January Minutes2/28/2016 Maplewood Grange #662District 2
Aurora, ORTuesday, 01/26/2016 The regular meeting of Maplewood Grange #662 was held on the above date. The Grange opened, in ample form, with potluck at 6:30pm; the meeting was called to order, by Dan Keeley, at 7:30PM. Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Roll Call: (Secretary) : “*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Ken Fessler * Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Member: Vicki Pounds Secretary: Betty Chipps Executive Committee: Don Sether Member: Scott Tiedtke Pomona: Sandy Shew Ceres: Judi Aus * ========================================================================================= ****** Members present: 7, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Members acting Pro-Tem: Don Sether, Overseer; Sandy Shew, Steward; Betty Chipps, Gatekeeper; and Vicki Pounds, Chaplain Minutes of the October 27, 2015 meeting, were not yet mailed to members. Dan asked if there was any discussion regarding November 24, 2016 minutes. Vicki Pounds asked for corrections to the November 24th minutes: under Custodial list of duties - after “bullet c.”, her discussion was specifically off the record and should be stricken from the minutes. Dan asked for a motion to approve the November 24th minutes – with correction: Vicki so motioned, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion approved. Proposals for Membership: (none) Standing Committees Reports: 1 Legislative: Dan asked, with elections coming up, if a request is made for the Grange space, should we accept? All present thought it was a good idea. Don Sether: Former National Master, Ed Lutrell, is Legislative Representative; he will be our unofficial lobbyist until June. Don reported former Lobbyist, John Walsh, quit the position. 2 Women’s Activities: (Unassigned) 3 Youth: Dan read a letter thanking Maplewood Grange for allowing Silverton youth to use the hall for competition practices. 4 Membership: Betty recommended, for the 2016 year Membership goal, we focus on getting a youth presence in our membership. One idea is to encourage farm-community families to join as members which promotes youth leadership skills. Dan pointed out if we are going to invite youth, we need fun activities, i.e. 1.) Aurora Colony Days and possibly 2.) annual raft trip. With the introduction of fun activities, this would be a good goal. Other standing Committees: 5 Agriculture (Ken Fessler): Dan attended the Filbert Orchards Meeting. In past years 80% of crop went to China, today only 35% is shipped to China. Price on nuts is down from last year, however, that price was escalated. 6 Custodian: Dan reported the grange-junction-box (in the attic) was shorted out (something to do with a wire nut), and has been fixed. Vicki has removed the excess grout in the foyer and also cleaned a Grange oven of baked-on spills...it is nice and shiny now. 7 Education (Dan Keeley): North Marion Schools are preparing for the “big-shake.” Current thought is a 9.5 quake will level all things to the I-5 corridor. Average occurrence on quakes is every 200-500 years. 8 Hall Rental (Dan Keeley): We have the hall rented for Saturday, January 30th and Sunday, February 6th. Dan introduced the need for an exhaust-fan(s) over the ovens. Scott Tiedtke reported former venting was in the walls West of the ovens and above the counter island and feeds out above the stage and outside to the back. Scott indicated Grange kitchen is not certified as a Commercial Board of Agriculture approved venue. If preparing food, to be immediately served, certification goes to different departments AND neither of these departments certify the kitchen : i.e. Meat certified through USDA i.e. Restaurant Permit requires triple sink (which we have). Dan will investigate the hood and venting issue in the next couple of months. Dan reported it is time to retest the Grange water ... all agreed safe water for renters is a great idea. Special Committees · Fund Raiser (Scott Tiedtke): · FFA Scholarship Committee (Judi Aus, & Dan Keeley) Opens each January month. Communications (Secretary): From: Subject: Oregon State Grange - December 2, 2015 Letter – State Grange Officer nomination form (return envelope enclosed) - Oregon State Grange BULLETIN, December 2015/January 2016 Volume - Oregon State Grange “2016 Awards, Contest and Scholarships” publication - Communication letter, dated 12/15/15, from Oregon State Grange Master, Susan Noah, contained these mailings: 1. 2015-Q4 Quarterly Report 2. Audit procedures 3. Letter, dated 12/2/15, regarding First Four Degree exemplification at State Grange 4. Calendar 2016 order form 5. New Membership Recognition forms (25yrs and 50+ year recognition) (price for these forms has gone up slightly) Pomona District: Proposed 2016 Pomona Meetings Schedule Don Sether Flyer: Invitation to visit Molalla Grange, 2/17/16 Secretary (Betty Chipps): The “Subordinate/Community Grange Roster of Information”, completed by Dan Keeley, was mailed by Betty (with Grange seal affixed) September 15th. (due date was Dec. 1, 2015) 2015 Q4 Quarterly Report, for 4th quarter ended December 31, 2015, was read: Two (2) business meetings were held in the quarter with the following total members each meeting: October (6), November (5) and December meeting - cancelled. Don Sether moved that the 2015 Q4 Quarterly Report be accepted, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried with “sign-of-the-order approval”. Report was signed, dated 1/26/16 and Grange Seal affixed. A check, payable to Oregon State Grange remit: total Dues and Fees of $225. Treasurer (Kathie Femrite): Bills: INFO: Normal operating expenses paid, without a monthly motion. Treasurer report was presented covering the period 11/24/15-1/26/16. Transactions included eight rental receipts and one (1) security deposit of $175 for total income of $1,690, regular disbursements paid were 2-months PGE and Canby Disposal and included a $6 check printing fee bringing total expenses to $440.60. The two-month period ending bank balance was $7,298.53. Don Sether moved that the Treasurer’s Report (for the two-month period 11/24/15-1/26/16) be accepted, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carried with “sign-of-the-order approval”. Kathie has received the following Bills needing approval for payment: Oil delivery $161.00 Appliance Renewal , assessment on (noisey) refrigerator (Note: center refrig belongs to S. Tiedtke) 69.95 Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Paper products, paper towels and Shampoo supplies: 56.00 Add’l exp. reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Mop head $9, Toilet wax ring $5, totals: 14.00 Don Sether moved to approve bills for payment, Vicki seconded, motion passed. $300.95 Year end tax discussion was initiated by Vicki: Vicki addressed 1099’s would be due end-of-month (i.e. contract labor and non-corporations). - Dan indicated, the well contractor may require a W-9 form which will confirm if business was a corporation. 990N can renew on-line (confirms Grange non-profit status). Kathie will look into filing. - Betty recalls 990N is due end of March (confirm with yearly calendar). Vicki volunteered her assistance, if needed. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Potential change of fourth (4th) Tuesday Grange Meeting date was revisited by Dan Keeley, as two of our members have weekly Tuesday commitments. Potential meeting night availability discussion: Monday: Dan K. has 2nd & 4th Monday commitments, Betty C. has PAC meetings each 3rd Monday Tuesday: Kathie, Vicki have dance commitments Thursday: Vicki and Betty are not available Friday & Saturday: Reserved for Grange and family nights Sunday: 1st Sunday of month not available. Once a month Chaps & Petticoats reserve the Grange, usually 2nd or 3rd Sunday – thus 4th Sundays was OPEN. Vicki Pounds motioned to move Grange Meeting date from 4th Tuesday of month to FOURTH (4th) SUNDAY beginning FEBRUARY 28, 2016 (with 3:30 Potluck and 4:30 Meeting), Don Sether seconded, motion was approved. OLD BUSINESS Once again, beginning March, Scott Tiedtke would like to request use of the Grange kitchen to facilitate Ravioli preparation for his Family dinner nights. Providing the Grange was available, if allowed use of the Grange kitchen, in exchange, Scott would mop-up the kitchen and offer his labor for general kitchen cleaning. Don Sether moved that use of the building by active Grange member (Scott Tiedtke) be allowed, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed. NEW BUSINESS Dan Keeley advised Maplewood Grange will host the State Grange Conference on Sunday, March 6, 2016 beginning 10:00 AM, doors will be opened by 9:30 AM. As host, Maplewood will provide the luncheon...to serve soup and salads with desserts was decided. Possible supplies needed include: Bowls and Plastic Forks – Sandy Shew will shop Costco. Members volunteered to bring these foods: Dan – Bread Don Sether – two Pies Sandy – Soup Betty – Juice (drink) Vicki - Chili Kathie – Salad Coffee and Water also served Dan Keeley asked: Do we want to apply for any Matching State Grange Funds in 2016? YES, good idea was the attending member consensus. Scott Tiedtke suggested we tie our application into the Ventilation System. Don Sether will get bids. Committee on Relief – (Sick and Distressed report) Scott Tiedtke asked was there news regarding member, Jerri Hogan? Dan reported Jerri was a resident and receiving care at Hope Village in Canby. During Sandy’s rehabilitation at Hope Village, Sandy saw and talked with Jerri but Jerri had trouble recalling who Sandy was. Good to the Order: Don Sether invites Maplewood members to Redland Grange on February 27th: Youth Supper 5:00 – 5:45 PM, Lecturers 6:30 PM, 8:00 PM Meeting. The Grange Closed with “Closing of the Grange” ritual at 9:20 PM. Respectfully submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |