October Minutes10/22/2017 Maplewood Grange #662 hosted POMONA Grangers at the April meeting held on 10/22/17. The Grange opened with potluck at 3:30pm; Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:40pm with the "Opening of the Grange" ritual.
Members acting Pro-Tem: Steward, Don Sether; Asst. Steward, Felipe Gonzalez; Lady Asst. Steward, Kathy Femrite, Gatekeeper, Don Sether; Chaplain: JoAnn Keeley; Ceres, Sandy Shew; Pomona, Sandy Shew; Flora, (vacant). The following Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): Maplewood (7) ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether Steward: Ken Fessler * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis * Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant) Lecturer: Sandy Shew Pomona: Sandy Shew Secretary: Betty Chipps Ceres: Judi Aus * Treasurer: Vicki Pounds * Flora: (vacant) Member: Kathie Femrite Executive Committee Member: JoAnn Keeley #1 (vacant Members: Felipe Gonzalez #2 (vacant and Katie Gonzalez * #3 (vacant) Member: John Keeley * POMONA Visitation Roll Call (Secretary): (none) ***** Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= ***** Members present: 7, Pomona Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: (none) Charter was draped: (none) MINUTES (Secretary): Three sets of meeting minutes were presented: June 25, 2017 minutes (available at July 23 Exec. meeting - though no quorum, thus not approved). August 27, 2017 minutes (not available at Sept. meeting) September 24, 2017 minutes Dan Keeley asked if there were any edits/corrections to the minutes presented. Betty reported the spelling to Felipe and Katie Gonzales has been corrected to "Gonzalez". Given no further edits, all three (3) meeting minutes were approved as presented. COMMUNICATION (Secretary) Clackamas Pomona #1 (none received) COMMUNICATION (continued) Oregon State Grange (OSG): OCT/NOV 2017 OSG-Bulletin - mailed directly to membership. September 7, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
October 18, 2017 Mailings from Susan Noah, Master OSG:
October 19, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG: Matching Grant Application status. - (see Old Business) SECRETARY Report: 3rd Quarter Report was given: two Regular meetings (and one Executive meeting) were held in the 3rd Qtr. OSG was advised that Maplewood's Corporation Filing with OR Secretary of State is current (renews June). Maplewood reported 19 members and no dues outstanding. We have gained one new member which increases our 3rd Quarter dues by $1.00 over 2nd Qtr for a total due OSG of $214.75. Pending a check and Grange Master's signature, the report can be submitted, along with the updated Membership List. Don Sether moved to accept the 3rd Quarter Report, JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion passed - voting sign of the order. TREASURER Report: In Vicki's absence, Dan reported checking balance was approximately $8,000. FINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) 1. Storage Shed (outback) was jacked up, placed on blocks and made sound (Sept. 1st). 2. 150th Grange Celebration: "Pumpkin-Painting" Party, held October 15th, had nine (9) people attend. Conclusion: Personal invites work, Word-of-mouth description of "local" facility may be good AND Kids know the difference between "Tootsie-rolls" and "Ferrero Rocher" chocolates ... who'd of thought! OSG Bulleting deadline for Story/Pictures is November 10th. COMMITTEE REPORTS MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley): $10 dues for 4th Qtr new member, John Keeley, is payable. HALL (Dan Keeley): 1. Heat Pump: Still needs (protective) screen around it. COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) 2. Roof: NW side OK this year, though should be checked for loose screws. The SW side requires the long screws. 3. Ballroom: Floor oil will be a project for warmer weather next year - date to be announced. Oil has been applied/tested on SW corner of the dance floor, beside the stage - near the chair closet. Dan asked for approval to proceed with order of product. Betty motioned to proceed with the order of Oil product for the dance floor, JoAnn seconded. Discussion resulted in need for a budget and a bucket list of process. Work crew: Dan Keeley and Bill Sanford, of Chaps and Petticoats, will take the lead. 4. Storage Room (next to Museum): Room has been cleared and set-up as private changing room. 5. Front Doors: Frame between doors came loose at entrance (approx. one month ago). Next project will be to re-secure the entrance. 6. Rentals: Two (2) rentals are on the books: November 6th is "no-fee rental" - Disabled Adult Outreach to community, contact is: Shangrila-or.org, a non-profit agency. AGRICULTURE (Don Sether and Dan Keeley): 1. Those with Christmas Trees will be profitable this year...since so many businesses bailed in previous years. 2. Grass Seed prices will be going up - due to recent fires. 3. The 10th annual "AG in the Classroom" (AITC) project pairs up kids with mentors/educators and combines hands-on creations and reading to improve literacy and AG understanding in K-4 grades. AITC Exec. Director, Jessica Jansen, says "we know AG must be taught today because too many people are too far removed from the farm." See website for donation information. INFO: AITC was founded in 1981, was in classrooms beginning 2008 and is fully funded by the AG community. 4. Capital Press will donate papers to FFA and classrooms - if donations are received. 5. Don Sether recommended Grangers reach out to FFA Club and invite students to practice speech(s) with us. Betty Chipps to contact North Marion, Dan Keeley will contact St. Paul. INFO: OR State Grange funds State speakers. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): 1. Yamhill/Carlton HS program - "Ask Teen what they hear, see and transcended?" designed to improve critical thinking and listening skills. Process: Teen chooses social/political topic that interests them. - When met with caustic views the truth can be clouded -Teaches one "to disagree" is an option. 2. St Paul - continues to do best in all three subjects: 55% passing Math, 75% passing Science, 56% passing Reading. 3. Don Sether relayed (lack of) money is part of education problem. 8th Grade teachers at Molalla indicate the main trouble is students will not admit they cannot see (need glasses). JoAnn Keeley shared KEX has a funding program for schools/kids. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): no report LECTURER (Sandy Shew): Dan Keeley set up a display table of shrubs/trees and plants samples. Contest/Activity, to identify shrubs/trees and plants, was played after close of regular meeting. OLD BUSINESS (Dan Keeley): Maplewood's Matching Grant application for Siding was not approved per OSG. PGE will fund the insulation (only) at $.78/sq. foot which equals 1/3 of the approximate $3,000 siding estimate. NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): $350 check received for Rental Expense reimbursement (payable to Betty Chipps - pending presentation of receipt): $22.00 Printing of full-page Flyers for 150th Celebration - Grange "Pumpkin-Painting" Party and 1/2-page Grange (introduction) Flyer handout. Sandy Shew donated the Candy purchased for the "Fishing-Hole." JoAnn Keeley moved to pay for bill reimbursement, Don Sether seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." 150th Grange Celebration - pumpkins were donated (and/or discounted) ... Betty to mail Thank-you cards to: Mustard Seed Farms: Large pumpkins (approx. 40) Brentano Farms: Koch Farms: 10 'smaller' pumpkins - Betty donated $10 ($1/pumpkin) So Arndt Rd (Farm) 10 'smaller' pumpkins - no charge (across from Gurney Nursery) Don Sether suggested Maplewood combine November and December regular meetings into one agreed upon date. After discussion a date was chosen: Don Sether moved to combine the November/ December regular meeting into one date on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7th - potluck 6:30pm, meeting at 7:00pm. JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." GOOD to the ORDER: POMONA meets at Sandy Grange, Tuesday, October 28th, at 11:30am for "Tiny Homes for Vets" presentation. Next Meeting: THURSDAY, 12/07/17 "Holiday" Grange Meeting 6:30pm Potluck, 7:00pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: With "Closing the Grange" ritual at 6:45pm by Dan Keeley. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |