Proposed May Minutes6/24/2016 Maplewood Grange #662District 2
Aurora, ORSunday, 05/22/2016 The regular meeting of Maplewood Grange #662 was held on the above date. The grange was opened with potluck at 4:00 PM; the meeting was called to order, by Dan Keeley, at 4:35 PM; and the “Opening of the Grange Ritual” was recited. Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None Roll Call: (Secretary) : “*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether Steward: Ken Fessler * Executive Committee: (vacated by Don Sether) Secretary: Betty Chipps Chaplain: Scott Tiedtke * Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Pomona: Sandy Shew Member: Vicki Pound Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis Member: Mike Ellis ========================================================================================= ****** Members present: 8, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Members serving Pro-Tem: Overseer: Don Sether (plans to continue as Overseer), Stewart: Sandy Shew, Chaplain: Betty Chipps, GateKeeper: Betty Chipps. During the Welcoming Ceremony, Master Dan Keeley relayed to Laura and Mike Ellis, new members, the Gate Keeper entry password is: GENEROUS. Minutes: Dan Keeley asked for a motion to approve (or disapprove) the 4/10/16 Minutes. Laura Ellis requested correction stating new member was Mike Ellis not Don Ellis. Don Sether moved to approve the 4/10/16 minutes as corrected, Kathie seconded. Voting sign of the order was all in favor - motion carries. Minutes of the April 30, 2016 meeting, were not yet available; Betty will present for approval next meeting. Dan urged more timely presentation of the minutes. Proposals for Membership: Dan anticipated two parties, interested in membership, would have joined the meeting today but they did not. Standing Committees Reports: 1 Legislative: Don Sether reported State legislative session passed through some proposals (opposed by the Grange) under the “emergency” (necessary) clause - Lobbyists were helpless. Grange lobbyists are petitioning for a measure that severely restricts use of “emergency clauses” in the legislature. Dan reported IP-68, to be voted on in November, will hopefully not pass as its basis is on “gross” sales not “net” (after expense) sales. IP-68 would impose 2-1/2% tax on corporate sales in excess of $25-million in gross-sales – projected to raise $1.6-billion dollars. Intent is to boost school funding back to where it was in 1990’s, but it also will boost costs to consumers because tax will be on the sale –price of goods at each step in production, not on net proceeds after expenses – not good. 2 GWA - Grange Workers Activities (Unassigned): 3 Youth: (Unassigned) 4 Membership: Dan welcomed new members Laura & Mike Ellis (owners of Mt. Hope Farms), annual dues of $40 each will come due at end of year. Other standing Committees: 5 Agriculture (Ken Fessler): Don Sether reports given the pattern of sun and rain, hay and berry crop harvests are three (3) weeks earlier this year. Dan and Don relayed that the Sierra Club is proposing the Owyhee Canyon lands, in Central Oregon, be preserved as a National Monument - the hearing is Monday, May 23rd, 8:00am at the Oregon Capitol Bldg. Dan reported Wilco Farms is proposing a merger with Hazelnut Growers of Oregon. HGO would become a share holder in Wilco Winfield. However, he is not in favor of Wilco’s tactics to fire union employees at the Cornellius plant and attempt to hire non union workers at the new Donald plant. result: breaks the union local, fires half the people and sends them elsewhere. 6 Custodian: Mrs. Dan (JoAnn) Keeley is mowing the lawn, as we speak. Vicki is cleaning the (west-side) oven of spills today. Dan reported Laura’s efforts to wipe out the pots-and-pans cabinet was not effective as paint just keeps coming off. Shelves need to be sanded down and either repainted or cabinet liners put down. 7 Deaf Awareness (vacant): Dan reported “Dogs for the Deaf” program has been traditionally supported by the Grange. 8 Education (Dan Keeley): Dan asks for care on roadways, and be cautious of Graduation parties traveling. 9 Hall Rental (Dan Keeley): The month and one-half long run of Saturday renters is over. Presently, no more new renters scheduled. Clean up occurrences were few, though Laura mopped out the kitchen for one rental spill. Supplies, paper towels and toilet paper, seemed to use-up quickly – perhaps we had some walk off of supplies. Special Committees · Fund Raiser (Scott Tiedtke): · FFA Scholarship Committee (Judi Aus, & Dan Keeley) Opens each January month. Communications (Secretary): From: Subject: Oregon State Grange: EVENT - State Grange Session in TALENT (June 18-23, 2016): See Secretary for Registration Forms Oregon Secretary of State: Corporation Membership Dues - $50 (presented to Treasurer for payment) Clackamas/Pomona District #1: May 2016 Newsletter (from J. Parker, Secretary): 4/23/16 Warner Grange business meeting report. - 15 brothers/sisters remembered (passed since last year) at the Memorial Service - FLYER: SAT, 6/12/16, 8am-1pm at BORING/DAMASCUS Grange: Strawberry Waffle Breakfast, Adults $7, Family rate $30 - Resolution Adopted: Emergency Clause – asks that OSG support efforts to limit Emergency Clause by the OR Legislature - Made a Standing Committee of the Pomona: 5 members to work with FFA in Clackamas County. - Asked Pomona Legislative Comm. to look into DHS/CSD issues and report back in July with actions and resolutions. - Membership Report/goals presented. Secretary (Betty Chipps): “Goodie Baskets” Raffle (Talent, OR drawing June 22nd): Subordinate/Community granges can support the Oregon State Grange Youth Activities Fund by selling/purchasing raffle tickets at $1.00 each. Motion: Don Sether moved that the Grange donate $20 (ten tickets) to support the “Goodie Basket” activity, Kathie Femrite seconded. Betty Chipps suggested the donation be increased to $40 – promotes the youth. Don Sether amended the motion that the Grange donate $40 to support the “Goodie Basket” activity, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed unamimously. $40 Check was presented to Betty for mailing. Treasurer (Kathie Femrite): Bills: INFO: Normal operating expenses paid, without a monthly motion. Treasurer report: (No report) Dan Keeley presented Kathie rental income of $200 received from Eugenio Lopez. Bills discussion: 1. Dan’s reimbursement is pending approval. UNFINISHED BUSINESS
OLD BUSINESS April 30th Election Meeting Report: Eighty-plus (80+) people and eight (8) candidates attended the Clackamas/Pomona District #1 spaghetti dinner and Candidates Forum on April 30, 2016. Don Sether, as Pomona Master, appreciated Ed Luttrell, Lobbyist, presence which kept the program moving and helped with crowd control. Don circulated the room and got only good reviews from the visitors – comments: “greatest one ever attended,” and public said open question/answer session was good. Handicap Ramp: Dan reported the Handicap Ramp was repaired Friday, May 20th. Vandals sheared off the bolts that secured the ramp to the front entrance porch and drug it off the top step. No other damage was detected. NEW BUSINESS Don Sether relayed the next POMONA Candidate Forum will take place before November elections at the Boring/Clackamas Grange and include State Representatives, etc. Community Service: Dan Keeley asked Betty Chipps to talk about the Aurora Colony Days. Betty relayed Aurora Colony Days Parade is August 13th and the Chaps and Petticoats (grange renters) will dance on a float in the parade. Grangers were invited to attend, beginning with breakfast at the American Legion Hall at 8:00am then gather at the Park on Main St. at 9:00am to decorate the float. Parade begins at 11:00am – bring a folding chair and choose a spot to watch the parade. HOP Festival in Hubbard, OR (Betty): The Hubbard Fire Department has tabled/cancelled the HOP Festival until next year. The Fire Dept. insurance provider has withdrawn liability coverage for this event, including: Fire Fighter security coverage, vendor tent coverage liability, liquor liability, etc. Grange Refrigerators: The grange now has only one working refrigerator: the beige approx. 18 cubic-foot refrigerator donated by Scott Tiedtke. Dan received agreement from members (via email dated May 10th) to replace the old refrigerator, that was making noise, and has since died. Dan researched Consumer Reports and found an 18 cubic-foot GE model was $540/minimum up to $800, a Frigidaire 20 cubic-foot was even greater. Dan asked should he be shopping for new or good-condition used? Discussion: Don Sether recommended check out Standard TV and Appliance – dinged appliances are sold for half-price. Hamilton Appliances has same offer. Sandy Shew recommended Appliance Renewal in Canby. Laura Ellis recommended Bosch’s in Mt. Angel – she will research. Motion: Don Sether moved to give Dan Keeley authority to purchase/replace, at his discretion, the grange refrigerator up to a cost of $800, Betty seconded, motion passed with all in favor. Committee on Relief – (Sick and Distressed report): (None) Good to the Order: Dan Keeley suggests we might do something together this summer, or fall, just for fun...maybe a picnic (in the park). Members are invited to make their suggestions for a summer/fall outing at the June meeting. Next Club Meeting: Fourth Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 3:30pm The “Closing of the Grange” ended business at 5:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |