July Minutes8/7/2016 Maplewood Grange #662 District 2
Aurora, OR Sunday, July 31, 2016 The regular meeting of Maplewood Grange #662 was held at Wait Park, Canby, OR. The meeting was called to order, by Dan Keeley, at 5:48 PM. Guest(s) present: Burt Aus Visitation: None Roll Call: (Secretary Pro Tem) “*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Ken Fessler * Secretary: Betty Chipps * arrived 6:10 Overseer: Don Sether * Executive Committee: (vacated by Don Sether) Chaplain: Scott Tiedtke * Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Pomona: Sandy Shew Ceres: Judi Aus Member: Vicki Pounds Member: Laura Ellis Member: Mike Ellis * Members present: 7, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Quarterly Report was approved as presented Minutes: No minutes were presented for approval. Treasurer (Kathie Femrite): No report Hall Rental (Dan Keeley):
New Business:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm. Next regular scheduled meeting September 25, 2016. Respectfully Submitted Vicki Pounds Secretary, Pro Tem These minutes have not been approved. AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |