February Minutes2/28/2021 MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, February 28, 2021
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:37pm, by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, February 28, 2021, with the “Opening of the Grange” reading. Members acting Pro-Temp: Dan Keeley, Overseer Guest(s): None Visitation: None Attendance: Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Sandy Shew, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, Kathie & Doug Femrite, and Roberta Elders (newest member). Members present: 8 PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (none) MINUTES (Secretary): Minutes from the January 24,2021 general meeting were emailed FEB 27th. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): >>> Connecting with OREGON STATE GRANGE <<< Regarding 2021 OSG Roster - No new officers, no changes reported. >>> CLACKAMAS POMONA GRANGE <<< Emailed Sandi Ludi. on JAN 29,2021, regarding Clackamas POMONA Grange Roster2021 - No new Officers to report, submitted only changes in some phone numbers, event dates, etc. >>>GRANGE MAIL<<< (Betty Chipps): collected 02/25/21 FYI: Mailbox - mail was DRY! - Wilco’s 02/18/2021 “Check by Fax” authorization notice QUARTERLY REPORT (Betty Chipps): Q1-2021 Financial Report for quarter ended 3/31/21 will be duly presented for approval at the April meeting. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds): 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: - Vicki Pounds purchased two entry rugs: $30-$32 each. $ 62.00 - Dan requested reimbursement for Mower-Shed project:bills: Canby Builders (sheet metal) $156.99 Ace Hardware (shed screws) 9.79 166.78 - Payable to Country Financial for Liability/Fire Comm’l Pkg (April 2021-2022) $2,422.00 Insurance has gone up ($305) - increase reflects big payouts on fire damage last year. Dans attempted, through OSG website, to obtain a National Grange quote - however, received no response.. Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, Sandy Shew seconded, motion passed VSO. Ending balance, as of Sunday, February 28, 2021, in Columbia Bank checking account is $10,761.21. Vicki noted the Electrical cost was up once again (next month) approx.$75. Dan interjected the thermostat was not letting the oil heat kick on when it’s cold...he will check into further. Dan called for comments regarding the Treasurer’s Report, hearing none, the report was “filed for audit.” OLD BUSINESS Pending: Draping of the Charter for: Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) Member: APR 1,1961 - until ‘deceased’ OCT 5, 2020 COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL ( Dan Keeley) – Remodeling cleanup, plus ramp toe boards and handrails need secured The Septic tank has been uncovered. It is smaller than thought, about 400 gallon capacity and pretty much rusted out with the top sagging down. The outlet pipe is clay tile headed straight for the neighbors yard. Grant application has been turned in. Estimated costs in grant application: Commercial Permit $1,100 Tank and accessories – Concrete $4,000 Pipe - $2/ft. Quantity depends on drain field location 1,000 Excavator – Approx. $350/day 700 Bedding rock – 10 yards at $40/CubicYd. - 400 Cash Costs $7,200 Guesstimated Contractor Cost $14,000 - 20,000 PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Mower shed – In progress (shed posts are in the ground, metal skin and lumber is on site). Rear yard – In progress (moles need trapped, one has been caught) – Does anyone have mulch? Septic tank needs replaced - chosen as MATCHING GRANT project Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need glued and painted. Entrance porch needs refinished Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021 Northeast side roofing screws Kitchen needs exhaust fan Need new rugs in front entry - DONE! … Thank you Vicki! Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished **Regarding the Hall seating upholstery:– JoAnn has researched and obtained the two (2) following bids: - Stanley Steamer (Eugene) – for upstairs and downstairs: $432 (SS advised no point to ‘scotch-guard’ the benches, as makes permanent any stains not removed) - ZeroRes (organic) $,1225 Vicki moved to use Stanley Steamer to clean upstairs and downstairs benches, Betty seconded, motion passed, unanimously - VSO. AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley): The ice storm has wrecked considerable damage on trees and trellises in the north valley area, not to mention the power grid. Older hazelnut and Oak trees were hit especially hard. Several hundred acres of hazelnuts will have to be grubbed out and replanted and many of the remnant valley oak groves were badly damaged. (The Keeley’s sustained damage to 8-acres of HazelNut trees.) The Department of Agriculture is of course offering free (tax) money to offset some of the losses. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Any interest in resuming the Aurora cemetery clean up? Betty and others expressed an interest. JoAnn will schedule. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Vaccinations of teachers and school staff are proceeding but State has deemed more folks eligible for shots than there are shots available, which has caused competition between groups, long lines and difficulty in obtaining appointments for shots, particularly for those not tech savvy. Whether a majority of schools reopen this year remains to be seen. Kathie Femrite indicated Marion County COVID, in Monmouth, has appointments available. Roberta shared last Saturday, she was at Fred Meyers, in Sandy with her Mom and Sister - a booth was set up to give vaccinations - She grabbed the ladies and all three got their first shot. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): The regular session is in progress but looks anything but regular. Testimony on pending legislation has been almost entirely remote or written and committee meetings are being broadcast for those interested. This years attempts to open up Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) zoned areas to suburban housing and other uses include: Senate Bill 16 Housing on EFU Lands in Eastern Oregon Border Region (Nyssa Area) Issue: 200 acres of housing would be too much traffic (dust & spray - a problem) Senate Bill 559 Goat Yoga bill Issue: adding more animals to farmland - it’s hard to imagine where the line would be drawn between actual farming the land and adding animals to the land for any use. MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps) – see last page POMONA REPORT (Betty Chipps): Betty attended the Clackamas POMONA Membership “Zoom” Training on February 12th … see last page for report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS
NEW BUSINESS 2. Rental Feb 26, 2021 – Magician, Scott Andersen, Portland, using the hall for rehearsal (total 5 people) Dan will attend and ensure COVID requirements are met. 3. Resolution – Due to OSG by next month - will present at the March meeting. GOOD TO THE ORDER: Thought for the month (Dan Keeley) “There is one thing that is generally safe from plagiarism: self denial.” (G. K. Chesterson) NEXT Meeting: (SUN) MARCH 28, 2021 at Maplewood Grange, Time: 4:30pm Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:30 pm, with the “Closing of the Grange” reading. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |