June discussion items5/18/2017 See you June 25. Till then there are lots of things to be aware of and think about:
1. Entry sign – Lettering should be done Monday. I will get a bill together and get it in to the State Grange before the deadline at the end of the month. It cost a bit less than $500 of which we should get back half from the State, assuming there is still money in the program. Chaps members, note that there is an old Squaws and Pa’s sign in the storage room. You can salvage the metal and use for a new sign if you want. 2. Ball room floor sealing – An oil will be tried out on a corner and results discussed at the meeting. 3. A cleaning day is needed as well as some hall repairs such as finishing roofing screws, rear door landing cracked and rough, tiles re-grouted in the lobby, peeling paint in the cupboards and some window repairs made. 4. Shed out back has sunk into the dirt. It either needs jacked back up or gotten rid of. It contains a small riding lawn mower and supplies for maintaining it. 5. South wall residing. Do we want to include insulation when we do the siding next year? 6. Last year we did a short meeting in Canby, had a picnic and listened to some pretty good music in the park. Shall we do it again or does someone have a better idea? Rentals have been pretty good this spring, we could spend a little on something fun if you want to. 7. Public service – Aside from offering free use of the hall to service groups (4H, scouts and etc.) we need to be of some use to the community to keep our tax exemption. In the past it has at various times been cemetery maintenance, service dogs, student scholarships and roadside trash pickup. Some thought needed here. 8. Pomona cookie booth fund raiser volunteers will need to sign up at the June meeting. It runs August 15-19. 9. Degree day planning will need to get done. And that’s just my take! Feel free to send me other items to add. Dan Archives
February 2025