July regular meeting7/22/2018 The Maplewood Grange #662 opened Sunday on 07/22/18 with potluck at 3:30pm. Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:35pm with the flag salute.
Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis Flora: (vacant) Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= >>>>> Members present: 9, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Quip (Dan Keeley): "Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm." PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: (none) MINUTES (Secretary): Dan presented one correction to the 05/27/18 Minutes - under EDUCATION: Federal Court ruled that Education Department violated privacy laws when it defrauded students should read when students were defrauded. Having no further corrections, the Minutes were approved. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): Clackamas County - POMONA #1: Grange Newsletter ... available at: http://www.clackamasgrange.org
Oregon State Grange (OSG): June/July 2018 Bulletin - mailed directly to membership.
2. 2018 Q2 Quarterly Report credit/deduction: for 2017 income earned on LifeTime invested memberships. 3. 2018 OSG Matching Grant Program materials: submit beginning July but no later than 9/15/18. National Grange: (special group discounts offers to Grange members)
Maplewood reported 20 total-members (includes 3 members with dues outstanding). OSG was advised Maplewood's non-profit tax form #990N E-postcard was filed and approved. A credit on the Second Quarter Report represents income received for "lifetime" member invested funds in the amount of $56.05 and replaces the physical check mailed in past years. Second Quarter dues were $225 less $56.05 for total due OSG of $168.95. Check #2036 was issued, Grange Master's and Secretary signatures and Grange seal were placed on the Report. There were no updates to the Membership List. JoAnn Keeley moved to approve the 2018 Q1-Report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): Opening Balance: $8,163.40, expenses (3 bills) totaled $169.36 for an Ending Balance of: $7,994.04. FINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
Remaining high priority jobs, to do this summer, can be found at: maplewoodgrange.org (refer to: Job List under "More" menu). Please confirm with Dan before tackling a project, so times can be coordinated around hall rentals.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Clackamas County Fair
Clackamas County Fair:
- Dan will update the wording on the white-vinyl "Maplewood Grange #662" backdrop. - Vicki is preparing a DVD (with continuous replay) of community activities at the Grange. - JoAnn will craft a "quilt-cover" for the Display Table. The table rim, of the cover, will reflect the Theme: "Growing Grangers, Sewing Communities Together, Showing ..." Sitting on the quilt center will be an aluminum "old-fashion" milk tin with the Grange emblem affixed outside and wheat sheaves inside. From the quilt center will be five-wedges reflecting community activity in the Grange: Chaps & Petticoats, Mt. Hope Farms, Maplewood, Scout Troops, Zumba (and/or maybe Silverton youth). - Betty, Kathie, Laura and Katie will meet at the Grange on August 1st, 7:00pm to craft the Poster Board that will wrap-around the milk-tin showing baby and youth footprints & handprints. - Betty will prepare the Chaps and Petticoats section to the community table cover. Grange projects - unfinished:
COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): no report COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Shall the Grange assist with donations for needed school supplies.? If donating to King Elementary School at South End Road time-frame is 7/30-8/10/18. INFORMATION:
COMMUNITY SERVICE (continued) Betty received a phone message, from Ann Dickson (503-632-4512), POMONA-Clarkes Grange, representing Start Right School Supplies of Clackamas County (program for low income and foster children): Ann asks if Maplewood Grange wants to participate this year (as we did last year) collecting school supplies? Time-frame closer to end-of-August. A "School Supplies Donation Box" will be placed in the Grange Lobby/Foyer . EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): no report GWA (Grange Worker's Activities): (vacant) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Zumba is renting the upstairs once daily M-F at 6:00pm - Dan asked if any problems had been encountered. Vicki reported lights were left on occasionally. NOTE: After the meeting, a walk of the upstairs floor by Dan, JoAnn and Betty found numerous issues - addressed to renter in an Email dated July 23rd. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Dan is following the Health Care reform legislative discussions. Universal access to healthcare has morphed into Medicare for All (or) "Single Payer Health Care" (government as sole insurer of health care). Statistics (for 2017) were: - Less than 400 insureds received premium subsidies at the $25,000 annual-income level. - Average premium subsidized was $138/person. - 9-1/2 percent of insureds received Health Ins. subsidies. LECTURER (Sandy Shew): no report MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): no report VETERANS (Sandy Shew): no report YOUTH (Betty Chipps): no report NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): (none) Expense Reimbursements: Light Fixture: $ 7.49 Mower Solenoid Fuse: 4.83 Hardware Cloth (around heat pump): 15.12 Pizza (Grange clean-up day lunch): 29.00 "Weebly" Web-page renewal (effective 7/8/18): 49.00 Dan Keeley - TOTAL: $105.44 JoAnn moved to pay the bill reimbursements, Betty seconded, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS (continued): 2. Grange Rental and RV Dry-Camping APPROVAL for SEPT. 21-22, 2019 On July 2nd, Betty showed the Grange facilities to Janet and Roy Bellcoff, members of the Portland Area Council (PAC) of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Objective was to locate a venue (in the Portland area, near the I-5 corridor) for the September 2019 State meeting of Oregon State Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs (OSFSRDC) to be hosted by PAC...schedule (below): Field parking is needed for RV Dry-Camping overnight on: SAT, 9/21/2019 (open 8:00am) - PAC hosts OR Federation State Meeting, luncheon and PM Dance, SUN, 9/22/2019 (open 8:00am-Noon) - PAC hosts OR Federation Breakfast & AM "Trails-End" meeting. Discussion: What should the "weekend" rental rate be for OFSRDC (a non-profit organization)? INFO: Normal (daily) rate is $250 (on floor), $350 entire hall. Betty suggested for this "one & 1/2- day" event the Grange offer a rental rate of $350 plus an RV space dry-camp rate (to be determined by OFSRDC). After further discussion Dan OK'd an offer of $350 rental, plus RV space rate (tbd) and garbage not to exceed the refuse bin (no overflow of debris). 3. Oregon State Grange (OSG) requests pictures of granges and activities for posting in the OSG Bulletin. Please submit pictures to Dan for submission. 4. Business Cards: Dan would like to order business cards for the Grange (very convenient for communication and promoting rentals). Vicki suggested designing your own through Avery (online option), match their business card stock number and print your own as needed (stock supply approx. $14). Laura has used Vista Print, as well. 5. NW side of Grange - paint is peeling (approx. 700 sq. ft. per side). Felipe volunteered to help to paint on Fridays. Kathie asked whether Grange had plans to paint the stair railing? Dan suggested "Hammerite" product was good for railings - Kathie volunteered for the project. 6. Candidate or Political (debate) Rentals: Dan asked if such rentals (which offer community awareness) should be fee-based or no-fee rentals? Friends of French Prairie did sponsor previous candidate event in April. Dan, as Rental Chair, would like to standardize such events (for ease of future rentals), thus do we charge at all or charge $100, or what? JoAnn asked who cleans the halls after? After discussion, Katie moved to allow discounted fee rental of $50, with required Certificate of Insurance and appropriate cleaning fee, JoAnn seconded, motion passed - voting sign of the order. 7. Open House Planning: Sunday, September 23rd is the Grange Open House. Arrive at 3:00pm to help set-up. Format will be: Meeting 3:30pm, BBQ 4:30pm, 5:30 (upstairs) Intro to Square Dance. JoAnn will prepare Flyers. Dan asked how shall we advertise and/or who do we invite? Suggestions: Laura Ellis suggested we post the Flyer on FaceBook. Other FB options: Aurora Now, Canby Now, Donald Now, St. Paul community FB. JoAnn will list an article in the local - Newspaper's "Community Events" section. Betty will post the Flyer at Canby and Aurora's American Legion Halls Open House Menu was discussed: (see separate attachment) 8. Maplewood Grange FaceBook: Laura volunteered to become the Maplewood Grange "Admin" user and take on FaceBook updates for the Grange. NEW BUSINESS (continued): 9. Grange Member Fellowship Interests: Dan suggested the following fellowship ideas:
GOOD to the ORDER:
Next Meeting: SUNDAY, 8/26/18- 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: at 6:40pm. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary July regular meeting7/22/2018 The Maplewood Grange #662 opened Sunday on 07/22/18 with potluck at 3:30pm. Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:35pm with the flag salute.
Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis Flora: (vacant) Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= >>>>> Members present: 9, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Quip (Dan Keeley): "Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm." PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: (none) MINUTES (Secretary): Dan presented one correction to the 05/27/18 Minutes - under EDUCATION: Federal Court ruled that Education Department violated privacy laws when it defrauded students should read when students were defrauded. Having no further corrections, the Minutes were approved. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): Clackamas County - POMONA #1: Grange Newsletter ... available at: http://www.clackamasgrange.org
Oregon State Grange (OSG): June/July 2018 Bulletin - mailed directly to membership.
2. 2018 Q2 Quarterly Report credit/deduction: for 2017 income earned on LifeTime invested memberships. 3. 2018 OSG Matching Grant Program materials: submit beginning July but no later than 9/15/18. National Grange: (special group discounts offers to Grange members)
Maplewood reported 20 total-members (includes 3 members with dues outstanding). OSG was advised Maplewood's non-profit tax form #990N E-postcard was filed and approved. A credit on the Second Quarter Report represents income received for "lifetime" member invested funds in the amount of $56.05 and replaces the physical check mailed in past years. Second Quarter dues were $225 less $56.05 for total due OSG of $168.95. Check #2036 was issued, Grange Master's and Secretary signatures and Grange seal were placed on the Report. There were no updates to the Membership List. JoAnn Keeley moved to approve the 2018 Q1-Report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): Opening Balance: $8,163.40, expenses (3 bills) totaled $169.36 for an Ending Balance of: $7,994.04. FINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
Remaining high priority jobs, to do this summer, can be found at: maplewoodgrange.org (refer to: Job List under "More" menu). Please confirm with Dan before tackling a project, so times can be coordinated around hall rentals.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Clackamas County Fair
Clackamas County Fair:
- Dan will update the wording on the white-vinyl "Maplewood Grange #662" backdrop. - Vicki is preparing a DVD (with continuous replay) of community activities at the Grange. - JoAnn will craft a "quilt-cover" for the Display Table. The table rim, of the cover, will reflect the Theme: "Growing Grangers, Sewing Communities Together, Showing ..." Sitting on the quilt center will be an aluminum "old-fashion" milk tin with the Grange emblem affixed outside and wheat sheaves inside. From the quilt center will be five-wedges reflecting community activity in the Grange: Chaps & Petticoats, Mt. Hope Farms, Maplewood, Scout Troops, Zumba (and/or maybe Silverton youth). - Betty, Kathie, Laura and Katie will meet at the Grange on August 1st, 7:00pm to craft the Poster Board that will wrap-around the milk-tin showing baby and youth footprints & handprints. - Betty will prepare the Chaps and Petticoats section to the community table cover. Grange projects - unfinished:
COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): no report COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Shall the Grange assist with donations for needed school supplies.? If donating to King Elementary School at South End Road time-frame is 7/30-8/10/18. INFORMATION:
COMMUNITY SERVICE (continued) Betty received a phone message, from Ann Dickson (503-632-4512), POMONA-Clarkes Grange, representing Start Right School Supplies of Clackamas County (program for low income and foster children): Ann asks if Maplewood Grange wants to participate this year (as we did last year) collecting school supplies? Time-frame closer to end-of-August. A "School Supplies Donation Box" will be placed in the Grange Lobby/Foyer . EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): no report GWA (Grange Worker's Activities): (vacant) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Zumba is renting the upstairs once daily M-F at 6:00pm - Dan asked if any problems had been encountered. Vicki reported lights were left on occasionally. NOTE: After the meeting, a walk of the upstairs floor by Dan, JoAnn and Betty found numerous issues - addressed to renter in an Email dated July 23rd. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Dan is following the Health Care reform legislative discussions. Universal access to healthcare has morphed into Medicare for All (or) "Single Payer Health Care" (government as sole insurer of health care). Statistics (for 2017) were: - Less than 400 insureds received premium subsidies at the $25,000 annual-income level. - Average premium subsidized was $138/person. - 9-1/2 percent of insureds received Health Ins. subsidies. LECTURER (Sandy Shew): no report MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): no report VETERANS (Sandy Shew): no report YOUTH (Betty Chipps): no report NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): (none) Expense Reimbursements: Light Fixture: $ 7.49 Mower Solenoid Fuse: 4.83 Hardware Cloth (around heat pump): 15.12 Pizza (Grange clean-up day lunch): 29.00 "Weebly" Web-page renewal (effective 7/8/18): 49.00 Dan Keeley - TOTAL: $105.44 JoAnn moved to pay the bill reimbursements, Betty seconded, motion carried. NEW BUSINESS (continued): 2. Grange Rental and RV Dry-Camping APPROVAL for SEPT. 21-22, 2019 On July 2nd, Betty showed the Grange facilities to Janet and Roy Bellcoff, members of the Portland Area Council (PAC) of Square and Round Dance Clubs. Objective was to locate a venue (in the Portland area, near the I-5 corridor) for the September 2019 State meeting of Oregon State Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs (OSFSRDC) to be hosted by PAC...schedule (below): Field parking is needed for RV Dry-Camping overnight on: SAT, 9/21/2019 (open 8:00am) - PAC hosts OR Federation State Meeting, luncheon and PM Dance, SUN, 9/22/2019 (open 8:00am-Noon) - PAC hosts OR Federation Breakfast & AM "Trails-End" meeting. Discussion: What should the "weekend" rental rate be for OFSRDC (a non-profit organization)? INFO: Normal (daily) rate is $250 (on floor), $350 entire hall. Betty suggested for this "one & 1/2- day" event the Grange offer a rental rate of $350 plus an RV space dry-camp rate (to be determined by OFSRDC). After further discussion Dan OK'd an offer of $350 rental, plus RV space rate (tbd) and garbage not to exceed the refuse bin (no overflow of debris). 3. Oregon State Grange (OSG) requests pictures of granges and activities for posting in the OSG Bulletin. Please submit pictures to Dan for submission. 4. Business Cards: Dan would like to order business cards for the Grange (very convenient for communication and promoting rentals). Vicki suggested designing your own through Avery (online option), match their business card stock number and print your own as needed (stock supply approx. $14). Laura has used Vista Print, as well. 5. NW side of Grange - paint is peeling (approx. 700 sq. ft. per side). Felipe volunteered to help to paint on Fridays. Kathie asked whether Grange had plans to paint the stair railing? Dan suggested "Hammerite" product was good for railings - Kathie volunteered for the project. 6. Candidate or Political (debate) Rentals: Dan asked if such rentals (which offer community awareness) should be fee-based or no-fee rentals? Friends of French Prairie did sponsor previous candidate event in April. Dan, as Rental Chair, would like to standardize such events (for ease of future rentals), thus do we charge at all or charge $100, or what? JoAnn asked who cleans the halls after? After discussion, Katie moved to allow discounted fee rental of $50, with required Certificate of Insurance and appropriate cleaning fee, JoAnn seconded, motion passed - voting sign of the order. 7. Open House Planning: Sunday, September 23rd is the Grange Open House. Arrive at 3:00pm to help set-up. Format will be: Meeting 3:30pm, BBQ 4:30pm, 5:30 (upstairs) Intro to Square Dance. JoAnn will prepare Flyers. Dan asked how shall we advertise and/or who do we invite? Suggestions: Laura Ellis suggested we post the Flyer on FaceBook. Other FB options: Aurora Now, Canby Now, Donald Now, St. Paul community FB. JoAnn will list an article in the local - Newspaper's "Community Events" section. Betty will post the Flyer at Canby and Aurora's American Legion Halls Open House Menu was discussed: (see separate attachment) 8. Maplewood Grange FaceBook: Laura volunteered to become the Maplewood Grange "Admin" user and take on FaceBook updates for the Grange. NEW BUSINESS (continued): 9. Grange Member Fellowship Interests: Dan suggested the following fellowship ideas:
GOOD to the ORDER:
Next Meeting: SUNDAY, 8/26/18- 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: at 6:40pm. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |