ROLL CALL: Members present: 9 (Quorum = 7)
Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Sandy Shew, Kathie Femrite, and Doug Femrite
Visitation: (none) Guest: none Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Troy Bayless.
Dan, JoAnn and Betty worked the Pumpkin Painting tables (grange downstairs) which was concurrent with the ‘family/church fellowship’ Harvest Party Fundraiser organized by Troy Bayless. Dan got a chance to talk to and work closer with Troy at the October 23rd Fundraiser. All three of us interacted with the family, Dan got to knowTroy better, found things in common and is pleased to recommend Troy Bayless for Grange membership.
The official ‘voting box’ was utilized for casting our votes (cubes=reject, balls=elect)
Grange Overseer, Don Sether, advised vote was unanimous for acceptance of Troy Bayless for Grange membership.
MINUTES (Secretary):
The September 25, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes were posted to the Grange website.on October 30. September Minutes will be presented to the membership, for approval, at the November 27th meeting.
HALL (Dan Keeley) – Two party rentals on the books, several cancellations. Chaps, Zumba, Gamers and Scouts still have long term contracts.
October 23rd, Pumpkin Party - Poor attendance as usual but valuable in other ways. Dan got rid of his pumpkins!
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Camera system installation - priority…have been trying to get back to camera install.
Rear water Faucet (in progress) - Plumbing still awaits connection.
Front ramp needing paint again - needs sanded, primed and paint applied.
Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas.
Repainting under eaves of hall – Contract project?
Northeast side roof needs additional screws
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – No Report
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps) – No Report
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – collecting for Portland Rescue Mission the following: warm clothing, socks and blankets; toiletries; and ‘new’ toys only. TO BE COLLECTED NEXT MEETING.
(Dan Keeley): This year’s National Grange Convention Community Service project is supporting the Eddy House. The mission of the Eddy House is to work with homeless and at-risk youth to develop the life and job skills necessary for sustainable independence. There are several ways that you can help and support this project. See Patrons Change newsletter.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – The Oregonian/OregonLive asked the three leading candidates for governor, Kotek, Johnson and Drazan, to explain how they would hold themselves and Oregon schools accountable for producing better outcomes for students:
Oregon schools produce mediocre results, as measured by test scores, graduation rates, college-going rates and the like. That’s true despite a huge increase in spending. What specifically would you do to ensure better outcomes for Oregon’s children?
Kotek: “I will direct the education department to proactively hold school districts accountable for the promises of the Student Success Act and their community-driven plans to expand career and technical education, mental health supports and more.
“I will demand transparent data about student outcomes, stronger monitoring, and additional
support for struggling districts. Given what some of the recent data is showing, we will need to focus on reading by third grade.
“Oregon can increase graduation rates without lowering standards. I have always supported maintaining rigorous standards, but we don’t need to layer on more standardized testing beyond what’s necessary to monitor student progress.”
Johnson: “Despite spending billions more on K-12 education each year, Oregon schools continue to shortchange too many children. We’ve become better at legalizing drugs than graduating kids from high school. “I will immediately restore academic standards and graduation requirements. I will respect local control of our schools so parents’ and teachers’ voices can be heard. I will demand accountability for per pupil spending and improvements in student achievement.
“When necessary, I’ll take on the teachers’ union to put students’ needs first. I’ll give parents more options for their children’s education, including charter schools, home schooling and career and technical education opportunities.”
Drazan: “The decision to eliminate basic graduation standards cheapened the value of an Oregon education and set our kids up for failure in the real world. So too did the decision to suspend testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We cannot expect to make progress if there are no standards and no way to measure whether our students are keeping up. I will restore graduation requirements, ensure there is an appropriate level of testing for academic achievement (while maintaining parents’ rights to opt out) and invest in targeted supports that help students who are struggling get back on par with their peers.”
MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps): No Report
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Issues defining the Oregon governor’s race include homelessness, crime, gun safety, drug use, climate change, affordable housing and the state’s Democratic leadership, a poll commissioned by The Oregonian/OregonLive shows.
Other issues that have risen in national prominence, including abortion and inflation, do not appear to be playing a major role.
Voters who’ve lined up behind the two leading candidates, Republican Christine Drazan and Democrat Tina Kotek, have distinctively different world views, the poll, conducted by Portland firm DHM Research, found.
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Pomona Grange is our ‘county’ Grange and political arm.
Also, here is the Zoom link for National Grange staff member Amanda’s “Sunday Sharing Session” for October 2 at 7:30. An open session geared toward answering any questions and sharing what works.
Join Zoom Meeting
The 2022 3rd Quarterly (financial) Report ended 9/30/2022 and developed a payable to OSG of $94.03 plus $1 Welcoming Ceremony for new member. The Q3-2022 Quarterly report Dues - status below:
- Dues for 18 total members for a payable of $202.50,
- Less Life Membership investment income of $ (108.47) = credit carryover from Q2.
- Three (3) Regular meetings were held in the 3rd Quarter,2022
(Membership attendance, each meeting: JULY 24 = 9, AUG 28 = 7 and SEPT 25 = 8.
- Date Report approved: October 30, 2022
- Answered three questions::
Has your Grange Secured Bonding for the coming year (due to OSG 12/15/22)? YES
Have you updated your membership list and returned a copy to OSG office (enclosed)? YES
Don Sether moved to approve and send in payment ($95.03) for the 2022 3rd Quarter Report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried (VSO). Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed, Q3-2022 report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan Keeley.
The OCTOBER Treasurer’s Report (emailed 10/28/22) had an opening balance of $8,906.26 on September 26 and on October 30 reflected an ending balance of $9,811.65. Vicki noted rental numbers will fuel down over the holidays. Dan asked for questions/comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report was ‘filed for Audit.’
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss - absent)
TABLED BUSINESS – Bike rodeo idea – scouts troop not available.
- Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS:
Mower part $93.00
Paper towels 48.24
Toilet paper 90.85
Sub-total: $232.09
Side-Door Deadbolt: 21.99 (Ace Hardware)
Vacuum Belt 7.98 (Newberg Sew & Vac)
TOTAL $262.06
Don Sether moved to pay the bills, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carries, VSO.
- Home school group’s “Family Fellowship” Harvest Party Fundraiser (Dan Keeley):
Troy Bayless and family had a fundraiser/harvest party on Oct 23. Attendance was sparse but those who came were impressed and indicated they would come again next year. Troy indicated his family would try again next year and see if attendance improves. If not, the fund raiser would be dropped. Maplewood’s pumpkin decorating attendance was similarly sparse but did support the Bayless fundraiser for Aurora EMS. Dan Keeley will likely sponsor one more pumpkin decorating event to continue the support of a fellow member and worthy fund raiser.
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – None reported.
–The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right. (Judge Learned Hand)
– Patriotism is supporting your country all the time but your government only when they deserve it. (Mark Twain)
– Letter dated September 25, 2022 from Rental Housing Maintenance Service, Inc. (RHMS) provided a 30-Day Notice to terminate Maplewood Lease and enclosed a $100 check for last month’s rent. RHMS advised they were more-than-happy with the Grange relationship, however, their Canby office was now available.
NEXT Meeting: Discussion of conflict between November meeting and Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Moved, seconded and passed to postpone the meeting and combine it with the December meeting on Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 3:30pm
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 4:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps