Preliminary June Minutes6/25/2017 Maplewood Grange #662 was opened on June 25, 2017, and potluck was served at 3:30pm. The meeting was called to order by Master, Dan Keeley at 4:25pm.
The following Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Members acting Pro-Tem: None Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether * Steward: Ken Fessler Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis * Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant) Secretary: Betty Chipps Ceres: Judi Aus * Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Flora: (vacant) Lecturer: Sandy Shew Pomona: Sandy Shew Member: Vicki Pounds Executive Committee Member: JoAnn Keeley #1 (vacant) Member: Felipe Gonzalez #2 (vacant) Member: Katie Gonzalez #3 (vacant) ================================================================================== ***** Members present: 9, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP Dan Keeley has one prospective member, his brother. Perhaps he can attend the next meeting. MINUTES: (Secretary) March 26, 2017 minutes - to be completed. April 23, 2017 minutes were emailed. Dan Keeley asked for any corrections to the minutes. Vicki Pounds had reviewed the Grange Web page and suggested the meeting "date" be included in the Grange opening-first paragraph instead of "on the above date." With no corrections to the minutes, Secretary minutes stand approved as presented. COMMUNICATION (Secretary) Oregon State Grange (OSG)
April 20, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
May 2, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
May 9, 2017 "APRIL" Correspondence from Connie Suing, OSG Youth Director
May 18, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
June 12, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG (from Nat'l GR Sesquicentennial Committee)
June 12, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
COMMUNICATION (continued) Clackamas Pomona Grange Newsletter of April 22, 2017 Meeting was circulated. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR and "EVENT CENTER" - March 14, 2107 corres. from Deborah Guinther - AG/Community invitation and (Vendor) Entry Form (deadline 07/15/17) TREASURER Report: (Vicki Pounds) Checking ending balance is $8009.59. After many hours spent at Wells Fargo Bank by Vicki Pounds, Kathie Femrite and husband, Doug Femrite, to switch the bank signers - the easiest solution was to open a new account. An old expense, 1 month bank serv. charge, was not waived. Auto bill-pay responsibility for PGE, garbage and Wilco (fuel) has also been transferred to Vicki. Quicken software has been brought current from January 2016 through today. SECRETARY Report: (Betty Chipps) 1. Clarkes Grange thank you card (circulated), for $100 "Cuddle-Cot" donation given. 2. SUN, 5/21/17, Betty attended Sunnyside Grange's celebration of the National Grange's 150th Anniversary. Their program included a "Food Drive," activity demos and prizes raffled. - Many youth were there, as well as Joyce Hooper, Cuer, and RCD member, Ed Darmouth - Activities included Oaky Doaks Square Dancers, teen Robotics Demo and Zumba Class Demo. - Spoke with Pomona Master, Ed Luttrell on "How to interject Youth into the Grange". Was referred to Jacob, Ed's son, for further information and Game Board(s) availability. COMMITTEE REPORTS Agriculture (Ken Fessler): None Education (Dan Keeley): Dan advised Education Budget this year would not maintain current programs in spite of being an increase from 2016. School expenses are increasing rapidly for several reasons including legacy PERS retirements and medical insurance. Grange Workers Activities (vacant): Lecturer (Sandy Shew): None Legislative (Dan Keeley): Senate Bill 181A is alive in the House Committee on Revenue. INFO: the bill’s language excludes (smaller) fraternal organizations like the Grange, and applies only to registered charities. However ... many Granges (throughout Oregon) also are registered as public charities. Despite comment from the Attorney General that it does NOT affect Granges, Grangers are encouraged to phone or email your local legislators and oppose the bill - current provisions will harm charitable organizations of all types and sizes. Membership (Betty Chipps): Dan Keeley requests members to please invite your friends and family to a potluck and meeting. Advantages to membership includes: half-price rentals, networking, input at the legislature, student scholarships and more. Rental (Dan Keeley): Rentals were good in the Spring and are picking up again. Veterans (Sandy Shew): no report Youth (Betty Chipps): see Secretary Report (above). FINISHED BUSINESS ENTRANCE SIGNAGE (Dan Keeley): Entry sign has been completed and includes a slanted frame facing the Canby-side of Hwy 99-E; cost of improvement was $580 of which half was paid by the State Grange. STAGE WIRING (Dan Keeley): project completed (costs was $266.79, project estimate was $250). OLD BUSINESS - Building Improvement and Maintenance BALLROOM FLOOR SEALING (Dan Keeley): An oil has been purchased and will be tested on a cleaned corner-section of the Grange dance floor. Results will be shared at the next Grange meeting. SOUTH-WEST WALL RE-SIDING (Dan Keeley): INFO: Per our 2/26/17 Meeting ... the siding on the (south)West side of Grange is currently Pine siding, and does not hold paint (due to pitch). Contractor cost is $6,100 to reside, "hardy" plank and materials are $1,500 + paint. (At that meeting) Don moved to apply for Grant Application to replace siding on "West" side of Grange, with "hardy plank," and including insulation and rollout; Kathie Femrite seconded. - Approval "pending." Do we want to include insulation when we replace the SW siding with hardy-board next year? INFO: This will be a building/hall improvement project whose costs are (partly) reimbursable through an application submitted to OSG between July 1- Sept. 15, 2017 under the Matching Grant Program Fund (targets completion in one year - extension can be applied for). Dan will work-up the costs for insulation. Vicki suggested another means of reimbursement might be PGE. Vicki will ask if PGE offers reimbursement for building insulation and/or siding replacement. EXHAUST HOODS for OVER KITCHEN STOVES (Dan Keeley): Project on-hold for 2017. Can target for OSG Matching Grant Program Fund in 2018. NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: (Dan Keeley) Receipt (presented by Betty Chipps): $290.02 check dated 5/31/17, received from OSG - represents entry sign reimbursement. Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley was presented to Treasurer: Stage Lighting/Wiring expense: Dan reimbursed $266.79 ($66.79 exceeded project estimate) Mower Repair (belt & battery): Dan reimbursed $ 86.97 Betty Chipps moved to pay Dan for bill reimbursements, Kathie Femrite seconded, all approved via "voting sign of the order." Visitations:
NEW BUSINESS (continued) 1. Cleaning Day & Special Projects: It was decided the Grange Cleaning Day would be July 23, 2017 and begin as early as 8:00am (or 9:00am for some). We will break for potluck lunch around Noon and the Grange meeting will be held 1:00 - 3:00pm. Grangers can choose cleaning task(s) from the Custodial List of Chores, which Betty will email (again). Special Projects DRESSING ROOM set-up (downstairs) ROOF REPAIR on NorthEAST side of Grange (replace short screws with long roofing screws) Other Special Projects - which may take longer (than a morning) and need specific target dates: Rear-Door LANDING (cement cracked and rough - remove/replace) Tiles (cleaned) re-grouted in LOBBY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - peeling paint (sand down, clean, dry then refinish - consult Dan Keeley) Some UPSTAIRS WINDOWS need repair WOMEN'S BATHROOM - Plumbing revision (consult Dan Keeley) SHED outback - has sunk into the dirt. It could be: Jacked-up & re-mounted on cement blocks OR dismantled. INFO: It houses a small riding lawn mower, supplies for mower maintenance & a John Deere mower (in dis-repair and needs refurbished to use). IF one arrives with cement blocks and a floor jack-the Shed project is answered. Tackling SHED - is one project ... What to do with JOHN DEERE MOWER is another "expert" needed project. Future Special Project: SEAL BALLROOM FLOOR (takes 4 days to dry) - Floors need swept, damp mopped clean, dried and oil applied. 2. POMONA GRANGE Cookie Booth Fundraiser (Clackamas County Fair): Dan Keeley relayed volunteers will need to sign up at the June 25th meeting. Clackamas County Fair runs from Tuesday-Saturday, August 15 - 19, 2017. Betty and Kathie volunteered to work the cookie booth on August 15th from 1:00-4:00pm. 3. POMONA GRANGE, School Supply Chair, Ann Dickson letter: Dan Keeley relayed Pomona would like to provide to Granges a School Supply Box and collect school supplies for distribution to local schools. Dan is aware that supply lists vary by school. Maplewood is interested, and will promote items needed at next meeting, July 23rd. Dan and Betty will gather School Supply lists for Canby and North Marion school districts. 4. Public Service (Dan Keeley): Aside from offering free use of the hall to service groups (4H, scouts, etc.) we need to be of some use to the community to keep our property tax exemption. In the past, it has at various times been: cemetery clean-up, dictionaries for schools, roadside trash pickup, service dogs, and student scholarships (for seniors interested in Agricultural Program). Offering a Maplewood Grange $1000-annual Scholarship to a senior interested in the Ag. Program was decided. 5. Membership Dues (Betty Chipps): OSG website list these rates: Individual $45, Family $90, and Business $50. OSG allows additional $5-20 in dues at the local/subordinate grange level. Currently Maplewood rates are: $40 Individual, $80 Family (respectively). Tabled till July meeting: Do we increase our Membership Dues? 6. Grange "Fun-Day" (Dan Keeley): Last year's fun-day was spent at Canby's Slice of Summer, listening to music. This year Canby is NOT doing the "Slice of Summer." Grangers were interested in doing something fun. Dan will research and email the other location(s) and date options for Grange outing. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 7. Public Invitation - Celebrate 150th Anniversary of the National Grange (Betty Chipps): 2017 is the year to celebrate the National Grange's existence since 1967. To highlight the 150th birthday of the National Grange, OSG has mailed a "hard copy" of paper materials to educate and make public the history of the Grange. We are asked to a.) select a Chair/co-Chair, and PLAN an EVENT December 1, 2,3 or 4, 2017 (or any other date that we choose) to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Grange! The "date" (suggestions were NOV 4th or DEC 2nd) and "format" of Maplewood's "celebration" will be discussed/chosen at our JULY 23rd meeting after the Noon Potluck. OTHER BUSINESS: future dates for MAPLEWOOD GRANGE CALENDAR include:
GOOD to the ORDER: The OSG Summer Session is in progress - thus we are too late to enter the "Goodie Basket Raffle" that promotes Youth Activities. JoAnn Keeley moved that Maplewood donate $40 (same as last year) to promote Grange youth, Kathie Femrite seconded, vote was unanimous. Betty will return the raffle tickets and mail the check with a cover-letter to OSG and apologize for our delayed response. Meeting Adjourned: at 5:50pm by Dan Keeley. Next Meeting: July 23, 2017 (Potluck noon, Meeting approximately 1:00pm) Respectfully Submitted, Betty B. Chipps, Secretary June Minutes6/25/2017
Maplewood Grange #662 was opened on June 25, 2017, and potluck was served at 3:30pm. The meeting was called to order by Master, Dan Keeley at 4:25pm. The following Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Members acting Pro-Tem: None Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether * Steward: Ken Fessler Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis * Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant) Secretary: Betty Chipps Ceres: Judi Aus * Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Flora: (vacant) Lecturer: Sandy Shew Pomona: Sandy Shew Member: Vicki Pounds Executive Committee Member: JoAnn Keeley #1 (vacant) Member: Felipe Gonzalez #2 (vacant) Member: Katie Gonzalez #3 (vacant) ================================================================================== ***** Members present: 9, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP Dan Keeley has one prospective member, his brother. Perhaps he can attend the next meeting. MINUTES: (Secretary) March 26, 2017 minutes - to be completed. April 23, 2017 minutes were emailed. Dan Keeley asked for any corrections to the minutes. Vicki Pounds had reviewed the Grange Web page and suggested the meeting "date" be included in the Grange opening-first paragraph instead of "on the above date." With no corrections to the minutes, Secretary minutes stand approved as presented. COMMUNICATION (Secretary) Oregon State Grange (OSG)
April 20, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
May 2, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
May 9, 2017 "APRIL" Correspondence from Connie Suing, OSG Youth Director
May 18, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
June 12, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG (from Nat'l GR Sesquicentennial Committee)
June 12, 2017 Correspondence from Susan Noah, Master, OSG
COMMUNICATION (continued) Clackamas Pomona Grange Newsletter of April 22, 2017 Meeting was circulated. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR and "EVENT CENTER" - March 14, 2107 corres. from Deborah Guinther - AG/Community invitation and (Vendor) Entry Form (deadline 07/15/17) TREASURER Report: (Vicki Pounds) Checking ending balance is $8009.59. After many hours spent at Wells Fargo Bank by Vicki Pounds, Kathie Femrite and husband, Doug Femrite, to switch the bank signers - the easiest solution was to open a new account. An old expense, 1 month bank serv. charge, was not waived. Auto bill-pay responsibility for PGE, garbage and Wilco (fuel) has also been transferred to Vicki. Quicken software has been brought current from January 2016 through today. SECRETARY Report: (Betty Chipps) 1. Clarkes Grange thank you card (circulated), for $100 "Cuddle-Cot" donation given. 2. SUN, 5/21/17, Betty attended Sunnyside Grange's celebration of the National Grange's 150th Anniversary. Their program included a "Food Drive," activity demos and prizes raffled. - Many youth were there, as well as Joyce Hooper, Cuer, and RCD member, Ed Darmouth - Activities included Oaky Doaks Square Dancers, teen Robotics Demo and Zumba Class Demo. - Spoke with Pomona Master, Ed Luttrell on "How to interject Youth into the Grange". Was referred to Jacob, Ed's son, for further information and Game Board(s) availability. COMMITTEE REPORTS Agriculture (Ken Fessler): None Education (Dan Keeley): Dan advised Education Budget this year would not maintain current programs in spite of being an increase from 2016. School expenses are increasing rapidly for several reasons including legacy PERS retirements and medical insurance. Grange Workers Activities (vacant): Lecturer (Sandy Shew): None Legislative (Dan Keeley): Senate Bill 181A is alive in the House Committee on Revenue. INFO: the bill’s language excludes (smaller) fraternal organizations like the Grange, and applies only to registered charities. However ... many Granges (throughout Oregon) also are registered as public charities. Despite comment from the Attorney General that it does NOT affect Granges, Grangers are encouraged to phone or email your local legislators and oppose the bill - current provisions will harm charitable organizations of all types and sizes. Membership (Betty Chipps): Dan Keeley requests members to please invite your friends and family to a potluck and meeting. Advantages to membership includes: half-price rentals, networking, input at the legislature, student scholarships and more. Rental (Dan Keeley): Rentals were good in the Spring and are picking up again. Veterans (Sandy Shew): no report Youth (Betty Chipps): see Secretary Report (above). FINISHED BUSINESS ENTRANCE SIGNAGE (Dan Keeley): Entry sign has been completed and includes a slanted frame facing the Canby-side of Hwy 99-E; cost of improvement was $580. STAGE WIRING (Dan Keeley): project completed (costs was $266.79, project estimate was $200). OLD BUSINESS - Building Improvement and Maintenance BALLROOM FLOOR SEALING (Dan Keeley): An oil has been purchased and will be tested on a cleaned corner-section of the Grange dance floor. Results will be shared at the next Grange meeting. SOUTH-WEST WALL RE-SIDING (Dan Keeley): INFO: Per our 2/26/17 Meeting ... the siding on the (south)West side of Grange is currently Pine siding, and does not hold paint (due to pitch). Contractor cost is $1,100 to reside, "hardy" plank and materials are $1,500 + paint. (At that meeting) Don moved to apply for Grant Application to replace siding on "West" side of Grange, with "hardy plank," and including insulation and rollout; Kathie Femrite seconded. - Approval "pending." Do we want to include insulation when we replace the SW siding with hardy-board next year? INFO: This will be a building/hall improvement project whose costs are (partly) reimbursable through an application submitted to OSG between July 1- Sept. 15, 2017 under the Matching Grant Program Fund (targets completion in one year - extension can be applied for). Dan will work-up the costs for insulation. Vicki suggested another means of reimbursement might be PGE. Vicki will ask if PGE offers reimbursement for building insulation and/or siding replacement. EXHAUST HOODS for OVER KITCHEN STOVES (Dan Keeley): Project on-hold for 2017. Can target for OSG Matching Grant Program Fund in 2018. NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: (Dan Keeley) Receipt (presented by Betty Chipps): $290.02 check dated 5/31/17, received from OSG - represents entry sign reimbursement. Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley was presented to Treasurer: Stage Lighting/Wiring expense: Dan reimbursed $266.79 ($66.79 exceeded project estimate) Mower Repair (belt & battery): Dan reimbursed $ 86.97 Betty Chipps moved to pay Dan for bill reimbursements, Kathie Femrite seconded, all approved via "voting sign of the order." Visitations:
NEW BUSINESS (continued) 1. Cleaning Day & Special Projects: It was decided the Grange Cleaning Day would be July 23, 2017 and begin as early as 8:00am (or 9:00am for some). We will break for potluck lunch around Noon and the Grange meeting will be held 1:00 - 3:00pm. Grangers can choose cleaning task(s) from the Custodial List of Chores, which Betty will email (again). Special Projects DRESSING ROOM set-up (downstairs) ROOF REPAIR on NorthEAST side of Grange (replace short screws with long roofing screws) Other Special Projects - which may take longer (than a morning) and need specific target dates: Rear-Door LANDING (cement cracked and rough - remove/replace) Tiles (cleaned) re-grouted in LOBBY KITCHEN CUPBOARDS - peeling paint (sand down, clean, dry then refinish - consult Dan Keeley) Some UPSTAIRS WINDOWS need repair WOMEN'S BATHROOM - Plumbing revision (consult Dan Keeley) SHED outback - has sunk into the dirt. It could be: Jacked-up & re-mounted on cement blocks OR dismantled. INFO: It houses a small riding lawn mower, supplies for mower maintenance & a John Deere mower (in dis-repair and needs refurbished to use). IF one arrives with cement blocks and a floor jack-the Shed project is answered. Tackling SHED - is one project ... What to do with JOHN DEERE MOWER is another "expert" needed project. Future Special Project: SEAL BALLROOM FLOOR (takes 4 days to dry) - Floors need swept, damp mopped clean, dried and oil applied. 2. POMONA GRANGE Cookie Booth Fundraiser (Clackamas County Fair): Dan Keeley relayed volunteers will need to sign up at the June 25th meeting. Clackamas County Fair runs from Tuesday-Saturday, August 15 - 19, 2017. Betty and Kathie volunteered to work the cookie booth on August 15th from 1:00-4:00pm. 3. POMONA GRANGE, School Supply Chair, Ann Dickson letter: Dan Keeley relayed Pomona would like to provide to Granges a School Supply Box and collect school supplies for distribution to local schools. Dan is aware that supply lists vary by school. Maplewood is interested, and will promote items needed at next meeting, July 23rd. Dan and Betty will gather School Supply lists for Canby and North Marion school districts. 4. Public Service (Dan Keeley): Aside from offering free use of the hall to service groups (4H, scouts, etc.) we need to be of some use to the community to keep our property tax exemption. In the past, it has at various times been: cemetery clean-up, dictionaries for schools, roadside trash pickup, service dogs, and student scholarships (for seniors interested in Agricultural Program). Offering a Maplewood Grange $1000-annual Scholarship to a senior interested in the Ag. Program was decided. 5. Membership Dues (Betty Chipps): OSG website list these rates: Individual $45, Family $90, and Business $50. OSG allows additional $5-20 in dues at the local/subordinate grange level. Currently Maplewood rates are: $40 Individual, $80 Family (respectively). Tabled till July meeting: Do we increase our Membership Dues? 6. Grange "Fun-Day" (Dan Keeley): Last year's fun-day was spent at Canby's Slice of Summer, listening to music. This year Canby is NOT doing the "Slice of Summer." Grangers were interested in doing something fun. Dan will research and email the other location(s) and date options for Grange outing. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 7. Public Invitation - Celebrate 150th Anniversary of the National Grange (Betty Chipps): 2017 is the year to celebrate the National Grange's existence since 1967. To highlight the 150th birthday of the National Grange, OSG has mailed a "hard copy" of paper materials to educate and make public the history of the Grange. We are asked to a.) select a Chair/co-Chair, and PLAN an EVENT December 1, 2,3 or 4, 2017 (or any other date that we choose) to Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Grange! The "date" (suggestions were NOV 4th or DEC 2nd) and "format" of Maplewood's "celebration" will be discussed/chosen at our JULY 23rd meeting after the Noon Potluck. OTHER BUSINESS: future dates for MAPLEWOOD GRANGE CALENDAR include:
GOOD to the ORDER: The OSG Summer Session is in progress - thus we are too late to enter the "Goodie Basket Raffle" that promotes Youth Activities. JoAnn Keeley moved that Maplewood donate $40 (same as last year) to promote Grange youth, Kathie Femrite seconded, vote was unanimous. Betty will return the raffle tickets and mail the check with a cover-letter to OSG and apologize for our delayed response. Meeting Adjourned: at 5:50pm by Dan Keeley. Next Meeting: July 23, 2017 (Potluck noon, Meeting approximately 1:00pm) Respectfully Submitted, Betty B. Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |