April Minutes4/23/2023
Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, April 23, 2023 and the pledge of Allegiance was recited. Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) Members present: 7 ROLL CALL(Secretary): Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Vicki Pounds, Roberta Elders, Betty Chipps, Sandy Shew and Troy Bayless. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None MINUTES (Secretary): The March 26, 2023 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed April 21, 2023. Dan asked were there any questions or corrections to the minutes, hearing none: Troy Bayless moved to approve the March minutes, JoAnn seconded, motion carried, VSO. It was noted that the February 26th Minutes remain to be submitted. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps) – Goodie Basket Raffle sales-due MAY meeting. . For continued communication … see last page. SECRETARY REPORT (Betty Chipps) – 1st Quarter 2023 (financial) Report ended March 31, 2023 with a payable to OSG of $213.75 (deadline for submission is April 30th)...details below: ● Dues for 19 total members for a payable of $213.75 FYI: Grange remits quarterly to OSG an amount of $11.25/per member. ● Three (3) Regular meetings were held in the 1st Quarter,2023 (Membership attendance, each meeting: JAN 22 = 9, FEB 26 = 10 and MAR 26 = 10). ● Date Report approved: April 23, 2023 ● Three questions to answer: 1. Would your Grange watch web based (OSG website) videos on filling out the quarterly report? Yes ____ NO X Other Topics: Lecturer Education and GWA Chair Programs 2. Have you planned any Celebration for the OSG 150th Anniversary this year? NO 3. Will your Grange have representation at the 150th State Grange Session this year? YES Motion to approve the 1stQ-2023 Report was made by JoAnne Keeley, Troy Bayless seconded, motion carries, VSO. Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed, Q1-2023 report was signed by Secretary and Master/President, Dan Keeley. COMMITTEE REPORTS AUDIT Committee Report (Betty Chipps and Kathie Femrite) – The Audit Committee Findings were emailed April 23, 2023. It was noted Maplewood Grange holds an exemplary set of books which could serve as a model to other Granges. The Treasurer, Vicki Pounds, and Rental Chair, Master Dan Keeley were thanked for their attention to details and service offered to the community. Regarding next year’s Audit: Dan noted he will prepare a ‘Summary of Rental’ contracts and tie to the Page 1 of 7 Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm funds received. HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals on the books. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Mower has been returned to the shed for next mowing and will stay there for the summer. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Interior ramp resurfacing – complete Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas. Front ramp needing paint again - needs sanded, primed and paint applied. Repainting under eaves of hall – Contract project? Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished. Kitchen counters need paint or formica. Kitchen (on ramp side) walls and under ramp - could use touch-up of paint. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Weather in Oregon beginning to come under the influence of an El Nino. Summer is expected to trend warmer and drier when El Nino conditions intensify as predicted over the next year or two. Grape growers will like it up to a point. Unfortunately in other areas of the globe, especially the tropics, the ‘liking it’ point is long past. For example, In 2022, India recorded its hottest March since record-keeping began 120 years ago. Temperatures were abnormally high in April and May, too. Climate change increased the likelihood of such a freakish summer “by a factor of about 30,” scientists concluded. Last week, many parts of India were also under heat wave alerts. Schools and colleges were closed in most parts of West Bengal state. Delhi sweltered above 40 degrees Celsius, or 104 degrees Fahrenheit, for the second day in a row. Around 13 died of heat stroke at a political rally in Mumbai. India isn’t alone in facing heat hazards. Thailand set an ominous national record when temperatures peaked past 45 degrees Celsius, or 114 degrees Fahrenheit, last week. Several weather stations in China also broke temperature records this month. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) shift ● Ag Fest volunteers needed April 29 and 30. Maplewood ( 3 hours long)? - To Sign-up call: call OSG - open Tues.-Thurs. call: (503) 316-0106 for Jay Sexton. ● Veterans’ village supplies (clothing, household items & toiletries) - bring to MAY meeting.. Troy moved to donate a case of Toilet Paper, Betty seconded, motion carries, VSO. ● Oregon State Convention (June 17-22) winter items will be collected - bring to MAY meeting. children parties ● Foster birthday ? Other granges and organizations are throwing birthday parties for foster children whose families request it. - Dan asks are we interested in offering/donating the hall? Troy thinks it is worth asking if our facility could work as a BD gathering. Betty moved to offer the hall for Foster children BD parties, Roberta seconded, motion carries, VSO. Page 2 of 7 Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm - The organization, ‘Every Child in Oregon, delivers BD boxes to Foster children. - Foster Parents’ Night Out (FPNO) trains volunteers in childcare and offers a much needed break for Foster parents. - The LAUNCH program can help children with items for school and provide learning skills emotionally & academically. . - AWARE Food Bank, Woodburn, open M,T, Th - F from 8-12 (for produce donations). ● First Responder dinners at Christmas and/or Thanksgiving? Shall we join the group that did it last year? Troy is in - loves to do/prepare food! JoAnn moved to contact First Responders and offer the hall for 2023 Christmas dinner and inquire could they use help in delivery etc.,Sandy seconded, motion carried, VSO. ● IOOF Cemetery (off Meridian): Some volunteers (Dan, JoAnn, Betty, Roberta, Troy, Vicki) were scheduled to clean-up, either Tuesday-May 16, or Saturday-May 20 – bring beverage, gloves and own tools (nippers, scrapers, nylon-bristle brush, bucket, pruner, rake, shovel, etc.) EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – In an exclusive interview with The Oregonian/OregonLive on Monday, Gov. Tina Kotek made it clear that she expects Oregon school districts to hew to research-backed, phonics-based reading instruction if the Legislature approves the Early Literacy Success Initiative, which is headed to a hearing in Salem this week. A second bill, which grants the Oregon Department of Education extra oversight of school districts, would give that effort more traction. Kotek’s approach would mark a big departure for Oregon, which typically allows its nearly 200 school districts to chart their own course. Some parents and early literacy advocates say the change can’t come soon enough, especially with only 39% of Oregon third graders reading proficiently. On another slant, Oregon colleges are now expanding their efforts to deliver classes behind bars and lawmakers are considering bills that would make it easier for incarcerated students to continue their studies and enter the job market after their release. These bills aim to: ● Expand incarcerated students’ access to college courses. ● Establish a state effort to help formerly incarcerated students transition to college and apprenticeships after their release. ● Reduce employment barriers by specifying how licensing boards determine whether a past crime should prohibit a candidate from earning a professional license and requiring boards to consider individual circumstances. ● Require the state’s Higher Education Coordinating Commission and Department of Corrections to partner on overseeing prison education. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – Send 2023 Dues Reminder notice to three members. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Former Secretary of State Bill Bradbury, 73, died Friday while on an around-the-world cruise with his wife, Katy Eymann. Before becoming secretary of state, Bradbury was a state representative and senator from the south coast, serving as Senate president during 1993-94. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for governor in 2010 and has been a leading voice for progressive state policies, especially vote by mail. (From Capital Chatter) Page 3 of 7 Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm On April 13, Gov. Tina Kotek signed into law Senate Bill 4. SB 4 makes $210 million of state money available to assist one of Oregon’s major industries: semiconductors (commonly referred to as microchips). The majority of the $210 million helps semiconductor companies compete for federal funding made available by the CHIPS and Science Act. Smaller portions of the $210 million supports higher education institutions, workforce development and site readiness for semiconductor expansions. However, SB 4 includes a potential trap that could significantly damage Oregon’s planning program and set back progress on our response to climate change. The trap lies in the unprecedented authority given to the governor regarding land. SB 4 allows the governor to bypass state and local government planning processes to bring two sites larger than 500 acres and up to 6 sites smaller than 500 acres into an adjacent urban growth boundary (UGB) without any further input. (Edited from an open letter by 1000 Friends). Voters pamphlets are out for the upcoming off-year election. Many bond measures affecting cities, schools and special districts (such as fire districts) are on the ballot. Read up and vote responsibly! POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Pomona meeting was yesterday, April 22, 2023. ● Pomona is now accepting scholarship applications for 2024. ● Pomona will do a display booth at the county fair. Theme is “The place to be in 23.” ● Pomona Grange-Canby Fair Cookie Booth preparations are proceeding, to sign-up: email Pam Furlan [email protected] or call (503) 320-2245. ● Milwaukie Grange is teetering on the edge of failure. Joyce Parker will coordinate assistance from the Pomona Grange. Vicki Pounds, attends dances there, and has knowledge of their current situation and failings: i.e. unpaid gas & water bills and perhaps management issues where interested grange renters are turned away. region put the in ● Our District, Clackamas will on convention 2025 . Molalla High School or possibly Reynolds High School are considered sites.. ● 10 resolutions were reviewed, edited if necessary and forwarded to State for the Convention (some listed below). Some Resolutions presented at the Pomona meeting, April 22nd, were: - Tolls Resolution – Pomona Grange supported Tolls decision should be put to Voters. - Resolution on whether parts of Oregon should be transferred to Idaho’s jurisdiction: Pomona supports the State of Oregon paying for a Feasible Study that would analyze the issues generated by transferring jurisdiction of central & eastern Oregon to Idaho. Resolution was forwarded to State Convention for debate and possible adoptions. - Resolution against legislation to tax Off-road Farm Equipment to pay for on-road (buses, other transportation) in town. YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – absent TABLED BUSINESS – Bike rodeo idea … anyone interested in spear-heading this event?. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) – The APRIL Treasurer’s Report (emailed 4/20/2023) had an opening balance of $11,904.77 on March 27 and on April 23 reflected an ending balance of $10,378.07. Dan asked for questions/comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report was ‘filed for Audit.’ Page 4 of 7 Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) 1. Bayless Family fundraiser (Troy Bayless) – Planning help needed? Waive Rental fees officially? (This did not get handled … to be presented at MAY Grange meeting.) INFO: Family Business is a 501 C-3 organization that targets a need then pulls together family/church and friends to organize/host a fundraising event to fund the need. This year’s fundraiser may be in June. - Can also donate to ‘91’ School District to pay children's outstanding lunch debts. Contact Pastor Craig at Christ Lutheran church. . - Another program through Beaverton School Dist. councils kids on ‘How to Avoid (drug) Involvement.’ 2. Molalla County Health community event related to Fentanyl poisoning prevention – JoAnn will contact Molalla Grange, working in cooperation with Molalla SD, for status on Fentanyl program and Suicide Prevention/Intervention interest. 3. PA (Public Address) System falling apart in dance hall – await Scoot Zinser’s rebuild status. At the March meeting a motion was passed to investigate the Speaker Price to replace each speaker - Dan to investigate. 4. Spring Cleaning (Dan Keeley) – June 25, meet 10:00 AM at the Grange. Bring your project tools. Grange will provide Pizza, Betty will bring Salad, Troy will prepare a Dessert, Roberta will bring Cookies. Sandy will be our "gopher”’& pick-up the Pizza. 5. Goodie Basket Raffle Tickets – OSG Youth Activities Fundraiser – Bring your Raffle ticket sales to the MAY Meeting. To Do: Shall Maplewood issue a check, payable to OSG, for 20 tickets ($20)? NEW BUSINESS 1. Presented to Treasurer: - RECEIPTS: None - BILLS presented: Reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Toilet Paper $120.10 Paper Towels (96/box) 223.48 Keeley Total: $343.58 Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, Roberta Elders seconded, motion carries, VSO. 2. Oregon State Convention Packet – JUNE 17-22, 2023 Polk County Fairgrounds, Rickreal Related to Credentials of Pomona Delegates, Dan Keeley, Grange Master, is 1st Delegate. Representing Maplewood Grange as Delegates, Betty moved for JoAnn Keeley to be 2nd Delegate and Roberta Elders as ALT-Delegate at the State Convention, JoAnn seconded, motion carries, VSO, Page 5 of 7 Maplewood Grange Meeting APRIL 23, 2023 @ 4:30pm 3. Umpqua Bank Endorsement Stamp (Vicki Pounds) – Columbia bank actually bought Umpqua Bank but assumed the Umpqua name. Vicki moved to order an Endorsement Stamp for purposes of Grange check endorsement, JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion carries, VSO. 4. APRIL is GRANGE Month (Betty Chipps) – Betty would like to see Maplewood honor APRIL is Grange Month. Perhaps we could resurrect the Chili Feed (not as a cook-off) but rather serve a soup and chili meal to the Community in April 2924. Discussion moved from April to June, since Maplewood has its history in June, why not do a community feed in June 2024? INFO: Maplewood business began May 6, 1925, Maplewood Grange was built in 1938 and the first meeting held was June. Further discussion: probably 75 people could be served downstairs. Requires a Restaurant License to charge for the meal. Perhaps set-up a DONATION Box instead. Betty moved to plan a community dinner in June 2024, JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion passes, VS0. MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – None reported. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) “It ain’t no sin to be glad you’re alive.” (Bruce Springsteen) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – THE FIRST AND HIGHEST OBJECT OF OUR ORDER IS – TO DEVELOP A BETTER AND HIGHER MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD. (First Degree; Lecturer) Children's thought-habits begin at home and grow through one's Junior years; it would be wonderful for youth to be active in Grange and sprout up, blossom into adulthood. When one enters the Grange, they are welcomed as a member at the 4th Degree level - symbolizes: 1st Degree - Spring, 2nd - Summer, 3rd - Fall and 4th Degree is Winter. Welcome to all four seasons. NEXT MEETING – Sunday, MAY 28, 2023 at 4:30 PM. CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 6:15 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |