments; hearing none, the Minutes were approved as submitted.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): See last page
HALL (Dan Keeley) – Seven party rentals on the books plus Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts have long term contracts. Discussion of Zumba/Chaps timing conflict.
Rear lot is growing well where birds haven’t eaten it off. Fabric has helped some. Next job will be to grade the area over the sewer pipe and place a load of gravel there and around back.
Furnace has been working well. Dan will call and schedule a service call for the heat pump. Downstairs - the Sump Pump quit working (switch was off, motor was humming) - Dan advises we may need a backup plan.
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Rear yard - needs continued varmint control.
Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas.
Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, and need to be glued and painted.
Northeast side roof needs additional screws
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished.
AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – The overtime wage exemption for Agriculture has been repealed. Farmers will soon have to pay overtime like other businesses.
Don Sether’s brother has 175/ton grain at $13/ton … price is good! Those still in the ‘tree’ business will be more profitable this year.
AG Fest at Salem Fairgrounds is APRIL 23-24th – Jay Saxton is OSG Chair, call: (541) 929-5452.
Volunteer hours needed (for transplanting veggies and potting flower starts):
SAT volunteer slots are: 8:30 - 11:30 AM; 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM; and 2:30-5:00 PM.
SUN volunteer times are: 10 AM - 12:30 PM; 12:30 - 3:00 PM.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Last year time was donated and assistance was given to CareTaker: Tad Lewis, via brush cutting and cleaning of headstones at the Meridian (Oddfellows) Cemetery at:
26026 S Meridian Rd, Aurora, OR 97002. When shall we resume landscape maintenance of Meridian Cemetery?
Portland Rescue Mission project: Collecting donation items of Toiletries and Summer clothing.
OSG Youth and Young Adults collecting warm clothing for the “Keep Oregon Warm” project. Get donation items to JoAnn Keeley - deadline MAY Maplewood Meeting - she will deliver to the Oregon State Grange Convention
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley)
Senate Bill 1521 made it so that school boards could terminate superintendents without cause “only if certain conditions are met.”
One of the bill’s main changes is a requirement that a school board can fire a superintendent without cause “only if the district school board provides the superintendent with at least 12 months’ notice of the termination.” School boards could still fire superintendents with cause.
The bill text also states that a district cannot direct a superintendent to ignore or violate state or federal law or take action against a superintendent who follows state or federal law.
Testing results overall show a couple percent decrease of students at grade level during the pandemic.
Culture wars riling up school board meetings. Sex ed and related subjects are controversial as always. History is becoming more so. Seems some folks object to an unvarnished version of history, particularly as regards slavery and treatment of indigenous groups.
HB 4037A: Requires the State of Oregon to use reasonable efforts to enter into lease agreements for state property with the city of Salem, so the city may use them for transitional housing.Micro Shelter villages.
HB 4064B: Expands affordable housing options by making it easier to site manufactured housing in residential areas in Urban Growth Boundaries.
HB 4092: Expands broadband access; especially to rural areas. Federal money being used. Grange priority.
HB 2729 – OR AG Heritage Program ( puts back 5 Mil cut over last 4 years = Land Trust efforts to protect working farms, ranches and forests)
OSU Agricultural Extension funding and related programs were funded to backfill past cuts. Grange priority
New Congressional District #6➜correction Dist. #5 is Maplewood (per Dan Keeley 3/28/22 email: The district east of Hwy 99 was named #5 (parts of Woodburn, Canby and points east) and the area westerly of Hwy 99 (St. Paul, Donald, Newberg etc.) is called District #6. Around 15 candidates have filed to run for the seat. District is shaping up to be more politically competitive than anticipated.
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) – Must be Member in Good Standing to cast the OSG Ballot at APRIL 24th meeting.
- 2022 Annual Membership renewal dues are $45 each (checks made payable to: Maplewood Grange).
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Dan has been assigned to work on the Pomona website and bring it up to date along with Cat Thomas and Suzy Ramm. Dan’s proposal for a list of things that should be on the web and can be properly maintained is attached for comment. There is active discussion regarding what should be on facebook versus website versus other social media. Comments welcome.
Next POMONA meeting is APRIL 23 at Boring/Damascus Grange; 10 AM (lunch $5). Memorial Service at 1:00 PM.
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – On March 25-27, Scouts were at Oxbow Park (on Sandy River, outside Troutdale) and completed a 5-mile nature hike.
– Bike Rodeo - Spring.2022
- Youth group proposal for rental – Dan agreed to no-fee rental AFTER requested References are received.
- Mindy is familiar with Kevin. He did the Eagle Scouts ceremony at Butteville Church.
- PAC Hosted STATE MTG - 9/17-18/2022 : Contract delivered 3/21st to Jeff Knapp, PAC Treasurer.
- PAC requests GRANGE/C&P handle: Grounds, Parking layout, RV dry camping and overflow lot. - Clackamas County Fair & Event Center - Grange Booth theme: “See the OLD and NEW in 2022.”
Team: JoAnn Keeley, Mindy Ferriss not available daytime hours (and returns AUG 14th), Roberta not available Thursdays, Betty busy Tuesday-Thursday. Grange Booth Entry Form w/ $10 (due 7/30/22).
Set-Up: SUN – AUG 14 or 15, from 9 AM-6 PM. Take Down: 8 AM - 4 PM, SUN – AUG 21.
- AUDIT Report for 2021 - reminder acknowledged … to do.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds - absent):
The FEBRUARY Treasurer’s Report (presented via email on 2/24/22) opened with a balance of $9,045.06 and on February 27, 2022 reflected an ending balance of $8,940.24. Dan asked for any questions or comments to the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’
Additionally, Betty mentioned the MARCH Treasurer’s Report (presented via 3/25/22 email) reflected:
an opening balance of $8,940.24 and an ending balance, on March 27, 2022, of $8,669.40. The report will be ‘filed for Audit.’
- Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS:
- Reimbursement to Dan Keeley – for Cleaning Supplies purchased $19.77
- Check payable to: COUNTRY Mutual Insurance Company in the amount of $2,498.00
for 4/15/2022-4/15/2023 Commercial Liability insurance renewal.
- Check payable to: CCFEC (Clackamas County Fair & Event Center) for $10: reserves Maplewood Gr. Booth
(theme: “See the OLD and NEW in 2022”)
- Spring cleaning day was scheduled for JUNE 26th.
- Molalla Grange #310 – Scholarship Breakfast on April 16 (Joyce Parker)
at 127 Grange Avenue, Molalla from 8 am to 11 am – Meals are by donations only for Pancakes, sausage and eggs or biscuits & gravy – on the menu for both dine-in and take-out.
- Molalla Grange #310, Master, Secretary and Rental Chairman Don & Sue Sether – Email has changed to:
[email protected] - Grange Growth Summit was Friday, MAR 25 (dinner) - Sunday, MAR 27 (breakfast) at Sunnyside Grange.
- In the last OSG Bulletin - members commented they have not been receiving their Bulletins.
- More Visitations from State Grangers
- New Brochures as Membership tool
- Building Maintenance (monetary) concern: increased Matching Grant by $400,000.
- APRIL is ‘Grange Month’...what better time for: “Coming Together at the Grange.” (Breanna Hays-McKay)
– A Bulletin(Poster) Board was presented to Maplewood Grange for development by its members. Think about these questions as members ‘paint a picture’ of Maplewood Grange for display via the Poster Board:
- What it means to be a Grange? (i.e. an ICON among an AG community)
- How Grange and Community come together?
- How Community is supported? (Rental Housing, Zumba, Scouts, dance, quilting, game nights?)
- How Grange is supported by the Community. (i.e. an affordable venue)
- OSG Convention, June 18-23, 2022 in Talent, OR
Don Sether moved to provide $200, for expenses, for Subordinate Master attending the OSG Convention, Betty seconded, motion carries, VSO.
“History proves that where AG has been fostered the Nation has prospered…but where it has been ‘neglected,’ degeneracy began.”
Breanna asks: without food, grown on local farms, where would we be? “For us, the Grange traditions and values are our heirlooms.” “This program is designed to impart lessons to new Grange Members in a way that meets them at a modern level of comfort” … “short one or two sentence snip-its that communicate a lesson” and “impart upon New Members our most sacredly held values – not only those of faith, hope, charity and fidelity but also of civility, respect for others, nonpartisanship, lifelong education, and reverence for those that allow us to meet our most basic needs (agriculturalist and others that produce our food and shelter).” And see Grange Heritage on display through the“Declaration of Purpose.”
Joyce Parker points out if farms get larger and larger (more Corporate industries) will they fail? For example, in WWII Russia took over yet starved some 600-million people to death.
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (none presented)
You’ve got to live somewhere you aren’t afraid to die - Ukrainian poet Serhiy Zhadan
NEXT Meeting: SUN, APRIL 24, 2022 at 4:30 PM at Maplewood Grange.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 6:40 PM with the ‘Closing of the Grange’ Ritual.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Chipps