May Minutes5/23/2021 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:44pm, by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, May 23, 2021 and opened with the Flag Salute.
Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A Guest(s): None Visitation: None Attendance: Members present: 5 (Quorum = 7) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Vicki Pounds, Betty Chipps, and Roberta Elders. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (none) MINUTES (Secretary):– Minutes from the April 25, 2021 general meeting were emailed for approval. (Being shy of a quorum, approval of the minutes will occur at the next meeting.) COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) See last Page COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL ( Dan Keeley) - Fire Department inspected the hall on May 17th but the Fire Marshal didn’t show. Chief Dyke brought in another inspector from Canby and they said we would have results in a couple days. Reminder voice mails have been produced - nothing yet. One business rental, Alessandra’s Healthy (organic) Eating (2 hr. rental = $60), on the books (for 2 months) though several more party rentals were turned down. PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Fire code improvements necessary before party rentals Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project Rear yard - In progress, moles need trapped, anyone have mulch? Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need to be glued and painted. Entrance porch needs refinished Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021 Northeast side roofing screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) - Please be careful not to order hazelnut trees from any nursery East of the Rocky Mountains. It turns out that the Easter Filbert Blight we have in Oregon is not the only one around. Our resistant trees that were tested at Auburn University all died. Importing another type of blight to Oregon would be devastating to our Industry. Fresh Oregon strawberries are now available at some roadside stands and farmers markets. Must be Summer! COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley):– Meridian Road IOOF Cemetery maintenance. Vicki removed the Hazelnut tree, with Dan’s help, from the family plot she has been cleaning. JoAnn has 25 small US Flags to place on military/Veteran plots, in honor of Memorial Day. Per Tadd, the caretaker, he has no map of the service plots in the cemetery, thus we will have to walk the grounds and review headstones. Next date for cemetery clean-up is May 26th at 1:00pm - Flags will be placed. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Standard testing is showing less damage from COVID-19 than was feared. Some decline in math scores but Language Arts held up well. Damage was not uniform across all students however. Lower income families saw more damage, widening an already serious gap in achievement for some students. Senate Bill 513, which would require one semester of civics education - passed the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support and backed by hundreds of Oregon teachers. With the recent passage of tribal history, Holocaust education and ethnic studies bills, social studies departments across the state are already engaged in reorganizing the curriculum so time is opportune. Strong civics curriculum already exists, and schools would have five years to incorporate the course. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley):– State Grange legislative committee meeting was April 18th. Grange is tracking several bills and is particularly interested in promoting HB 2560a, requiring continued remote (zoom) access to the legislature. Bill had a hearing in the Senate, no committee recommendation yet. On Tuesday the Oregon Health Authority offered new guidance regarding the CDC announcement last week. Oregonians who are fully vaccinated will no longer be required to wear masks indoors, in most public settings, if and only if vaccination status is checked. In public settings where vaccination status is not checked, masks will still be required. This coming week, the House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources will host two informational hearings (search: OLSI to listen in), one on Tuesday focused on the current state of Oregon Agriculture, with Dan presenting, and one on Thursday regarding the role of agriculture in carbon sequestration, with presenters yet to be announced. Also next Thursday, the House Committee on Energy and Environment will host an informational hearing on climate-mitigating agricultural practices, with a presentation from the Oregon Wheat Grower's League. POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): – Dan missed the meeting. Betty was also unable to attend. TREASURER REPORT (Vicki Pounds) An amended (after reconciliation) Treasurer’s Report ending April 25 was presented which adjusted Countrywide Mutual Ins. expense to $2,422 instead of $2,442 and an adjusted ending balance of $7,858 instead of $7,838. The Treasurer’s Report ended May 23, reflected an ending balance of $7,872.55 and will be “filed for audit.” Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS presented: (bills will be submitted at the June meeting.) Bills (Dan Keeley) - Dan had the following items: Long Bros. (Mower shed metal): $122.00 Ace Hardware, Canby (lightbulbs-2ea) 35.98 (Mower) Battery Charger 60.00 & one other from Canby Builders TABLED BUSINESS Group photo for website (next month) Bike rodeo for spring – Looking for a volunteer to pursue this issue as Dan’s priority is currently the septic tank and building code issues (until resolved). UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley): Our Septic system replacement grant has been officially accepted but needs a draw date – June 30th was decided. A tour of the hall with the Aurora Fire District Chief Dyke and Canby inspector confirmed or revealed the following: We will probably get 150 person rating in the Ballroom Capacity of the basement is still up in the air - though very likely one exit = 50 people. The rear door will need panic hardware. NEW BUSINESS: Possible community dance sponsorship in cooperation with Chaps and Petticoats (C&P) dance club – if Grange donates the hall and C&P sponsors the Instructor. Roberta knows two Line Dance instructors, Keri and Marty (from the Canby Sr. Center) - Dan asked they give him a call. Information: Chaps and Petticoats will be selling Italian Sodas (and Hot Dogs) during Canby’s concert series as a fundraiser. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Thought for the month: “Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches to your body”. Roger Corless, Buddhist scholar in Parade Magazine Respectfully Submitted Betty B.Chipps Secretary COMMUNICATIONS: (Secretary) Meeting: MAY 23, 2021 @ 4:30pm OLD BUSINESS OSG Matching Grant AWARD - Acceptance Agreement of $4,940 - for Grant Year: 7/1/21-6/20/22 1. Important: DECIDE on Date to receive FULL Grant amount: decided JUNE 30, 2020 2. GOODIE BASKET - As Subordinate Grange, shall we create a basket for RAFFLE Drawing? Theme: __________________________ Would Dan/JoAnnn: can deliver to Convention? YES NEW BUSINESS (Betty Chipps) 1. Expense reimbursement request of $20 for PRE-REG form Should have paid $30? OSG-Convention is June 19-24, 2021 in Enterprise, OR (Wallowa County) - Mailed 5/12 - PRE-Registration Form ( due JUNE 1st with check) - Mailed 5/12 - Approval for Subordinate Grange DELEGATES (affixed Seal) - (due latest JUNE 1st) - Mailed 5/12 - Committee Assignments (best before MAY 15th) 2. Looking ahead to AUG 22nd Grange Mtg: - Could we move meeting TIME to 3:00pm versus 4:30pm? YES >>> OREGON STATE GRANGE <<< Reminder: Winter clothing appreciated. “KEEP OREGON WARM” sponsored by Western Region - OSG Youth and Young Adults: - Collecting (at Enterprise Convention) WARM clothing for d i s t r i b u t i o n to the less-fortunate in DISTRICT 6 - For more information contact Dumolts: JC (503) 509-2228 or Christy (503) 929-6740 -- [email protected] >>>Clackamas POMONA GRANGE<<< JULY 25th - POMONA Gr. Mtg via ZOOM Clackamas County Fair & Rodeo Event, AUG 17-22, 2021 & POMONA Cookie Booth? TBD >>>Clackamas SUBORDINATE GRANGES <<<
ONGOING COMMUNITY - Veterans Transitional Housing Project - (503) 754-6572 To donate Hoursehold Supplies: Contact: Clackamas POMONA CS Chairman, Don Kingsborough (503) 636-2544 GRANGE MAIL (Betty Chipps): Collected SUN, 5/23/21 … only one item WILCO Check-by-Fax dated 5/17/21 of $82.65 - presented to Treasurer AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |