December Agenda12/18/2024 OPENING/FLAG SALUTE
ROLL CALL MINUTES DRAPING OF THE CHARTER PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP Christine Grimm and Sharon Boucher Both ladies come to us from the Chaps square dance club and live in the Woodburn area. WELCOME CEREMONY COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Hall Projects (in priority order): Loose toilets in bathrooms – complete! Couple of dining room benches getting wobbly Remove old meter base and patch roof Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished 2 party rentals scheduled. Chaps and Zumba still have long term contracts. EDUCATION - Kill the tests or manage the stress? Opinion | Massachusetts Ballot Question 2 and the Value of Standardized Tests - The New York Times LEGISLATIVE – Come Jan. 1: Oregon school districts will be allowed to equip their buses with cameras to catch and report drivers who fail to stop. The new law was informed by Sean Sype, a Wilsonville High School student who told lawmakers he’d seen bad drivers speed around buses, endangering his classmates. Cameras could deter that behavior, Sype argued, and hold bad drivers accountable. Oregon will become just the fourth state to require tech manufacturers to give consumers and independent repair shops access to the tools, parts and manuals required to repair their gadgets. The rule applies to consumer electronic devices sold on or after that day. Unless a school district has fewer than 50 students, its school board must record video of its public meetings and post those online for people to view. Same goes for the boards of community colleges and public universities. A district that has bad internet access is allowed to upload an audio recording instead. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE – COMMUNITY SERVICE – JoAnn Project Sustenance “I am proposing that each Grange… take part in Project Sustenance,” Hamp, president of the national grange said, announcing the launch of a new initiative aimed at addressing food security and promoting personal sustainability. By empowering members to contribute to these goals in their communities, Project Sustenance hopes to enhance personal sustainability for communities across rural and small-town America. Grange scholarships in Clackamas County are listed on Pomona website : COMMUNICATIONS – Betty TREASURERS REPORT - Bills – Dan Light bulbs, glass fixture shade and tool for roof screws 31.97 Wax ring and bolts for new toilet 13.00 Total 44.97 UNFINSHED BUSINESS: Review project estimates for dining hall floor and counters – No progress yet Grange was inspected by our insurance company. I guess no news is good news. Cookie Exchange (for Easter or next Christmas)? NEW BUSINESS: Grange apparel – Anyone interested in a jacket or shirt? Quarterly report Dues Taco dinner? MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: The pen is only mightier than the sword if you’re allowed to use the pen. Mark Steyn, Canadian author
February 2025