ROLL CALL: Members present: 6 (Quorum = 7)
Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Betty Chipps, Sandy Shew, Vicki Pounds and Mindy Ferriss.
Guest: Shawn Ferriss (straight from Tillamook coast weekend).
Visitation: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None
MINUTES (Secretary):
The March 27, 2022 Minutes were distributed to members, via email, on April 22nd. Dan confirmed members had received the minutes and asked if there were any questions or comments; hearing none, the Minutes will stand as presented.
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): See last page
HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals on the books plus Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts have long term contracts.
Rear lot got some fertilizer, is growing well and the mower is back. Mowing can be scheduled for two weeks out.. Next job will be to fine grade the area over the sewer pipe and place a load of gravel there and around back. Dan has obtained some telephone poles to use for parking stops and to protect the field.
Service call for the heat pump is scheduled for Tuesday, April 26.
HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Spring Cleaning Day: June 26th
Rear yard - needs continued varmint control.
Repainting under eaves of hall.
Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas.
Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, and need to be glued and painted.
Northeast side roof needs additional screws
Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished.
AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Spring has sprung but seems to have forgotten to take off the woolies. Cold working in the garden and orchard but things are growing. Scary time to be a farmer though. Crop Prices are way up – due to a war and bout of inflation, never good reasons and probably not stable. Input prices also way up, not to mention some unfavorable regulatory action. Neighbor tells me filling his big tractor with diesel now costs over $1000. Ouch.
COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Last year time was donated and assistance was given to cemetary care taker: Tad Lewis, via brush cutting and cleaning of headstones at the Meridian (Oddfellows) Cemetery at:
26026 S Meridian Rd, Aurora, OR 97002. Wednesday, May 11th at 12:30pm was scheduled as the next Meridian Cemetery cleaning day (bring water and your own snack).
Please bring any donation items to the next MAPLEWOOD Grange Meeting on May 22nd for:
- Portland Rescue Mission project : Toiletries and summer clothing items
- OSG Youth and Young Adults collecting warm clothing for the “Keep Oregon Warm” project. JoAnn - will deliver to the Oregon State Grange Convention, June 18-23rd in Talent, OR.
- Veterans Transitional Housing Project - Household Supplies DONATION always appreciated - can be brought to Maplewood Grange (or) call: (503) 754-6572 or Contact: Clackamas POMONA CS Chairman, Don Kingsborough (503) 636-2544
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Mindy Ferriss reminds us to watch for children as outside-of-school activities (field trips and bus travel) have returned.
LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Seems to be some movement on the rural broadband bills at the federal level. Farm Bureau is asking for help prodding legislators to pass the following:
- H.R. 3369, the Broadband for Rural America Act. This legislation will provide additional investments in USDA rural broadband programs while prioritizing rural areas most underserved.
Mindy Ferriss says why not - tractors now run on GPS! - S.B. 1695, the Eliminating Barriers to Rural Internet Development Grant Eligibility (EBRIDGE) Act. This legislation removes hurdles for broadband projects, including difficult last-mile efforts that often delay rural broadband deployment. (allows BB installers to access existing poles/wires and set standard fees/rates for installs.)
MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) – Today we have too few members present (need a quorum of seven) to cast our Ballots and elect OSG Officers for 2022-2024 term.
Also, Just a reminder:
- 2022 Annual Membership renewal dues are $45 each (make checks payable to: Maplewood Grange).
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Clackamas POMONA Cookie Booth is on – volunteers needed August 16 - 20 (sign-up with Dan). Present volunteers include: Dan/JoAnn, Betty/Terry and Roberta. Also, Horning Hall Display Booth - registrations being accepted.
Twelve (12) Resolutions were reviewed at the April 23rd meeting (mostly revised By-Laws: three rejected, three modified and 6 approved.) Website revamp is still waiting for input from members - will proceed after the next POMONA meeting.
- Next POMONA meeting is JULY 24th at Frogpond Grange – 10 AM, potluck picnic is at Noon.
The Q1-2022 Quarterly (financial) report, ended 3/31/2022, develops a balance due of $202.50, comprised of:
- Dues for 18 total members for a payable of $202.50,
- Three (3) Regular meetings were held in the 1st Quarter, 2022
- Date Report approved: April 24, 2022
- Answered two questions:
Would your Grange like to see a STATE sponsored Conference (instructional teach) in your area? YES
Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed and the Q1-2022 report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan Keeley.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds - absent):
The APRIL Treasurer’s Report (emailed on 3/23/22) had an opening balance of $8,669.40 and on April 24, 2022 reflected an (amended) ending balance of $7,600.74. It was noted that the General Liability renewal payment (effective 4/15/22-4/15/2023) to Country Mutual Ins.Co. was made for $2,498. Dan asked for any questions or comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy & Shawn Ferriss) – The Solve beach clean-up project was this weekend (April 23-24). Scouts collected seven (7) big bags of debris. Scouts stayed at the Barview Jetty County campground (Garibaldi area), even though youth camp sites were an additional expense. INFO: Camp Meriwether (Boy Scouts of America camp) at Cape Lookout Rd in Cloverdale, OR was unavailable due to a private construction project (building of dog houses).
In the Canby Area, we are lucky there is an A-frame BSA Club available for cub scouts in the Canby Community (River) Park (behind Safeway).
TABLED BUSINESS – Bike Rodeo (Spring.2022)
- Youth group proposal for rental – Dan agreed to no-fee rental AFTER requested References are received.
- Mindy is familiar with Kevin. He did the Eagle Scouts ceremony at Butteville Church.
- April 15th Chaps and Petticoats dance - (has passed) - camper/RV Visitation was a possibility from Redrock Squares – no Visitation occurred, thus no RV's. Tom and Deb Klug enjoyed themselves and stayed the night in OR City at the BW-Rivershores Motel.
- Clackamas County Fair & Event Center - Need $10 check payable to: CCFEC (to accompany Grange Booth Entry Form - due 7/30/22) – Betty will deliver to CCFEC.
Grange Booth theme: “See the OLD and NEW in 2022 – Display TEAM: JoAnn Keeley, Mindy Ferriss (not available daytime hours & returns AUG 14th), Roberta (not available Thursdays),and Betty (busy Tuesday & Thursday) will decide layout.
Set-Up: SUN – AUG 14 or 15, from 9 AM-6 PM. Take Down: 8 AM - 4 PM, SUN – AUG 21.
- Spring cleaning day was scheduled for JUNE 26th at 10 AM.
- PAC Hosted STATE MTG - 9/17-18/2022 : Contract delivered 3/21 to Jeff Knapp, PAC Treasurer.
- PAC requests GRANGE/C&P handle: Grounds, Parking layout, RV dry camping (and overflow lot).
- PAC has not yet returned the Rental Contract. - AUDIT Report for 2021 - reminder acknowledged … still to do.
- Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Rental RECEIPTS include $100 cash and $350 bank receipt-(to be defined).
BILLS presented for payment:
- $77.37 Reimbursement to Dan Keeley – for Toilet part and Fertilizer (placed on new lawn).
- Vicki cannot refund Security deposits until checks clear the bank (best to deposit 2 weeks ahead of reservation).
- State Grange Election of Officers for 2022-2024 term (Betty Chipps) – Today we have too few members present (need a quorum of seven) to cast our Ballots.
- Hall additions: cameras, Projector Screen, electronic combination-locks (Dan Keeley): Discussion was agreeable to Dan looking into the options and the costs.
3b. Projector/movie screen - Dan has been asked several times now if Grange can provide a screen and/or projector for various meetings. Some want Wi-Fi as well but Danthinks paying for the internet subscription is a bit too much for the use we would get out of it.
A used one on Craigs list runs around $400 and up. Shawn suggests portable fabric screens (which connect with velcro) - are a possible solution. Vicki points out purchase possible as long as discretionary funds are available.
3c. Security cameras and recorder (suggested for inside the Grange) – Dan would like to be able to look at parties when there is a disagreement over what went on at a party or during clean up. A decent new system is $350 on Amazon. Some new or used on Craigslist sell for $250
Shawn Ferriss shared that “Real-Link” is used at Warner Grange: $480 for the receiver and four (4) camera ports (requires HDMI). The Internet runs $20 - $30 up to $50/month. “Real-Link” remotely reports motion. Also has 1 terabyte of HD video surveillance storage.
HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – Reads: “I will not knowingly wrong or defraud a Brother or Sister of the Order or allow it to be done by another IF within my power to prevent it.”
(so Dan asks, is one free to ‘knowingly’ wrong or defraud someone else) 😉
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Mindy Ferriss) – Joan Mize from Warner Grange passed away Friday, 4/22/22.
“You should never step on someone to get ahead. But you can step over them!” (Star Jones)
NEXT Meeting: SUN, MAY 22, 2022 at 4:30 PM at Maplewood Grange.
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:55 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Chipps