April Agenda4/27/2024 04/28/2024 Proposed April Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES DRAPING OF THE CHARTER PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP WELCOME CEREMONY COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Hall Projects (in priority order): Small meter base removed and roof patched Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished 6 party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. AGRICULTURE – no report this month EDUCATION - 2024 AMAZING EDUCATORS (YourOregonNews.com by Pamplin Media) (CANBY) — When surrounded by family members who all work in the teaching profession, it’s only natural that a young man would be ready to follow the family tradition. So naturally, in the time-honored tradition of youthful rebellion, when Carlos Ordaz Cruz was growing up in Mexico, he had no intention of becoming a teacher. Instead, he would buck the family trend and chart his own course — a course that would ultimately lead him to . . . teaching. And through teaching, Cruz said he’s found a delightful amount of creativity he can bring to the process. And within that, he can show his human side, the side that makes mistakes. He won’t call himself a role model but said he enjoys the process of learning, not just through himself but through his students. Cruz is a sixth-grade teacher at Trost Elementary School, and his 15-year career in education has led him to be named Pamplin Media’s 2024 Amazing Educator for Canby. LEGISLATIVE – Ballots should have arrived! Please vote. Total turnout matters even if the issues and candidates are minor this time. SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE - JoAnn COMMUNITY SERVICE – JoAnn (cemetery, Vet village collection, Ag Fest) POMONA REPORT – Resolutions, Cookie making, Fair display, COMMUNICATIONS – Betty (Quarterly to State of $225) (bylaw request) TREASURERS REPORT - Opening $12,760, closing $10,697 BILLS – Dan 03/18/24 Electric supplies for ball room lamp repair $7.15 UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Spring Cleaning Updates FFA Banner Meeting day NEW BUSINESS: Delegates for Convention Old floor buffer MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: Think before you speak. Read before you think. Fran Lebowitz HEIRLOOM PROGRAM: NEXT MEETING CLOSING Archives
February 2025