Members acting Pro-Temp: (n/a) Guest:: Bill Sanford, Chaps & Petticoats Visitation: None
Roll Call (Secretary): * indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley
Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis *
Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward (LAS): Sandy Shew
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Laura Ellis: * Flora: (vacant)
Member: Ken Fessler *
‘New’ Member: Roberta Elders Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Pending: Draping of the Charter for:
Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) Member: APR 1,1961 - until ‘deceased’ OCT 5, 2020
***** Members present: 8, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP – Christina and Alessandra. Both are focused on Zumba and are interested in becoming Grange members, much like Chaps and Petticoats members once did – in order to preserve the Grange as a rentable space, it was a necessary condition to become grange members, and take responsibility (the Grange will not run itself).
MINUTES (Secretary):
Minutes from February 28, 2020 general meetings - in progress.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) … see last page
SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps) – will be duly presented at the April grange meeting.
Ending balance, as of March 28, 2021, in Columbia Bank checking account is $10,557.71. There being no further comments, the report was “filed for audit.”
Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS presented:
- Stanley Steamer bench cleaning (upstairs & downstairs) $ 432.00
- Payable to Country Financial for Liability/Fire Comm’l Pkg (April 2021-2022) $2,422.00
Note: Insurance has gone up ($305) - increase due to big payouts on fire damage last year.
Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, JoAnn Keeley seconded, (Dan called for questions - none), motion passes.
HALL ( Dan Keeley): One rental last month (FEB 26th) for magic show rehearsal
Note: Scott Anderson, Portland Magician, will be happy to do the Grange re-opening event.
The Septic tank project is waiting for Matching Grant status - though operational for now. Clackamas County will issue a permit if ‘own-labor’ is used for tank installation. OSG Matching Grant submitted (over 40 hrs) – status should be known by 5/31/21.
PROJECTS - PENDING in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Remodeling cleanup, ramp handrails need secured
Mower shed: structurally complete–needs paint + a door (enamel painted). Trim flashing below to ground.
Rear yard – In progress. Moles need to be trapped – Does anyone have mulch?
Septic tank needs replaced–chosen as MATCHING GRANT project, $5,000 application-submitted to OSG.
- Nitrates in well water were the tip off to the problem. Uncovered tank: found rusted out - to be replaced.
Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project
Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project
Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need glued and painted.
Entrance porch needs refinished
Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021
Northeast side roofing screws
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
Kitchen needs exhaust fan
Dance hall seating upholstery has been cleaned by Stanley Steamer (upstairs & downstairs).
New rugs in front entry - Complete, thank you, Vicki
AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley): FEB Ice-Storm eliminated 8-acres of Hazelnut trees on Keeley’s farm and did considerable damage industry wide.
HB 2358 AG workers overtime rules – restricts AG workers time to 40 hours or pay time +½ (OT).
Currently AG workers are exempt from OT.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): The Meridian Road Cemetery needs maintenance volunteers and would benefit the community. JoAnn talked with the guy, Tad Lewis, today. JoAnn will schedule.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Vaccinations of ‘willing’ teachers and school staff are mostly complete and schools are in the process of reopening for in person instruction.
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): State Grange Legislative Committee meeting is April 18th, 2:00 PM via ‘Zoom’ To attend, Email to OSG John DeHaas, Government Affairs chair: [email protected] email I have is [email protected]
HB 2560 – Legislation to require continuation of public broadcast/participation via ‘Zoom’ for legislative meetings.
Allows remote accessibility to meetings and facilitates oral/written testimony from the public.
Those in support of House Bill: State Grange, Farm Bureau, 1000 Friends, and more.
MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps)
As of today, Maplewood Grange reflects 17 Total Members, (of which 4 members need dues reminders... Betty will follow-up).
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): Next Clackamas POMONA meeting will be APRIL 25th, 1:00 PM, via ‘Zoom’ To attend, contact: Don Kingsborough (503) 636-2544 (or) email: [email protected]
- (Rear Yard) Regarding the need for Mulch, Vicki suggested contacting PGE – due to Ice Storm, lots of wood-chips and vegetation matter available.
- Group photo for website – tabled for now
- Reopening party – tabled for now.
Note: Scott Anderson, Portland Magician, will be happy to do the Grange reopening event. - Bike rodeo – Dan is unable to pursue (septic tank and fire code issues take priority)..
1. FIRE CODES – In an effort to pin down what our official occupancy would be, Dan researched fire codes.
We have some major Problems:
Front door - OK (has correct hardware).
- Rear door and stairs door need panic hardware.
- Curtains probably have to be fireproof upstairs.
- Emergency fire department radio system may be required – testing needed to tell
- Inviting the fire marshal in to rate the building probably results in a shut down
Betty inquired - Grange being old and built under old standards, are we required to upgrade to modern codes? Dan replied, some changes needed (upgrades for safety).
Cost and/or Solutions:
- Panic hardware (for side and rear doors) can be done for around $500
- Ramp is hardest - Replacing with the original stairs satisfies fire code, but then no ramp.
- How does American Disability Act (ADA) affect the ability to rent (if no ramp)?
- Adding a doorway to the outside from the basement plus a concrete ramp up to the ground is going to be extremely expensive. Is it even worth pricing?
- Curtains - OK (Vicki researched during mtg - material & lining is 100% polyester = flame resistant)
- Emergency Radio System (Dan will ask local Fire Dept. to test Radios in the basement)
- Dan will inquire of consultant or engineer - if a willingness to assess, then we need a budget.
Betty moved to set a budget of $500 for ‘engineer’ to inspect/advise or bring Grange up in Fire Code, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed.
NEW BUSINESS – 1. FIRE CODES (continued)
Regarding the above Solutions (points a & b, above) – Bill Sanford, can be a resource. Bill works for the Portland Post Office, they start renovation in June – he can possibly get entire doors (complete with panic hardware). Bill also has ‘batter boards’ he will offer for our renovations.
DISCOVERY – TO DO’s: Master, Dan Keeley, will research/pursue additional avenues and/or upgrades:
- Investigate feasibility of creating fire-safe entrance at rear of building (remove ramp - exposes staircase).
- Get Panic Hardware for rear and side doors (on hold - await Bill Sanford’s resource answer).
- Dan will talk with another grange (i.e. Tualatin has upgraded) and ask, regarding ramp:
– What brought the Grange to pursue an upgrade in code? Who did the work? What was the cost? - Ask local Fire Marshall to test radio accessibility downstairs.
- Alter Rental Contract to indicate downstairs is not ADA accessible (assuming removal of ramp).
- Reduce building use to confirm level of allowed renters.
- Grange is occupancy A2 downstairs (95 people), A3 upstairs (150 people)
- 15 sq. feet per person maximum occupancy – For grange this comes to 160 persons in ballroom
- Radio responder system required for basement –unless waived by fire dept.
- Illuminated exit signs for egress doors – probably OK
- Panic hardware for egress doors – Need at least back door done
- 28” minimum door width - OK
- 50 persons per foot of door width - OK
- Two exits from each occupancy – Could be OK
- Stairs – Max. 8 ¼” rise per tread, Min. 10” run per tread - OK
- Handrails on stairs and ramps – one side between 30 and 42 inches high - OK
- Ramps – 10% maximum slope - NOT to CODE (our ramp is 22%)
- Maximum distance for fire escape – 75’ - OK
2. RENTAL OPENING – (Commercial Rental discussion, assuming Fire Codes can be put off, for now). Currently the State’s risk level for Clackamas County is Moderate. 50% occupancy is allowed for social events as long as masks are worn, separation is maintained, ventilation is adequate and the area is cleaned and disinfected first.
Zumba – Is Maplewood willing to make sure Zumba participants follow the rules?
Rules are: NO selling of food, wear masks indoors, physical distancing, adequate ventilation, area cleaned before AND after use, and use of Sign-In Sheet, per event.
- How? Additionally each building user must sign a WAIVER (State Grange provided - the gist is: If one catches COVID, Grange is not at fault). Note: A Waiver makes one aware, however, people could still sue.
- Would vaccination passports work? Not enforceable! Vaccination is a person’s choice, not a legal requirement – health restriction may prevent that choice.
Discussion: Under Moderate Risk (50% capacity), non-contact, social-events are reasonable as long as COVID guidelines are observed/enforced – Maplewood maximum capacity to be defined. Ultimately, it all comes down to the Grange being responsible - thus enforcing renters to be responsible. Dan will create a Sign-In Sheet (in English and Spanish) with defined conditions and require, at each event, attendees to sign and acknowledge the Waiver.
NEW BUSINESS (continued)
2. RENTAL OPENING (continued)
Bill Sanford asked: For Chaps and Petticoats square dancing, we needing to wait until State regulations allow contact, is that correct? Dan agrees – square dancing is a contact sport.
JoAnn moved to resume rentals for non-contact sports (bases on maintaining State COVID rules), Betty seconded, motion carries.
Bill Sanford interjected: On the question – Can a Vaccination Pass be required (before attendance)? Airlines are the first ones venturing to make vaccination passports required.
3. PROPOSAL for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Chrispina did not attend today’s Grange meeting because she did not have an Interpreter who could come. Dan posed this question: as long as a person can communicate, is the Grange willing for them (Chrispina and Alessandra) to join the Grange? As members, they, too, are open to existing liability and are responsible to enforce the COVID mandates and Grange requirements.
INFO: In addition to being Zumba focused, Chrispina (and family) have been active in improving the Grange as evidenced by the volunteer participation in 2019 replacing the exterior siding on the West wall and during the COVID season 2020 with clean-up after the Grange foyer and rear entrance were renovated.
Though not in attendance, Dan asked: is the Grange willing to consider Chrispina and Alessandra, as members, into the Grange? In that Chrispina and Alessandra are interested in joining the Grange, and given no further discussion:
Betty Chipps moved to approve Chrispina and Alessandra as Members into the Grange, Kathie Femrite seconded, voting was unanimous.
NEXT Meeting: SUN, April 25, 2021 - Maplewood Grange at 4:3 0pm.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 6:50 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps, Secretary