February Meeting3/25/2019 MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING FEBRUARY 24, 2019
Maplewood Grange #662 was opened on Sunday, February 24, 2019 at 2:00pm . Three members of the Audit Committee reviewed 2018 Treasurer records, and potluck was served at 3:30pm.. Master, Dan Keeley, called the regular meeting to order at 4:33pm with the “Opening of the Grange” ritual. The following Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Members acting Pro-Tempore: Steward, JoAnn Keeley; Gatekeeper, Vicki Pounds. Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez * Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez * Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant) Member: Ken Fessler * Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez * Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: JoAnn Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** ============================================================================ ================ == ***** Members present: 7, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7” ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP Dan Keeley proposed the acceptance of two (2) new memberships: Mother and daughter (respectively), Crispina Orozco and Mariela Casarez, grange renters who dance Zumba. JoAnn Keeley moved to accept Mother and Daughter as new members, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries, voting-sign-of-the-order. MINUTES: (Secretary) Corrections were made to the JAN 27. 2019 Minutes: C h rispina (s/b Crispina) Orozco and daughter, Mariella (s/b Mariela) Casarez. Minutes were approved with corrections. COMMUNICATION (Secretary) Oregon State Grange (OSG) - February/March 2019 OSG Bulletin mailed. • February 5, 2019 Correspondence from Susan Noah, OSG Master: OSG 2019 Roster received Clackamas POMONA Grange • FLYER form WARNER Grange: SUN, March 3rd, 5-8pm, LOST CREEK BLUEGRASS BAND (includes $8 BBQ Chicken Dinner) • FLYER from BEAVERCREEK Grange (Schettig 2/11/19): March 17th St. Patrick’s $8 Dinner (family $25) and Fundraiser, 4 - 7pm Treasurer’s Report: (Vicki Pounds) Checking beginning balance was $10,651.07, dues income $225, rental income $510, expenses of $491.40 (including $225 for 4Q2018 Report) for an ending balance of $10,894.67. Vicki reminds us, Treasurer Reports require no approval, but are rather “filed for audit.” Vicki inquired of Dan, what was the Zumba rental check status? Dan was advised the check was placed in the mail. OLD BUSINESS Grange Water Test did not pass (again). Neighbor to the North, Carol Yoder, will let Maplewood sample her well to compare results. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Building Improvement and Maintenance ● BALLROOM FLOOR SEALING (Dan Keeley): oil coat application awaits warm weather. Bill Sanford (Chaps and Petticoats renter) willing to help. Process: oil coating takes 24/hr period to dry - must wait one (1) week before next coat. ● SOUTH-WEST (outside) WALL RE-SIDING (Dan Keeley): OSG Grant received requires “quarterly” updates - report sent in - read nothing done yet. • GRANGE ENTRY RAMP: Kathie Femrite has paint to apply on ramp railing. Will possibly replace non-skid strips on ramp also. • EXHAUST HOODS for OVER KITCHEN STOVES (Dan Keeley): Project on-hold. Can target for OSG Matching Grant Program Funds another year. COMMITTEE REPORTS LECTURER (Dan Keeley): The word of the month, “Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else have it your way,” AUDIT: The Audit Committee (JoAnn Keeley, Kathie Femrite and Betty Chipps) reviewed Treasurer records for 2018. A random sampling of checks and deposits (each quarter) were traced to the Wells Fargo Bank Statement and same amount activity was found. Grange Minute balances were also reconciled to book for January and December 2018 and reconciling items agreed. The Audit Committee reported a clean set of records - no exceptions found. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): Relayed “Glyphosate” article in February 8, 2019 Capital Press . Article was by University of Idaho Extension pesticide coordinator. She made the points that Glyphosate (Roundup) has very low acute toxicity to animals similar to Baking Soda. The use of Glyphosate has increased due to increased use of GMO crops and that has made it a target. She made the point that studies done in USA have not found a link to leukemia and the overseas studies that have found such a link were small case controlled studies which can be subject to unintentional bias. A recent meta study, however, has indicated a small increase in risk, so it is best to be careful about exposure to this or any pesticide. EDUCATION Report (Dan Keeley): • St Paul, both boys and girls, won District - all going to State. • Oregonian article dated 2/10/19 by columnist Elizabeth Hovde - emphasizes people need to stop blaming law makers for those children-left-behind. “Public schools that give great opportunities to children and quality education 6-hours a day cannot undo the other 18-hours” - that is up to family involvement. At home factors play into quality education, or lack of. i.e. Children arrive to school with pre-existing conditions: sick, tired, hungry, and/or sometimes stressed about what is happening at home - all factors that disrupt education. HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): • Six (6) rentals on grange calendar. • Boy Scouts, Pinewood Derby, isa floor risk, thus a non-rental. • Rental inquiry from Mom’s Club in Canby - Dan wondered about “free” rental in exchange for grange cleaning possibly. LEGISLATURE (Dan Keeley): • Rep. Bill Post got reprimanded on ‘bill” restricting gun rights - invites NRA to show up - caused a stir. • Debate in Legislative Session: cap and trade limits on carbon dioxide. The cap and trade system attempts to make a given amount of pollution reduction more effective and less expensive. However, it is a large complicated program and the State has had little success running such programs. Dan advocated a carbon tax as simpler. In any case something needs to happen ASAP. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Vicki Pounds talked about KIWANIS spearheading the Children’s Summit - objective to catalog/ consolidate various organization contacts/resources for children and families I.e. Food Bank and Canby Center (that has a food bank) . • Vicki wondered where Maplewood fits into the community planning? • Don Sether will get Maplewood advised. Molalla is talking about needs of community organizations, churches and even Molalla-VFW is involved. MEMBERSHIP: Dan reports Laura Ellis will renew Grange membership, however will likely not be able to attend meetings as family cannot leave oldest “Autistic” son with anyone else. Vicki questioned, will Katie and Felipe Gonzalez renew 2019 memberships?. ● Vicki was unfamiliar and wondered why Adin Hester, JoAnn Leigh and Stacie Bernert did not pay 2018 membership dues? Answer: 2018 reminders were not sent - Betty will follow-up. In the future Treasurer and Membership should coordinate membership renewals. ● Vicki asked besides Don Sether and Judi Aus , who else was Maplewood’s Lifetime members Other Lifetime Members are: Jack & Priscilla Weaver (Canby, OR) and Joyce Urnaut (Sandy, OR). NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley, including: • $ 40.00 - Water Test • 22.30 - V-belt • 24.98 - Pulley (mower) • 56.00 - Kitchen Sink repair (part to put drains back together under sinks). $143.28 TOTAL $250.00 reimbursement due JoAnn for purchase of used/rebuilt vacuum from Vacuum Shop (can turn beater-bar off, for floor use, and has 50-foot cord) $1,960.00 payable to Country Mutual Ins. - Gen’l LIAB Ins. renews April 2019 Don Sether moved all bills be paid, Kathie 2nd, motion passed. NEW BUSINESS (continued) 2. BUDGETS needed (Dan Keeley) : • Dance Floor Materials BUDGET - projected materials of $1.500 include: Sander rental, and other misc. (brushes, cloths). Don Sether moved and ____?____ seconded, that a Dance Floor Materials Budget be established up to $1,500, motion carried. • Siding Project BUDGET - The OSG Grant approved was $3,022 (expires 12/31/2019). Grange must contribute 50/50 of materials under the Grant (approx. $3,000). Vicki Pounds moved to approve $3,000 as the grange 50% budget for siding project, Don Sether 2nd, motion carried. Siding Project TO DO’s: • Betty will contact Ken Fessler and inquire if Scissor-Lift is still available for rent or use? INFO: previously used for South-side siding project. • JoAnn will complete Dept. of Energy (and/or PGE) application. INFO: Last year Vicki had obtained information from Dept of Energy that siding insulation requests for reimbursement could be applied for. Materials needed: • approx. 8,000/sq. Ft. Owens-Corning R-19 Siding with Fiberglass insulation • Installation equipment: Airless Sprayer (rental), Nail gurn (rental?), saw-horses, AirLift (rental?) 3. GRANGE SPRING-CLEANING DAY needed - date consideration maybe early July (after July 4th) • Pass on early in JUNE - weather can be wet. • JULY 20 is HOP Festival / Chaps and Petticoats (not avail. due to fundraiser booth) • AUG. 10 is AURORA COLONY DAYS Parade (C&P and Grange not avail.) • AUG 13-17 GRANGE (Cookie Booth) & C&P stage demo at CLACKAMAS Co. FAIR 4. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR - August 13-17: THEME: “Farm Fresh, Hand Made, Home Grown” - Think about the theme and decide (at March meeting) if any interest in GRANGE DISPLAY BOOTH 5. WHEEL STOPS (for parking lot): HOP poles may be available for this purpose - Dan will check in to. INFO: Many HOP farmers are going out of business (market is bottoming-out). 6. GO HOG WILD (Chaps and Petticoats) DINNER: Dan wants to know, as Grangers, shall an invite be extended to Zumba exercise group to join the 6:45pm BBQ Pig (and Turkey) Dinner? The intent is a gesture of comradery - shall we change for the dinner (or) does Maplewood want to contribute money to the invitation? Decision was Dan will extend an invitation with RSVP requested on number to attend - No-charge for Zumba members. IF Family members come Grange will buy pizzas (or) pay dinner charges. CONNECTIONS - Other GRANGES: Don Sether reported Jason Carroll, Veterans Chair at Molalla Grange, suffered a Brain Aneurysm. Vicki Pounds, who dances at Milwaukie Grange, reported Kitty Thomas is trying to keep Milwaukie Grange open. Vicki attended a December meeting, expressed an interest in Grange and yet, Kitty did not take applications. Don Sether reported Milwaukie Grange was, indeed, struggling with membership. GOOD TO THE ORDER: Grange Password for 2019 is: “INVOLVE” Meeting Adjourned: by Dan Keeley at 6:00pm with “Closing of the Grange” ritual. Next Meeting: Sunday, MARCH 24, 2019 (Potluck 3:30pm, Meeting 4:30pm) Respectfully Submitted, Betty B. Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |