Aurora, OR Sunday, July 31, 2016
The regular meeting of Maplewood Grange #662 was held at Wait Park, Canby, OR. The meeting was called to order, by Dan Keeley, at 5:48 PM.
Guest(s) present: Burt Aus Visitation: None
Roll Call: (Secretary Pro Tem) “*” indicates NOT in attendance.
Master: Dan Keeley
Steward: Ken Fessler *
Secretary: Betty Chipps * arrived 6:10
Overseer: Don Sether *
Executive Committee: (vacated by Don Sether)
Chaplain: Scott Tiedtke *
Treasurer: Kathie Femrite
Pomona: Sandy Shew
Ceres: Judi Aus
Member: Vicki Pounds
Member: Laura Ellis
Member: Mike Ellis *
Members present: 7, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
Quarterly Report was approved as presented
Minutes: No minutes were presented for approval.
Treasurer (Kathie Femrite): No report
Hall Rental (Dan Keeley):
- Silver Squares Square Dance Club inquired about the hall rental sometime in October. The upper hall will be used for a workshop and perhaps they would use the grange overnight. The membership voted to set the rate at $60. A liability waiver would need to be signed and permission slips would be required if they stay overnight.
- We have a rental for August 28 which is our regular meeting. We voted to cancel our August meeting unless something comes up that necessitates us to find an alternative date or location to have a meeting.
New Business:
- Springwater Grange will be hosting a Candidate Forum for Clackamas County Commissioner at a date to be determined. Dan is interested in hosting a forum at Maplewood Grange to address Measure 97, the corporate tax measure. October would be the target date. The membership had no objection.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 pm. Next regular scheduled meeting September 25, 2016.
Respectfully Submitted
Vicki Pounds
Secretary, Pro Tem
These minutes have not been approved.