Members acting Pro-Temp: (N/A)
Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Red Ink-represents change from previous year service
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley
Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis *
Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Sandy Shew
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: (vacant)
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant)
Member: Ken Fessler *
Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds
Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) **
***** Members present: 8, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
(# #) Member providing ‘quorum’ vote via telephone: N/A
BrainyQuote of the Week: True terror is to wake up one morning and discover your high school class is running the country. (Kurt Vonnegut)
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley): Dan said it was Bill Sanford’s (member of Chaps & Petticoats, grange renter) intention to join this meeting and see how grange business is conducted. Vicki shared that family illness and his long work hours could have influenced his absence today.
MINUTES (Secretary): Dan asked if there were any questions/comments regarding the October 27, 2019 Meeting Minutes previously emailed (and posted on the Maplewood website)? Hearing none, Don Sether motioned to accept the minutes, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried via voting sign of the order (VSO).
Minutes from the September 22nd and August 25th meetings - distributed via email (and posted on the website).
TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds)
Ending balance, as of DEC 8th, in the Wells Fargo Checking account is $16,202.66 (see attached report) ... hearing no concerns, report was “filed for audit”.
Vicki reported Wells Fargo Bank (WFB) wants to add a new security feature (code confirmed via cell phone text) prior to transmission of documents (i.e. bank statements). The fact that WFB will not accept email or voicemail transmission, but will allow ‘text’ code be sent to a designated (non-signer’s) cell - is a red-flag - not increased security! Presently Vicki visits the bank and requests a printed copy of the bank statement.
Vicki recommends we change to another bank, even though such a change would mean new auto withdraw (add/or deposit) authorizations - see New Business (for motion).
Secretary’s Communications - received from OSG, Pomona, other granges and community (see Page 5).
>>>>> CONNECTING - with Community <<<<<<
Veteran’s Transitional Housing Village (status - Don Sether):
Clarkes and Springwater are taking meals to the village once a month - each. Clarkes Grange also offered to help any other grange that would like to take a meal once-a-month as they would like to see more granges taking meals. Clarkes deliver meals on Sunday but possibly other days are an option.
SECRETARY Report (No additional report)
- Floor Rests (upstairs) at base of benches - to be painted (brown paint inventory to be used).
- FOYER TILE FLOOR - Contractor cost estimate needed for flooring completion.
- EAST-side ROOF Screws - still need short screws to be replaced with long,
- Siding Project (West wall) - done..
- Grange (West and East -wall) windows have been primed and painted.
- Thank you to Dan/JoAnn, Vicki and Don Sether.
Don Sether picked up a Christmas Tree - reported no sap in the tree, not good due to a dry summer.
Dan Keeley relayed the Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs (BMSB) are causing damage in the nut orchards - chewing into the nuts. (Note: different from Boxelder Bugs, with black & red coloration, that seek warmth within your home’s exterior - get their names as attracted to Boxelder trees.)
USDA’s crop research team is investigating solutions to trap or interject a biological control (“natural enemy”) from China to exterminate the pests. JoAnn Keeley said Hazelnut tree growers can clear tree-floor to remove the dormant bugs.
Dept. of State Lands (DSL) and (DEQ) Dept. of Environmental Quality have updated stream level research - now say 75% of water within the state is polluted...Dan says such statistics could be exaggerated ... i.e. If Tualatin river were polluted - does not mean side streams are affected.
Winter blanket/clothing (and toiletries) collection has gone well - JoAnn will be delivering to Portland Rescue Mission.
HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Two rentals are on the Grange Calendar.
Vicki asked “how do we enforce ‘no alcohol’ (present in rental agreement) - cause renters are ignoring?” “What does the contract spell out - revoke deposit?” OK, can we raise the deposit and up-the-ante?
Don Sether suggests possibly revoking the deposit, after taking pictures to support/prove contract violation.
Dan has tried to get them back to the grange and clean-up mess - if we revoke the deposit that seems an underhanded tactic. Contract reads “no alcohol” as insurance liability for Additional Insured does not apply if the insured is under the influence of alcohol (drugs). Certainly no liability will apply if Grange does not spell out “no alcohol.” (see New Bus.)
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Don Sether reports St. Paul got the State title in football!
LECTURER (Sandy Shew): No report
LEGISLATURE (Dan Keeley): Aurora Airport has hassles. Oregon Dept. of Aviation (ODA) Board stamped approval on Master Plan for Aurora Airport to expand runway. Such approval is being objected to by community organizations: 1000 Friends of Oregon and Friends of French Prairie and various city leaders (i.e. City of Wilsonville) in a lawsuit that states approval circumvents standard Oregon Land Use and public process laws.
(added Note: approval creates a special interest “carve out” to expand only one eligible airport runway and does not address environmental concerns related to Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) areas.)
- Any public concerns should be addressed to lobbyists.
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): Don Sether, a Lifetime member, gave an additional dues donation of $20.
Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS (Dan Keeley):
- Receipt: Vicki asked Dan for more information regarding the $100 bill received, to “hold May 9th date” - what does that represent? Hold is for full-bldg rental on May 9th.
- Vicki received the oil-fill bill for $260.94, which will be included in the next Treasurer's report.
- Dan presented these bills to Treasurer (not totaled): two “master-keys” received (for upstairs lockers), mop, soap, and extension cord ($27.50).
Prefacing bills will be totaled in the future, Betty Chipps moved to pay expenses presented, Don Sether seconded, motion carried..
Regarding Wells Fargo Bank and the new security features imposed (discussed under Treasurer’s Report above), Vicki Pounds, Treasurer, asked: can we change to Columbia Bank, even though such a change would mean establishing new auto withdraw (or deposit) authorizations and new signer cards (for Master, Dan Keeley and Vicki Pounds, Treasurer). Vicki indicated a benefit also exists: being familiar with Columbia Bank practices, there are no (monthly) charges to non-profit agencies.
Don Sether motioned the Grange change banks, if so desired, JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion approved, voting sign of the order (VSO).
Regarding the Grange “no alcohol” enforcement (continued from HALL RENTAL discussion), Vicki Pounds moved to increase Deposit from $150 to $200 to determine if money effects (alcohol) behavior, Don Sether seconded. Discussion: Dan Keeley addressed contract is only binding if the same person who provides insurance is the one who signs the contract. Other: To enforce the “no alcohol” clause, refund should be forfeited if ‘picture’ proof of alcohol use. Dan asked for a vote on increased Security Deposit, motion approved (VSO).
NEW BUSINESS (continued)
Dan Keeley wondered what the next Grange ‘maintenance priority’ should be - floor opened for discussion:
- Dan, Grange Custodian, spends much time vacuuming/mopping downstairs cement floors and would like
- JoAnn Keeley, would like to see the upstairs bench fabric replaced - the stains look atrocious: possibly just remove the bench back-fabric (expose the wood, if presentable) and replace the horribly stained seat cushion fabric. JoAnn recommends a washable fabric like Naugahyde, seen at the Tualatin Grange.
Don Sether moved to obtain cost estimates on upstairs benches, Kathie Femrite seconded, carried (VSO).
Don and Kathie will both check into cost estimates.
Continuing Rental contracts will renew in the New Year:
- The Chaps and Petticoats Square Dance Club will continue. Vicki has compared rates with other granges, like Abernethy rates for lessons and dances and Maplewood rates are similar. Dan is OK to continue rental in 2020 with the stipulation Maplewood be named ‘additional insured’ under their liability insurance policy. Vicki is working on insurance renewal, including the ‘additional insured’ part..
- Boy Scouts meet weekly on Monday’s - rental is a community donation (in exchange, mop occasionally). Yes to continuing rental, with more mopping, provides some labor in-trade for Grange rental donation.
- Rental Housing Maint. meets monthly each 1st Monday-AM...Yes, to continue community donation.
- Silver City Knights and SC Dragons dance clubs from Silverton, rehearse at Maplewood Grange as location is equidistant for dancers and instructor(s). Grange rental is a donation and supports Oregon youth preparing for competitions at the Pacific NW Teen Festival (WA, OR and Canadian clubs). Yes to continuing the rental donation.
- ZUMBA rents M-F 6:00-7:30pm and their contract stipulates clean-up labor to be contributed, including mopping.. Last January their rent was negotiated (a contract stipulation as session attendance increases) and contract rental was increased. ZUMBA continues to grow and Dan suggests an increase in their session rental in 2020 from $200 to $225 and they still continue to contribute upstairs clean-up labor.
Discussion: Betty asked Don Sether what other granges have ZUMBA rentals and how rates compared:
Answer: Milwaukie charges $15/hour and Beavercreek charges $20/hr.
Don Sether moved, effective January 1, 2020, ZUMBA monthly rent be increased by $25, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried (VSO).
- Clackamas POMONA Meeting is: SAT, 1/25/2020 at 10am the Abernethy Grange, $2 lunch.
- Don Sether advised the POMONA Training Conference is SUN, JAN 26, 2020 at 1-5pm at Molalla Grange (bring finger foods).
NEXT Maplewood Meeting:
SUN, January 26, 2020 - Maplewood Grange: “NO” Potluck, Meeting 4:30pm (snacks OK).
Meeting Adjourned: at 4:12 pm by Dan Keeley with ‘Closing of the Grange’ reading.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps, Secretary
Communications (Secretary, Betty Chipps):
>>>>> CONNECTING with STATE <<<<<
Oregon State Grange (OSG)
- Correspondence from Master, Susan Noah:
- OCT 23, 2019 Nomination for Officers of the OSG - to be received at OSG office by JAN 25, 2020.
- OCT 31, 2019 Subordinate/Community Grange Roster Information (request for elected officers/committee chairs) - due to OSG by DEC 1st - EMAILED & hard-copy (w/seal & signatures) MAILED 11/29.
- OCT 31, 2019 Grange Hall Safety Checklist - recommended tool for in-house assessment of hall’s safe-working condition and record of inspections.
- NOV 5, 2019 Acknowledgement of Maplewood’s Bonding Ins. ($72 check for $12,500 coverage) was received and OSG submitted to the National Grange.
- Received NOV 1, 2019 from Paula Herrick, OSG Education Director: OSG sponsors AG in the Classroom- Volunteer Classroom Readers are encouraged, call (541) 741-1046 to promote Grange outreach in your community. 2019-2020 School-Year Calendar - recommend display/post on Grange board (foyer, upstairs).
- OCT 26, 2019 Correspondence from Joyce Parker, OSG-Dist.#4 Hosting Committee Chair to OSG St.Convention: reports a profit of $3.547.70 was made, added to the carry forward balance of $2,239.89 = $5, 787.50 Checking balance. Joyce is recommending $4,000 be converted to a 36-month CD at Clackamas Fed. C.U. (see letter for other recommendations). A special thanks went out to 17 Granges that contributed time, money or volunteered.
>>>>> CONNECTING - with POMONA <<<<<<
Clackamas POMONA Grange #1
- Received NOV 1, 2019 from Sandi Ludi, POMONA Secretary: Clackamas POMONA Grange Roster - request for 2020 Officers/Committee Chairs, due by December 15 - needs Master & Secretary signatures.
- JAN 25, 2020 (SAT), Clackamas-POMONA Meeting, Abernethy Grange, OR-City, 10:00am, lunch $2
>>>>> CONNECTING - with other Granges <<<<<<
- 2nd TUESDAYS, 10:00 - Noon, Eagle Creek Grange, ADULT CRAFT CLASSES (see schedule upstairs classes DEC 10, 2019 and JAN 14, 2020).
- JAN 4, 2020 (SAT), Springwater Grange, Estacada: “All-you-can-eat” Pancake Breakfast, $5
>>>>> CONNECTING - with Community <<<<<<
- Veterans Transitional Housing Project (status? see Minutes)
- Received Thank-You Letter from Silver City Squares for teen support (donated use of the hall for rehearsal and instruction) and Newsletter acknowledging Pacific NW Teen Festival Competitions/Awards earned in May 2019.
NEXT MTG: (SUN) January 26, 2020 Time: 4:30pm