October Minutes12/1/2016 Maplewood Grange #662District 1
Aurora, ORTuesday, 10/23/2016 The regular meeting of Maplewood Grange #662 was held on the above date. The Grange opened at 3:30pm and potluck was served, meeting was called to order, by Dan Keeley at 4:35pm. Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Roll Call: (Secretary) : “*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether * Steward: Ken Fessler * Executive Committee #1: (vacated by Don Sether) Asst. Steward: (vacant) Chaplain: (vacated by Scott Tiedtke on 9/26/16) Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant) Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Ceres: Judi Aus * Lecturer: (vacant) Flora: (vacant) Member: Vicki Pounds Members: Mike and Laura Ellis * ========================================================================================= ****** Members present: 5, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Members acting Pro-Tem: ________, Overseer; ________, Steward; _________, Lecturer; _________, Gatekeeper; and _________, Chaplain. Minutes of October 23rd meeting ... (not printed/circulated) – to be approved next meeting. Proposals for Membership: (none) Standing Committees Reports: 1 Legislative: (none) 2 Women’s Activities: (Unassigned) 3 Youth: (Unassigned) 4 Membership: (no report) Other standing Committees: 5 Agriculture (Ken Fessler): Betty reported Friends of French Prairie "petition" received - encouraged delay in Dundee Bypass connection to McKay road (was to connect to Tigard) pending further research of traffic congestion effect on Aurora and Ehlen Road. 6 Custodian: 7 Education (Dan Keeley): · Measure 98: Encourage NO vote: allows schools to apply for technical support of students. Proposed funds for mechancial/shop programs ... Legislative committees job. · Measure 99: Encourge NO vote: Dedicates 4% of Lottery funds to Outdoor School - applied for by grant. However, Bill does not suggest where to take the 4% from. Currently: 57% = Education, 27% = Economic Development and 15% = Parks. 8 Hall Rental (Dan Keeley): · Silver Knights (who stayed overnight at Grange on _____) had approximately two (2) squares and no problems. · Ernestina Colores, renter of Grange on ________ (Danielle Garcia, birthday girl party), ignored our contract - greasy floors upstairs and on stairway - Dan plans to ask renter to clean-up or forfeit (min. 1/2) Deposit. Vicki did spot cleaning on Sunday lesson night. Dan mopped 7-8 strips near mirror (approx. one-hour spent) ... members should give comment on this area. Vicki spent approx one-hour, indicated Mr. Clean was used - appears no negative impact on wood. Recommendations for wood consultants: Sandy recommends Rick at Nagl's in Aurora. Vicki recommends "Kids and Pets" product be used for stairway. Hall Rental (Dan Keeley): (continued) · November 20th: Chaps and Petticoats renting Hall for New-Dancer JAMBOREE - time is 4:00-7:30pm. Special Committees
Communications (Secretary): From: Subject: OREGON STATE GRANGE: - Oregon State Grange BULLETIN, October/November 2016 Volume Clackamas/Pomona District #1: - October 2016 Newsletter: Cookie Dough Sale - contact Don Kingsborough Next POMONA Meeting: November 15, 2016 at Boring/Damascus Grange - FLYER: Teddy Bear Toss at PORTLAND WINTERHAWKS HOCKEY GAME, Saturday December 10th - 7:00pm (to purchase tickets in advance & Bus Transportation (at 5:30pm), contact: Don Kingsborough 503-636-2544 Secretary (Betty Chipps): 2016 Q3 Quarterly Report, for 3rd quarter ended September 30, 2016: (pending return call from OR State Grange, Member chair: Ludi) _ questioning: 3rd Qtr Report ... $202.50 due should be $191.25, omits deletion of Ward Colvin. – questioning: 3rd Qtr Membership Roster: Ward Ward Colvin was deleted Q2 but still reflected as member - how to correct? – anticipate $182 will be check needed for Q3 2016 Quarterly Report (included deletion of Scott Tiedtke eff. 9/2016). Q3 Quarterly Report was approved (pending answer from OR State Grange), sealed was affixed, Dan and Betty signed. Treasurer (Kathie Femrite): Bills: INFO: Normal operating expenses paid, without a monthly motion. Treasurer report: (none) Dan reported: $200 Mr. Lopes cash was received. $150 Colores rental deposit received. $83 Measure 97 dinner donation was received (dinner expense was approx. $68). Dan reported approx. $10 of Measure 97 donation remains after $73 refund to Colores for deposit. Dan submitted expenses totaling $116.68. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Building report (Dan Keeley): - Furnace: Wolfers was out to assess why furnace was not running - reason was human error as wrong switch was turned on. - Lead Test for water lines still needed. - Winterization: Dan will insulate water faucet and replace crawl space door (outside by light switch). 2. Measure 97 attendance was low (approximately 13), but quality. Dan applied online to Canby Herald announcing community service Forum at Grange, however, announcement did not print in newspaper. Dan reported approximately $83 donations were received on dinner served. NOTE: Someone is welcome to take the job of reporting news publications. OLD BUSINESS (none) NEW BUSINESS At the Measure 97 Forum Dan received a complaint: Why is door missing on stall in Men's restroom? Betty reported: in the Women's Restroom, someone has been peeling the paint on the walls in the bathroom stalls. Kathie advised a Lead-based Test Kit can be purchased for approx. $10. GRANGE MINUTES of 10/23/16 (continued) Page 2 of 3 Committee on Relief – (Sick and Distressed report) Dan reported Laura Ellis had Gall Bladder removed - anticipates approx. 1-2 weeks recovery. Sandy volunteered to send Get-Well card to Laura Ellis. Good to the Order: The Grange Closed at approx. 5:40 PM. Next Meeting: November 27th - potluck at 3:30pm, meeting begins 4:30pm. Respectfully submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |