Visitation: (none) Guest: Sheri Chandra (Chinchilla Show contact)
Members acting Pro-Temp: Betty Chipps, Gatekeeper; JoAnn Keeley, Chaplain
ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 6 + 1 (new) = 7 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, and Sheri Chandra (after membership approval). Welcome, Sheri!
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Sheri Chandra met Grange members at our last meeting on October 1st and she desires membership.
Dan asked for discussion before we vote, several of us already chatted with Sheri last meeting. .
Members were asked to vote to accept Sheri as a new Maplewood Grange member - vote was unanimous, membership ‘approved’, VSO (voting sign of the order).
MINUTES (Secretary): The October 1, 2023 Grange Meeting Minutes were not yet completed - two sets of minutes to be approved next meeting. .
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps) – two Flyers were presented from other Granges:
- Springwater invitation to Visitation of the Clackamas Pomona Grange on OCT 23rd, 6:30pm potluck, 7:30 pm meeting.. Donation request:
bring new socks for their ‘Socktober Collection to stock the Estacada School Clothes Closet AND non-perishable food for the Estacada Area Food Bank. - Garfield Grange is hosting the 4th Quarter Clackamas Pomona Grange meeting OCT 28th (the same day as Maplewood’s Harvest Festival). 9:30 AM meeting, Noon - lunch served $5, then 1:00 PM Lecturer’s Program AND bring your pumpkin, - for the Pumpkin Contest, to be held afterwards.
SECRETARY REPORT- (Betty Chipps): No report.
HALL (Dan Keeley) – Four party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Dan requests: Please observe on Tuesday’s are Trash bins still full? IF so, then please call Dan and report our bins were not emptied.
Situation: PGE informed the electrical wires, on top of the roof, are cracked and must be corrected. Whiskey Hill Electrical has agreed to do the electrical wire repair albeit at a higher price ($2,500). – should be done in a couple weeks (after the Grange Harvest Fest.)..
Dan asked does PGE charge for two meters? Yes, JoAnn reviewed the bill and noted one ‘basic’ charge of $20 is assessed for each meter. An additional misc. power of 4.49 ( total $24.49) was noted.
Dan will inquire whether one (1) meter can be removed. Don Sether motioned and Roberta seconded to access the wires and submit a budget, motion carries, VSO.
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Museum could use some refreshing next..
Repair electrical service wires
Northeast side roof needs additional screws
Kitchen counters need refinished
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Repainting under eaves of hall
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
Good News – Harvest pretty much over with and appears to have been a safe one. Hazelnuts will have a record high crop and prices are edging back up to maybe reasonable levels (and better than average). Oregon has selected a new director for the Department of Agriculture. Alexis Taylor has considerable experience in the Department of Agriculture and most AG groups are cheering the choice.
Bad news is getting depressing – giving it a rest this month!
- IOOF Meridian Cemetery Headstones – at the last cemetery maintenance, Dan had sprayed on a moss repellent treatment for cleaning moss from some of the headstones (Though moss-out is not recommended for headstones aged or in poor quality or with etched glass finish.) The treatment worked well to shortcut the headstone cleaning job.
- Clothing, Toiletry and Blanket Donations – deadline is November 26 to bring these items and those for Veterans’ Village to the Grange and JoAnn will deliver our donations to the appropriate venues before Christmas.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Story from the Oregonian education newsletter by Terah Bennett
Queer students at Catholic schools around the Portland area say they’ve felt the effects of guidance released by Portland Archbishop Alexander Sample earlier this year directing schools to use only pronouns assigned to students at birth among other things.
At some schools, that feels subtle, with instances such as perceived administrative disapproval of LGBTQ+ icons on school posters. Other students say they’ve felt the blowback more directly, including being deadnamed by classmates. Gwendolyn McGarry, a student body co-president at St. Mary’s Academy, says the conflict echoes battles in the wider Catholic church.
“I don’t know if there’s a way to support queer and Christian students at the same time,” she said.
Youth Voices reporter Terah Bennett, herself a former St. Mary’s student, interviewed youth across the metro area to bring readers insights into how Sample’s controversial guidance is impacting students. Give her story a read (click at left to follow link)– and don’t forget to keep up on all the latest stories written by our teen writers at
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – A group has formed to attempt to repeal Measure 110. As might be expected it is largely a Republican party effort at this point. So far I have heard no discussion of whether they want to return to the war on drugs or establish some other policy with regard to mind altering drugs.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – No. Report
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – No report.
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – absent
The Treasurer’s Report for the October 22nd Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 10/19/2023. The opening balance, as of September 29 was $11,165.23 and the ending balance on October 19, 2023 was $11,560.86. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’
- FIDELITY BONDING LIMITS (Betty Chipps) – National Grange requires coverage be secured to insure Grange financial assets in the event of dishonesty. The Bond provided insurance coverage for at least the Secretary and Treasurer.
Fidelity Bond coverage limits and rates have changed for 2024.. The Grange, in 2023, elected $12,500 of coverage and paid $72 in premium. Comparable coverage in 2024 provides $25,000 of coverage at a rate of $75.
The next level of coverage would be $50,000 for $100 premium AND requires an Underwriting application be completed.
Don Sether moved to purchase $25,000 of coverage for $75, JoAnn seconded, motion carries, VSO.
- Foster children – Still attempting to make contact with a local group or parent. May be hopeless. Sheri Chandra will ask about Parent-Night-Out through her church.
- Shop Vacuum replacement - Budget of $200 passed, at Oct 1st meeting to purchase N\ew.
- Harvest Fair / Dinner Committee – Status Reports (Dan Keeley)
Open to public: October 28, 3:00-6:30 pm
- Door Donation: Donation process based on revenue intake.
- Advertising / Flyers – Event on Family Fellowship Fundraiser (FFF) Facebook, Maplewood Facebook, Flyers sent to Clackamas Pomona Grange, Woodburn Grange and placed in the Oregon State Grange Bulletin. Flyers placed in local Community Centers (i.e. Canby Adult Center -Kathy Robertson) as well.
- Decorations - each bring
- Games - Family Fellowship Fundraiser group (FFF) – such as Key Hole and Ring Toss
- Pumpkin decorating (JoAnn) – two tables will be occupied downstairs in the back
- Dinner Committee (Troy Bayless, Chair) – planning 100 dinners (cost estimate $300)
- Pasta
- JoAnn providing “Jovial’ Gluten-Free noodles and sauces,
- Troy in Friday PM to cook ahead the pastas and refrigerate
- Beverages: coffee, tea (hot), cider, water (ice)
- Salads / Desserts: all that can - bring
- BILLS presented to Treasurer – Reimbursement to Dan Keeley:
09/17/23 Ace Sewing and Vac - vacuum Bags $37.96
10/21/23 Mower Battery Cable 9.99
TOTAL $64.95
Don Sether moved and Betty Chipps seconded to pay the bills, motion carried. VSO
- Current Rental Policy (Dan Keeley) – See last page
- Facebook Account – on Dan’s site
- Website Host – $150 on Weebly (Free through MicroSoft web)
National Grange buys upgrade IF we buy WordPress - HOLIDAY OUTING – Grotto suggested last meeting, anyone interested? Troy and Sheri said YES
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – None reported.
GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) – Opportunity is missed by many people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. (Thomas Edison)
Guide Dogs for the Blind – Roberta asked if the Grange had an interest in this organization?
The site in Boring gives guided tours each Wednesday at 10:00 AM. This organization runs a two-week live-in program: The owner and their potential dog live on site to create a pairing and become acclimated. Graduation is every other Saturday.
HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – (picture: senior couple, sit on the sofa with photo album in hand).
NEXT MEETING – Combines November / December business on Sunday, DECEMBER 10th at 3:30 PM – Join us for the Welcome Ceremony for Sheri Chandra,
NOTE: Per Dan Keeley November 4th email: The November/December Meeting date has been changed to NOVEMBER 26 at 3:30 PM, to accommodate a scheduling conflict expressed by some members.
CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 4:42 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps