Members acting Pro-Temp: Vicki Pounds, Steward; Doug Femrite, Gatekeeper
Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members
Master: Dan Keeley Steward: (vacant)
Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis *
Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant)
Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus *
Member: Doug Femrite Flora: (vacant)
Member: Laura Ellis *
Member: Ken Fessler *
Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee
Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 (vacant)
Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley
Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #3 Sandy Shew
Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) **
***** Members present: 8, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
(# #) Member providing ‘quorum’ vote via telephone: N/A
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley): None, though we really do need more members. Dan is still hopeful that Bill & Cindy Sanford (Chaps and Petticoats dancers) will want to be Grange members.
MINUTES (Secretary): September 25, 2019 minutes - will be emailed.
TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds)
Correction to 9/22/19 Treasurer’s Report: Rental and deposit income was $670 not $620 (full $100 pd by PAC - not ½ and ½ for OFSRDC event on 9/7-8/19) increasing the ending balance to be $14,786.15 versus $14,736.14.
Thus Checking opening balance (as of 9/23) was $14,786.15, Rental & Deposit Income $885, Donation income $150 (PAC $100+9/23 Open House dinner $50), paid expenses totaled $2,067.42 (including Utilities $156.08, Open House expenses $104.97, Web Page $49, Repair & Supplies reimbursements $96.22. and Security deposit refund $400 and Grange Improvement Project $1,261.15), for an ending balance of $13,753.73.
INFO: Vicki noted ZUMBA payment was received but late and not included in Treasurer report.
Vicki reported: at the 9/7/19 State Dinner the Oregon Federation received $100 in food donations. The Portland Area Council (PAC) voted (10/21/19 meeting) to issue a check to Maplewood Grange as a thank you for their generosity and cooperation on hall rent and RV accommodations.
Treasurer Report was “filed for audit.”
>>>>> CONNECTING - with other Granges <<<<<<
Secretary’s Communication (see page 4) for other Grange events - provided later due to short meeting time.
.>>>>>CONNECTING with STATE <<<<<
Oregon State Grange (OSG)
- OCT 10, 2019 Correspondence from Master, Susan Noah, OSG Bonding Ins.
- Community Grange recommended minimum is $5,000
- 3rd Quarter (financial) Report - due THURS 10/31…. NEED to APPROVE
Note: National Grange requests collect membership “date of birth” information - working with Medicare Supplement Insurer on possible demographics needed to find new benefits. - 2nd TUESDAYS, 10:00 - Noon, Eagle Creek Grange, ADULT CRAFT CLASSES (see attached classes NOV 12 and DEC 10).
- DEC 15th (FRI), OSG Grange - Open House 1-4pm
SECRETARY Report (3rd Qtr ending 9/30/2019)
(In the 2nd Qtr w/Lifetime Membership credit income of $296.81, less $202.50 dues (for 18 members), developed a net credit of $94.31)
Q3-2019 Quarterly (financial) Report reported three (3) Regular meetings were held in the 3rd Quarter: (Membership attendance - omitted in report: July had seven (7) in attendance, August was nine (7) members and Sept. had seven (7) members.) We showed NO members had dues outstanding, the Grange OR Sec. of State Corp. filing ($50) is current and the Grange Membership roster was updated (with Birth Dates reflected on Membership Roster) and a copy included to OSG with the quarterly filing.
The Q3-2019 report reflected the following financial information:
- 18 total members in Q3 developed a payable of $ 202.50,
- $1 was remit for Doug Femrite/new member,
- Less 2nd Qtr credit bal ($94.31) = $109.19 Q3 dues.
Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed, and Q3 report signed by Master, Dan Keeley - Need to approve.
Don Sether moved to accept 3rd Qtr report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried - voting sign of the order.
- Grange (W-wall) windows have been primed - paint needed.
- Grange (E-wall) windows paint to be stripped/scraped (carefully use heat gun), primed and painted.
- FOYER TILE FLOOR - Contractor cost estimate needed for flooring completion.
- EAST-side ROOF Screws - still need short screws to be replaced with long,
- Grange Entry Ramp: Femrites painted and replaced non-skid surface.
Don Sether reported State FFA had 115 competitions go to Nationals. AG debate team won with topic on HEMP. Horse judging came in first.
- Collecting winter clothing, blankets, etc - deposit in Grange donation box (found downstairs behind cupboard).
HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley):
- Four rentals are on the Grange Calendar (one renter in the wings today).
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): No report
LECTURER (Sandy Shew): No report
LEGISLATURE (Dan Keeley): No report
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): No report
Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS (Dan Keeley):
- Receipt: Dan presented Vicki with ZUMBA rent check.
- Dan expense receipts totaling $196.16 submitted for reimbursement ($150 was for red-lockers, obtained from Salvage Yard - placed in the women’s restroom and largely used by ZUMBA for participant storage.
Vicki moved to pay expenses presented, Don Sether seconded, motion carried (voting sign of the order).
Roster of 2019 Current Officers and 2019-2020 Standing Committee Chairs was presented as template for nominations of 2020 Officers and 2020-2021 Committee Chairs. Dan Keeley had confirmed Mike Ellis would remain as Asst. Steward. Current Officers expressed willingness to continue their positions. Nominations were received for vacated positions and needed changes:
- JoAnn Keeley for Steward: Don Sether moved and Betty Chipps seconded the nomination.
- Sandy Shew vacated Pomona position, in favor of Lady Assistant Steward:
- Doug Femrite for Gatekeeper: Don Sether moved and Betty Chipps seconded the nomination.
- Vicki Pounds for Executive Committee I:
- (DEFH) DEAF Awareness & Family Health position is “vacant” due to resigned former member.
With all Officer positions nominated and Standing Committee Chairs remaining in their nominated positions,
JoAnn Keeley moved to accept “members into positions” as read, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried (voting sign of the order). See attached Ballot
NEXT Meeting (NOV/DEC combined) business:
SUNDAY, DEC 8th - Maplewood Grange: “NO” Potluck, Meeting 3:00pm (snacks OK).
Meeting Adjourned: at 3:32 pm by Dan Keeley.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps, Secretary
>>>>> CONNECTING - with other Granges <<<<<<
Clackamas POMONA Granges …
- POMONA Meeting, OCT 26, 2019 (SAT) ... ‘yesterday’ - who attended: Garfield Grange, 10am Meeting, Noon - lunch $2, 1:00pm Lecturer’s Program with Pumpkin Contest: 33460 SE Divers Rd, Estacada.
- 2nd TUESDAYS, 10:00 - Noon, Eagle Creek Grange, ADULT CRAFT CLASSES (see classes NOV 12 and DEC 10).
- NOV 2nd (SAT), Beavercreek Grange: Pancake Breakfast, 8-11am, Age 13 and up $8, and $4 Age 6-12.
- NOV 2nd (SAT), Springwater range, Estacada: Pancake Breakfast, $5
- NOV 14th (THURS), Visitation to Sunnyside Grange, Clackamas, 6:30pm potluck, 7:30pm meeting.
- NOV 16th (SAT), Springwater Grange, Estacada - play at 7:00pm: FLYER: “The Trouble with Harry.”
- NOV 23-24 (SAT-SUN), Boring-Damascus Grange, Holiday Craft Sale 9am-4pm.
- DEC 7th (SAT), Beavercreek Grange: Pancake Breakfast, 8-11am, Age 13 and up $8, and $4 Age 6-12.
- DEC 7th (SAT), Springwater Grange, Estacada: Pancake Breakfast, $5
- DEC 7th (SAT), Fairfield Grange, Gervais, Craft Fair, 10am-4pm, FREE lunch.
>>>>> CONNECTING - with Community <<<<<<
- NOV 11th (MON) Grangers … walkers or riders needed: Albany VETERAN’S DAY PARADE - 11am, “Bright Star, Brave Heart,” contact Patrick Dearth: [email protected] or (541) 520-5383