August Agenda10/19/2022 8/28/2022 Proposed August Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP – COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall Report – Seven party rentals on the books, up three. Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts still have long term contracts. A home school group and a church group have expressed interest. Hall additions – Faucet plumbing has been started. Date for completion? Contractor price for painting soffit areas Targeting camera installation before next party on Oct. 1. Hall Projects (in priority order): Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas. Repainting under eves of hall – Contract project? Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Agriculture: Big problems with water in Klamath Falls area. ESA and treaties with tribes in the area interpreted to require 4138’ Upper Klamath lake level be maintained as well as flows for Salmon in Klamath River. This has not left any water for farming or the bird refuges. Farms have high value crops planted that will die without water. Tribes say their C’waam sucker fish won’t survive another year of low water in upper Klamath Lake. Marshland used by waterfowl is drying up and won’t support birds this year. Are taxpayers responsible for bailing out the farmers? Is taking out irongate dam a fix or a disaster? More info: Education: Legislative – Sen. Betsy Johnson has turned in her signatures and will be on the ballot for governor in November. With major financial backing from timber and construction interests, Johnson has reported over $10.5 million in contributions, according to 8/25/22 state campaign finance summaries. Kotek has raised about $7.6 million, while Drazan has totaled about $6.3 million. There are two other minor party candidates as well. A perfect race for ranked choice voting, wish it was here now. Voting district look up site – Requires your address Results for Maplewood: Congress Dist 5, OR. Senate Dist 9, OR House Dist. 18, Pomona Report – Pomona will sponsor two candidate forums October 10, at the Abernathy Grange for Clackamas Co. Commission and Clerk candidates. Volunteers needed for advertising. Note that National office has open Membership meeting on 3rd Tuesdays at 5:30 PM local time. Can access through their website or I can email a link. County Fair Booth – Final Report Community Service – Report COMMUNICATIONS – Betty TREASURERS REPORT - Vicki Bills – Dan – Website $49.00 Bungee cords for projector screen $2.50 Greenpointe – floor maintenance matl. $193.14 Conduit hangers for water line $8.55 Fittings for water line $54.74 Pipe for water line $124.02 $431.95 TABLED BUSINESS - Bike rodeo idea – scouts? UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Log Cabin at State Fair MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: GOOD OF THE ORDER: It is always a risk to speak to the press, they are likely to report what you say! Hubert Humphrey (Newberg Oregon born and raised) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM: Comments are closed.
February 2025