June Minutes6/28/2020 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:40pm, by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, June 28, 2020, with the “Opening of the Grange” reading.
Members acting Pro-Temp: (N/A) Guest(s): None Visitation: None Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Pending Membership Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward (LAS): Sandy Shew Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: (vacant) Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Pending Membership: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant) Pending Membership: Ken Fessler * Membership respectfully withdrawn: John Keeley Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds Pending Membership: Adin Hester (California) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** Pending refers to Dues pmt ================================================================================================== ***** Members present: 8, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Quote of the month: “It is a great advantage to a President and a major source of safety to the country, for him to know he is not a great man.” (Calvin Coolidge ) PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley): (None) Actually one deletion was reported in Q1, but effective Q2. MINUTES (Secretary): Minutes from May 24, 2020 general meeting were emailed. Dan asked if any comment/correction to the minutes, Vicki had three edits: 1. Unpaid grangers (Bernert; Fessler; Ellis, Mike & Laura) should not be listed as Members. 2. Refer to Hall Rental (should read): Currently zero rentals on the books, until August. 3. Refer to New Business, Goodie Basket - 50 tickets/$1 ticket: Contributors should be listed: Maplewood $20, Femrites $20 (gifted to Veterans Village), Keeley $5 and B.Chipps $5 (gifted to Sandy Shew). Minutes approved with corrections. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) >>>>> CONNECTING with STATE <<<<< Oregon State Grange (OSG): (June/July Bulletins have been mailed)
>>>>> CONNECTING - with other Granges <<<<<< JULY 9th: Redland Grange annual picnic 6:00pm (outside), meeting 7:00pm (inside). NOTE: CANCELLED TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds) Ending balance, as of June 28, 2020, in the Columbia Bank checking account is $12,793.22 (see below). Hearing no further concerns, report was “filed for audit.” Maplewood Grange 662 Treasurer Report Beginning Balance May 24, 2020 14,966.13 Donation 45.00 Grange Dues 135.00 Rental Income Rent 100.00 Hold the date 100.00 TOTAL Rental Income 200.00 TOTAL INCOME 380.00 EXPENSES Donation 20.00 Fees & Licensing 50.00 Quarterly Report 202.50 Grange Improvement Projects 2,173.65 Utilities Electric Service 58.96 Garbage Service 47.80 TOTAL Utilities 106.76 TOTAL EXPENSES 2,552.91 OVERALL TOTAL -2,172.91 Ending Balance June 28, 2020 12,793.22 SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps)
PROJECTS (Dan Keeley) - in priority order:
- Tile cleaning $100, Grout Sealant $300 (good for years) - Total $400. Don Sether moved to accept Stanley Steamer BID to clean and seal bathroom tiles, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried (VSO).
COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keel by Dan Keeley): From Farm Bureau - Covid virus has disrupted meat exports, particularly to China, after earlier disruption caused by sick workers. Industry is pushing for liability protection of employees/workers if protection is used (masks, distancing, etc.). The Bill to indemnify Employers for Virus Liability did not pass. CLOPYRALID ‘Stinger’: Product used on golf courses didNOT degrade in grass clippings - kills the garden if mulch is used. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): PROJECT START RIGHT collects funds to support Clackamas County K-12 low-income kids and Foster Care children by providing back-to-school supply donations. Sponsors are Prince of Life Lutheran Church and Dept. of Human Services - referrals come from case managers. Request, this year, is for funds, so school supplies can be purchased. Please donate (by check) - no funds go to administrative costs. Don Sether moved for Maplewood to donate $50 to Project Start Right (as well as individuals), Betty seconded, motion carries. Dan relayed: See your red cross chapter. Anyone who has recovered from the corona virus may be extremely valuable as a donor as preliminary data indicate antibodies in their blood serum are effective against the virus. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Experience in day care centers suggests that Covid-19 can be managed in school settings. New York kept day care facilities open for front line workers and has had very positive results from common sense management measures. Article read...in spite of New York’s increased viral outbreaks, almost zero increase in NY death rate. HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Currently 2 rentals on the books for this fall. (1 = AUG and SEPT = Jarrett Knight)
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): None LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): The redistricting measure is still working to get sufficient signatures. Legislature is in special session to address Covid19 problems. Special Session (highlights) HB 4202 - proposes technical fixes/legislation to Corporate Activities Act CAT) related to farmers and dairies (1/2 - income tax and 1/2 - sales tax). HB 4206 - Meat Inspection: AG community wants Oregon State-program to inspect meat facilities for USDA marketing…(passed). HB 4212 - COVID-19 Response Bill: clarifies or puts-off tax deadlines during COVID-19 duration and allows redirection of health assistance/services and emergency funds/facilities. SB 1602 - Forestry Pesticide Notification MOU (Memorandum of Understanding): hints of agreement between Forestry/Timber Harvesters and community. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): (3) Membership renewals have been received: Femrites (2) and Adin Hester (1) - membership donated by Judy Hester Aus, former wife. Judy is a Lifetime Member - yet gave an additional amount of $45 to Grange. Membership renewal phone calls placed to:
- lost Grandson, early June, from brain tumor (was 28 yrs old) - Nursery/flower business better this year than recent years (everyone wants flowers)
Strong opposition was expressed toward Resolution changes. Vicki addressed the little guy has to have some tools and maintaining the Minority party’s ability to shut down the session is a process of disagreement. Resolution did not pass.
NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS (Dan Keeley): BILLS presented:
NEW BUSINESS (continued) 2, MATCHING GRANT offered by OSG (deadline Sept 1st): Should Maplewood apply? Discussion: Dan Keeley will check to see if Grange Improvement projects (in-progress since COVID19 lockdown) qualify, and if we can be considered since Maplewood was a Matching Grant recipient last year. GOOD TO THE ORDER (Dan Keeley): What to do when the Virus ‘lockdown’ dissipates and vaccines are available? Maybe a Grange Open House?. Don Sether suggests we bring ideas to the next meeting, of what we might do when we are no longer in ‘lockdown.’ NEXT Maplewood Meeting: SUN, July 26, 2020 - Maplewood Grange at 4:30pm. NEXT Meeting AGENDA item: Group photo for website Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:45 pm, via the “Closing of the Grange” reading. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |