December Minutes12/26/2021 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:36pm by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, November 28, 2021 with the Flag Salute.
ROLL CALL: Members present: 9 (Quorum = 7) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, Kathie Femrite, Dan Femrite, Sandy Shew, Roberta Elders and Mindy Ferriss. Guest: NONE Visitation: NONE Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP – None MINUTES (Secretary): The October 24, 2021 Minutes were previously emailed November 21st Dan confirmed members had read the minutes and asked were there any questions/corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, Dan asked for a motion to accept. Minutes were approved as presented. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) … see last page TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report opening balance was $7,461.75 and reflected an ending balance of $7,816.34 for date ended November 28, 2021. (Note: Refer to the 3rd-tab of the Treasurer’s spreadsheet for Septic Project details.) Dan asked: if any questions or comments to the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals are on the calendar (DEC 4, 11, 18, 19 and JAN 15 & 22, 2022). Also, Quilters will be using the basement again, December 16+17. Yoga instructor is another potential renter. Rear lot has been limed, cultivated and planted - looks decent. Moles and squirrels continue to need control. Rocks need picked up before it is grass mowed. Bucket in mower shed. As requested last meeting, Dan/JoAnn replaced the hall door, at stage, providing greater noise control and heat regulation. We had a noise complaint for the first time. County regulations limit noise to 50 dBa after 10 PM. Dan will modify the rental agreement to point out the rule. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Rear yard - needs rocks picked up, some fertilizer and continued varmint control. Front doors are coming apart at the bottom - need to be glued and painted. Rear door sticking a bit when wet - the frame had some rot in it. (cut it out last week) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley) – Decent year for hazelnuts -yields were average with fair to good prices. Enjoy samples on the counter. Current administration is reimposing some stricter environmental rules which may make life more difficult. Soon, a big shot of Federal money is coming to develop more water storage. Regarding tree farming, Betty Chipps asked why hazelnut trees are painted (white) at the base? Dan indicated painting provides some sun-shade and pesticide protection and one can see the paint, thus can avoid hitting the tree. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – researched Cancer Care package requirements for hospitals: due to COVID-19, donations cannot be accepted. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Newberg school district is having an acrimonious debate over some hot button political issues. 4 politically “conservative” members of the school board are attempting to shift school policies on politically hot topics such as: allowing students to engage politically while at school, sponsoring vaccination clinics and the alleged teaching of “Critical race theory.” Several students protested against the changes and the superintendent was fired over not ignoring state mandates. There is also now a politically right wing movement to declare public schools unconstitutional because schools put pressure on children to learn about or support causes and policies that parents are opposed to, such as: teaching about slavery’s influence on the nations founding and the founding father’s involvement in it, and pointing out abuses of developing nations by our country and its military. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Ag minimum wage is back in play for the upcoming legislative session. No resolution yet on redistricting court challenges (failed at circuit court level). Initiatives being prepared (IP 34) proposing a citizens commission be formed (suggests: 1/3-R, 1.3-D and 1/3-Independent) to do redistricting. Dan s likes the idea but is not liking the language of the initiative (i.e. anyone or group who benefits monetarily cannot be part of commission and anyone on the commission cannot run for a paid office for 10 years). MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps)
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Dan has been assigned to work on the POMONA website and bring it up-to-date (last update was 2019). SECRETARY -Visitation REPORT (Betty Chipps) SAT, NOV 6, 2021 - Attended BEAVERCREEK GRANGE Breakfast and Meeting, ...Purpose: to pick up Cookies Dough - stayed for Meeting (strong Grange - supported by Family connections - very welcoming!) Lecturer materials were received: CHANGE, PUPPIES, US VETERAN (given to Sandy) and KNOW YOUR MEMBERS TABLED BUSINESS - Bike Rodeo - tabled till Spring.2022 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) 1. Officer Elections f (Dan Keeley) – 2022-2024 Officer Nominations and Ballot (attached) The 2021 Nomination and Ballot of 2022-2024 Officers was emailed to members on NOV 21st. Master, Dan Keeley, reviewed the Ballot, with the membership, by presenting each position and its individual Nominee. Vacant or changing positions were discussed individually and the following Nominations were confirmed:
Mindy Ferriss motioned to cast a ‘unanimous’ ballot for slate of presented Nominees, Vicki seconded, motioned carried, VSO. 2. Holiday trip/party? – Dan checked on Portland-Grotto's schedule - to attend, a COVID test or vaccination proof is required. On Sunday, DEC 5th, a Scottish group will play. - a carpool can be arranged, if interested, coordinate with Dan. NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Bills presented by Dan: Rear lot - replant supplies $ 860.09 Marker posts / car-stops for new septic tank 250.00 Stage side-door replacement Janitorial supplies _______ TOTAL: $ 1,110.09 (+ other line item expenses) Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, as presented, (even if approximate - total will be double-checked), Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries, VSO. 2. National Grange offers Public Education Seminar - (Bristol-Myers with American Health Authority sponsored) “What to do with a Cancer Diagnosis.” Dan asked if anyone was interested? (no interest was expressed.) 3. Nominations for Officers of the Oregon State Grange (NOV 2021 - JAN 2022) - due OSG by 1/25/22: >>> To be discussed at a regular meeting in NOV or DEC 2021 or JAN 2022. Master, Dan Keeley, asked if any Maplewood member was interested in running for an OSG Officer position or knew of anyone else who desired a nomination? No nominations were received - document placed in file. 4. National Grange BOND Program (Betty Chipps) - Renewal for 2022 (due to OSG by 12/31/21) AT Community GrangeI Level, in previous years, Maplewood chose $12,500 of coverage at $72 premium. JoAnn Keeley motioned to renew the BOND for $12,500 of coverage at a premium of $72, Betty seconded, motion carried, VSO. Renewal form was presented to the Treasurer for payment. 5. Chaps and Petticoats (Vicki Pounds) – What is a reasonable rental fee for C&P Third-Sunday Dances? INFO: Sq.Dance Club rents the Hall: 1st & 3rd FRI dance rental = $60/night, each SUN Lesson rate = $30. (Facts: FRI nights hold more rental value than SUN nights. C&P overall rental rates are lower as Club members are also active Grange members. Chaps not serving potluck/food - means thus less maintenance exposure on the Grange.) Other INFO: C&P’s 3rd-SUN Dances, on SEPT 19th & OCT 17th, occurred after Lessons. NOV 19th C&P was DARK (no FRI dance), NOV 21- no Lessons and future Lessons were also CANCELED.
After discussion, members decided C&P’s 3rd-SUN Dance rental fee for ‘stand-alone’ dances (meaning no SUN Lessons) is approved at the $30 rate. 6 Portland Area Council (PAC) of Square and Round Dance Clubs, will host the Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs state meeting the third weekend in SEPT, 9/17-18/2022. INFO: PAC previously hosted this event at Maplewood Grange in SEPT 2019. PAC Executive Board met on NOV 15th and elected to host the SEPT 17-18, 2022 event at Maplewood Grange. LECTURER & LITERARY PROGRAM (Betty Chipps) – read: PUPPIES (moral: Understanding) MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS – None reported. GOOD TO THE ORDER – Thought for the month: People often claim to hunger for truth, but seldom like the taste when it’s served up. (Author: George Martin) NEXT Meeting: SUN, DEC 26 2021 at 4:30 PM at Maplewood Grange NOTE: Meeting date moved to: JAN 9, 2022 at 4:30 PM, to accommodate member holiday schedules. Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:42 PM. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |