September 20219/26/2021 09/26/2021 Proposed July Meeting Agenda
OPENING/FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL MINUTES PROPOSALS FOR MEMBERSHIP – Mindy Ferris COMMITTEE REPORTS: Hall –Occupation limit signs are up Two party rentals on the books and Quilters will be using basement twice a month this fall. Are square dance lessons going to continue? Fall work progress reports and Septic budget update. Progress report due to State Grange. Hall Projects (in priority order): Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project plus: - in progress Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project Rear yard - In progress, anyone have mulch? Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need glued and painted. Entrance porch needs refinished Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021 – complete Northeast side roofing screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Agriculture – Harvest still happening, mostly hazelnuts now. Caution needed when encountering dust from orchards. Farm economy probably in better shape than news suggests. Education – Schools enforcing mask mandates are having significantly fewer Covid infections and thus fewer shutdowns and quarantines. Legislative – The Federal Infrastructure bill appears to be progressing towards passage. On the good side quite a few bridges and roads will get built and/or repaired. On the down side federally funded projects are significantly more expensive than the same local project. My impression working in the industry was that federal projects were a third to a half more expensive than locally funded projects. Most of that goes to stacks of paperwork and higher Davis Bacon act wages. The big current issue in Salem is re-districting. I hate to admit it but this time it looks like the Republican caucus is in the right – no pun intended. Another good reason to help the Grange push for an independent committee to do the map drawing. Pomona Report – The log cabin at State Fair went pretty well. Smaller crowds in general didn’t seem to hurt traffic in the cabin and folks seemed to be more interested than usual. I had a good time playing games with the kids while parents discussed or browsed the displays. Community Service – Fall work day for cemetery? COMMUNICATIONS – Betty Are reports to Pomona and State Grange current? TREASURERS REPORT - Vicki Bills – Some big septic system bills TABLED BUSINESS Bike rodeo for spring – I am not able to pursue this opportunity until the septic tank and building code issues are resolved. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Fall Reopening and Pumpkin decorating party. NEW BUSINESS: MEMBERS SICK OR IN DISTRESS: LITERARY PROGRAM: GOOD OF THE ORDER: Thought for the month: A society that puts equality before freedom will generally have neither. Milton Freidman CLOSING Comments are closed.
December 2024