ROLL CALL: Members present: 8 (Quorum = 7)
Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, Kathie Femrite, Doug Femrite and Mindy Ferriss.
Guest: (none) Visitation: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None
MINUTES (Secretary):
The April 24, 2022 Minutes were emailed to members today, May 22nd. and previously placed on our website. Hearing no comments or corrections, the Minutes will stand as presented.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): See last page
HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals on the books plus Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts have long term contracts.
Area over the sewer pipe has been regraded, next job will be to place a load of gravel there and around back. Poles to keep traffic off the new grass have been placed but need to be nailed down.
Heat pump was inspected. A relay and capacitor were replaced and upgraded. Waiting for the bill.
Sink pump has been oiled and has quit squeaking, for now. Pump is obsolete and parts are not available. Discussion: A new unit is between $700 (APM pump) and $1300 (Moyno pump) without a motor.
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Spring Cleaning Day: June 26th at 10 AM.
Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas.
Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, and need to be glued and painted.
Front door lock
Camera system (with WiFi)
Repainting under eaves of hall.
Northeast side roof needs additional screws
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished.
AGRICULTURE (Don Sether) – Wheat prices highest ever - if one has any stored, now is the time to sell. Hay is the highest ever to buy & supply is low partly due to the water shortage.
High wheat & hay market prices are offset with extremely high fertilizer & fuel prices.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – On May 11th, worked one-half day on headstones and paths cleared around headstones at Meridian (Oddfellows) Cemetery.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): No report.
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Primary election is over. Dan set a new record - didn’t pick one winner. Kurt Schrader has retired.
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) – Await dues from three members - fee is $45/person..
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Clackamas POMONA Cookie Booth is on - present volunteers include: Dan/JoAnn, Betty/Terry, Roberta and Kathie/Doug Femrite. Horning Hall Display Booth is on.
Twelve (12) resolutions were reviewed: Three rejected, three modified and 6 approved. Website revamp still waiting for input from members - will proceed after July meeting.
- Next POMONA meeting is JULY 24th at Frogpond Grange – 10 AM, potluck picnic is at Noon.
Warner Grange is doing an award ceremony on June 5th, then Draping the Charter around 2:00pm.
CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR BOOTH – Report (Betty Chipps): Registration has been filed at the Event Center. Booth Committee (Betty, Mindy, Roberta, Dan/JoAnn) will meet June 18, 7:00 PM downstairs.
Dan suggests perhaps the committee could incorporate the Heirloom poster board in the program.
For scheduling Mindy leaves August 6th, returns August 14.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds - absent):
The MAY Treasurer’s Report (emailed on 5/20/22) had an opening balance of $7,600.74 on April 25, and reflected an ending balance of $7,983.95 on May 22nd. Dan asked for any questions or comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy & Shawn Ferriss) – Scouts hiking Smith Rock (Eastern OR) June 24-26.
TABLED BUSINESS – Bike Rodeo (Spring.2022)
On hold until Keeley crop needs are met, unless someone else has a desire to chair this project.
- Spring cleaning day: JUNE 26th at 10 AM – any particular end time? 4:00pm suggested.
- CONCRETE BARRIERS (Kathie Femrite): Kathie checked into placing the Barriers around the Sign that advertises activities at the Grange. She does not recommend cement Barriers as it would open up liability: should a vehicle leave 99E, traveling 55-mph, and clip the top of the concrete the road-sign would get damaged anyway.
- Hall additions (Dan Keeley): Dan has checked into costs - need to decide on a budget for:
3a. Electronic Combination-Lock for the front door: A Schlage programmable lock
(not WiFi capable) with 75 possible combinations - costs: $ 275 - 280
WiFi capable combination Door Lock: $ 550
3b. Projector/movie screen (portable-fabric, fancy one is 10 ft. wide for $26): $ 30
3c. Indoor Security cameras and recorder (neither have a monitor):
Montavue (China) with Terabyte HD storage (harder to service) $270
Other option “Real Link” – same as Warner Grange’s system $ 560
(Wifi - canby covers, installed volunteered by Shawn Ferriss,
4 camera system - more expensive but can unlock remotely)
3d. Spare Sink Pump:
APM brand Pump (with ½-horse motor), from CA - in stock and parts available: $700
Moyno Pump (China, without motor): $1.300
Another supplier is Granger pump: $1,000
Vicki asks, how about replacing the pump and maybe the old pump will be the back-up?
Sub-Total (bolded): $550 + 30 + 560 + 700 = $1.840
Another possibility go with Granger pump not APM = $2,140
Dan called for a motion regarding the recommended budget:
Betty moved to budget $1,850 - $2,100 for items 3a - 3d in Hall additions, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried, VSO.
- AUDIT Report for 2021 - reminder acknowledged … still to do.
- Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS:
BILLS presented for payment:
- $19.98 total Reimbursement to Dan Keeley – for light bulbs and garbage bags.
Dan asked did Chaps want the Grange to co-sponsor this event? Answer: Certainly welcome.
Dan asked in the event of an accident, how was the insurance handled ( through the Oregon State SD Federation)? Vicki discussed how insurance was handled, when Chaps had Lesson nights, was through sign-up sheets obtaining contact name, number and pertinent information. Grange liability insurance offers coverage for Grange sponsored events (like an Open House), though each renter must name Grange as additional Insured. Dan will pursue insurance questions with the SD Federation.
Betty Chipps motioned to allow Chaps and Petticoats to use the Grange and host (along with Maplewood) a (Group) Social Dance FREE Night each Sunday in August from 5-7pm, Mindy Ferriss seconded, motion carries (VSO).
Maplewood will promote in the Grange Bulletin, just need the advertising write up by June 10.
- Does GRANGE want to sponsor a ‘CHARITY CONCERT’? (Dan Keeley)
Dan met, at Safeway, a Violin player earning money for family still in Romania. His family are immigrants from Romania, his Dad plays an Accordion and Guitar - together they are a mini band. Dan proposed a concert at the Grange (possibly mid-June or July) on a Sunday. The family would get one-half of the proceeds. An introduction to Folk dance was also discussed.
Sunday dates and event happenings were discussed: At the Grange, currently only Saturday rentals are booked. Sunday, July 10th is Wild Hair Fest which will draw attendance. Summer Festival meeting is July 17 - AM, Chaps meeting is July 17 - PM, Grange meets July 24.
that leaves July 31st available.
Betty Chipps moved that the Grange host a ‘Charity Concert’ on Sunday, July 31st, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried.
Dan reminded that community events can be advertised for FREE in the newspaper.
HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – Dan asks: Do we want public schools to be involved in the education of our kids earlier and earlier?
GOOD OF THE ORDER: There are only two ways to have a peaceful conscience, never do anything wrong or learn self-forgiveness. Pro tip: First way is impossible. (Elizabeth Gilbert from Oprah daily)
NEXT Meeting: SUN, JUNE 26, 2022 – sometime during the Cleaning Day, we’ll meet.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 6:03 PM by reading the CLOSING of the Grange Ritual.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps