September Agenda9/25/2022 9/25/2022 Proposed September Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP – COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Hall Projects (in priority order): Camera system installation Rear water faucet (in progress) Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas. Repainting under eves of hall – Contract project? Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Seven party rentals on the books, up three. A home school group and a church group have expressed interest. Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts still have long term contracts. Faucet plumbing has been started. Date for completion? Front ramp needing paint again. Still targeting camera installation before next party on Oct. 1. Contractor price for painting soffit areas came in at about $3,500. Adding N wall adds about $1,500. State Fair Cabin Report - Free dance night report - Agriculture report - Weed (Cannabis) isn’t as profitable as one might think. Two dozen of the largest publicly traded Cannabis companies are all losing money, $550,000,000 in the first six months of this year. Federal codes do not allow these companies to deduct their business expenses as Cannabis is still federally illegal, similar to what alcohol was during prohibition. However 19 states have locally legalized sale and use of the substance and sales are projected to hit $32,000,000,000 in 2022 ($80/person in US). Education - Last set of test scores (smarter balanced tests) show declines in number of public school students performing at grade level over the pandemic (2019-2022). Share of third through Sixth graders performing a grade level dropped about 8 percentage points overall. Larger districts such as Portland fared better, probably due to resources available for virtual instruction. No major differences found between ethnic groups per the Oregonian paper. On the plus side there are undoubtedly some folks alive that wouldn’t be due to the closures. Legislative - Oregon’s 13 “timber counties” got some bad news: the Oregon Supreme Court will not hear their appeal asking for reinstatement of more than $1 billion in lost timber sales the appeals court denied. Some of the counties are now discussing local funding for local government. Others are appealing for more federal money. Pomona Report – Pomona candidate forum moving ahead and needs help with advertising. Please tell your friends, post on facebook if you do that and put up flyers (available at the meeting) Also, Here is the Zoom link for National Grange staff member Amanda’s “Sunday Sharing Session” for October 2 at 7:30. An open session geared toward answering any questions and sharing what works. Join Zoom Meeting Community Service – This year’s National Grange Convention Community Service project is supporting the Eddy House. The mission of the Eddy House is to work with homeless and at-risk youth to develop the life and job skills necessary for sustainable independence. There are several ways that you can help and support this project. See Patrons Change newsletter. COMMUNICATIONS – Betty TREASURERS REPORT - Vicki (Previous balance $8,621.67, Current balance $8,906.26) Bills – Dan – soft soap $9.99 Furnace Filter $5.59 Pine Sol cleaner $5.38 PVC cement $14.98 Furnace filter $6.99 Mower part $1.69 Mower flat tire $31.95 Stanley Steamer $532.00 Sink pump $731.64 $1340.21 TABLED BUSINESS - Bike rodeo idea – scouts? UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NEW BUSINESS: Request for rental waiver from home school group for harvest party fund raiser. Pumpkin decorating/cider pressing day in conjunction with the harvest party fund raiser. MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. Groucho Marx Archives
February 2025