May Minutes5/26/2019 MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, May 26, 2019
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:32pm by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, May 26, 2019 with the “Opening of the Grange” ritual. Members acting Pro-Tempore: Gatekeeper: Vicki Pounds, Stewart: JoAnn Keeley. The following Guest(s) present: None Visitation: None . Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: (vacant) Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant) Member: Ken Fessler * Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 (vacant) Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: JoAnn Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** ============================================================================ ================ ***** Members present: 7, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7” ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Quip (Dan Keeley) : Charles Dickens suggests Fairy Tales are a matter of grave importance … ”a nation without (nursery) fancy, without some romance, never did, never can, and never will, hold a place under the sun.” PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP Dan requests we encourage new memberships, promote the grange, even suggest of Chaps and Petticoats dancers to join the grange - keep the doors open. Kathie Femrite informed Dan her Husband, Doug Femrite, has agreed to become a Grange member. He will be glad to lend his assistance on physical project needs. MINUTES (Secretary): April 28, 2019 Minutes were not available. Secretary read April meeting highlights of “old” and “new” business. TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds) Checking beginning balance (as of 4/28/19) was $10720.01 Rental Income $3,485 (includes 4 hall reservations and $235 dues received) , paid expenses totaled $1,523.63 (included Utilities $165.18, Goodie Basket Raffle $20, vacuum purchase of $263.45, OSG 1st-Qtr Report $225 and other rental/security refunds $850) for an ending balance of $12,681.38. Hearing no comments, Treasurer Report was “filed for audit.” MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, May 26, 2019 COMMUNICATION (Secretary) >>>>> CONNECTING with STATE <<<<< OSG Convention 6/22-27/19 (Sat-Thurs.) at Molalla High School (schedule to appear in June Bulletin) 1. FLYER: 2019 Keep Oregon Warm : OSG Youth and Young Adults collecting "warm" clothing -bring to Molalla OSG Convention June 22-27 (submit in time for display) 2. GOODIE BASKET RAFFLE: Grange purchased 20 tickets ($20 check was issued) - 30 more tickets ($1.00/each) available - any others interested? - due to OSG Convention no later than JUNE 23rd 3. SUN, June 2nd beginning Noon at SUNNYSIDE Grange: State Convention 5th Degree Rehearsal a. JoAnn Keeley and Betty Chipps will attend - Molalla HS 5th-Degree Ceremony is MON, JUNE 23rd at 4:00pm - NOTE: Molalla HS, 6th-Degree offered SUN, 6/23/19 (after dinner) 4. Subordinate Grange DELEGATE CREDENTIALS (and ALL Pre-Registration forms) due Thursday, 6/6/19 a. Dan Keeley, 1st Delegate, b. JoAnn Keeley, 2nd Delegate, c. Betty Chipps, ALT Delegate. >>>>> CONNECTING - with other Granges <<<<<< Clackamas POMONA Grange ● Minutes from Pomona May Meeting were circulated. • F LYER from BEAVERCREEK Grange SAT, June 1st, 8-11am, Breakfast served for $7 • THUR., June 27, 2019 POMONA Meeting at HARDING Grange, Estacada Clackamas County Fair ● AUG 13-17, Display Theme: “Farm Fresh, Handmade, Home Grown” • August 17th - Cookie Booth (time will be after Sq. Dance Demo) - sign-up with Dan - Dan, JoAnn, Kathie and Betty have signed-up FINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) : HALL (downstairs) - Dressing Room doors are finished. OLD BUSINESS - Building Improvement and Maintenance ● SOUTH-WEST WALL RE-SIDING (Dan Keeley): OSG Matching Grant $3,022 was received - Project begins JULY. ● PARKING BUMPERS (outside): rotten - will replace after Siding (West-wall) completed. ● GRANGE ENTRY RAMP: Kathie Femrite has paint to apply on ramp railing. - Will possibly replace non-skid strips on ramp also. ● BALLROOM FLOOR SEALING/REFINISH (Dan Keeley): Project on hold till warm weather. - Will get together with Bill Sanford (Chaps & Petticoats renter), to schedule/discuss. ● FOYER TILE FLOOR - Project on hold till Fall. ● EXHAUST HOODS for over KITCHEN STOVES (Dan Keeley): Project on-hold. - Can target for OSG Matching Grant Program Funds another year. MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, May 26, 2019 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) : 1. Grange Hall Water Test: - Neighbors water tested at 8.0, Grange tested at 10.8, safe drinking water standard is 10.0. - possibly nitrogen bleaching into well - gray water tank (holding tank for used water) is separate - may have to replace pipe that leads from toilets to septic. 2. Kitchen Sink back-up: probably usual “human” error related to “Sump Pump.” UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) : 3. Rodents under Porch: (no further signs) 4. SIDING Project (west outside wall) - Two dates have been set: July 6th and 13th - to do’s: - Schedule Power with PGE - Move fuel tank (delivery has been suspended till project completion). - Parking Bumpers - Remove for disposal (being replaced) - Pull off down-spouts for storm windows - SAT, July 6th - those who can meet to rip off the siding and install insulation. - SAT, July 13th, work party meets place Tyvek covering and install siding. COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) : ● Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study on Round-Up still shows no signs of cancer. ● Farm Bureau TEST: Bury “cotton” soiled-underwear,” if eaten up in four (4) months, soil is healthy!! Don Sether reports weather has been too wet - might possibly cut hay tomorrow. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) : ● Portland Rescue Mission could use “summer clothing,” and add “sun-screen” to toiletries. Donation Box will be displayed at Grange. ● Email received from Don Kingsborough - VETERANS VILLAGE Supplies needed - Betty bought Bleach and Saran wrap - Vicki will deliver to Vet.Village, 16575 SE 115th, Clackamas: Benchpress/weights, Lamp, Rug... Don Sether reminds us to bring warm clothing to State Sessions (at Mollalla HS) . EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) : Have been some pretty serious incidents of gang and/or racial slurs in Portland … report if concerned. HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley) : ● Eight (8) rentals on grange calendar (some in September). LECTURER (Sandy Shew) : see Opening Quip MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, May 26, 2019 COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) LEGISLATURE (Dan Keeley) : ● SB 210 (Non-profit taxation) is still alive! ● HB 3427 Education Bill - provides funds for Student Success: signed into law. - pays for PERS, maintains schools current program. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) : ● Renewals received (since last meeting 4/28/19) : Renewals pending: - for 2019 Ken Fessler for 2019 Laura & Mike Ellis - for 2018 & 2019: Adin Hester & Stacie Bernert for 2018 & 2019: JoAnn Lee NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS (Dan Keeley) : Receipts: Dan gave Vicki money for 1. Rental hold, 2. Two regular Rental payments. Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley, receipts totalled $284.18 - $ 127.00 - included Dressing Room door expenses Annual “Oregon Corporation” fee is $50 - renewal report due. STATE Convention Registration Expense (Dan Keeley) : Subordinate Delegate Registration form will enroll: Dan, JoAnn and Betty as Alternate Delegate. Also JoAnn (taking 1st-4th, 5th and 6th degrees) and Betty (taking 6th degree) have expressed interest in Degree ceremonies at State Convention. Don Sether suggested that Grange pay for JoAnn (5th & 6th) and Betty’s (6th) degree enrollments, an amount of $44.00. Don Sether motioned to accept bills ($284.18, $50, and $44) as presented, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carried. 2. CANBY FAIR Planning (Dan Keeley) : a.) Pomona Grange - Cookie Bake: Dan has signed-up Maplewood Grange to do the Cookie Bake on AUG 17th (in the afternoon - after the Grove Stage Demo). b.) Grange Booth Display: Fair Theme: “Farm Fresh, Handmade, Home Grown” Need a Chair person for Booth: JoAnn Keeley volunteered 3. Portland Area Council (PAC) hosted State Meeting at Grange is SEPT. 7-8, 2019. a.) Contract will be needed for agreed upon Rental fee of $100 for all Day SAT and AM-SUN b.) Grange is now available on 9/21-22/19 (SAT - SUN, respectively) 4. Planning Upcoming Events: discussed and agreed to the following dates: a.) SAT, SEPT. 21st - GRANGE OPEN HOUSE 6:00 - 9:00pm - plan DEMO of Renters at Maplewood Grange - advertise in Grange Bulletin via FLYER - Sandy’s 50-year Pin to be ordered (for presentation at Open House) b.) SAT, OCT. 26th PUMPKIN PAINTING (note: two people not available: Vicki & Betty) MAPLEWOOD GRANGE MEETING Sunday, May 26, 2019 - advertise with FLYER in N. Willamette News (Canby Herald) NEW BUSINESS (continued) 3. Next Grange Meeting Date: Betty noted our next regular 4th Sunday-Grange meeting is in conflict with the STATE Convention (and in conflict with the Degree ceremony date of 6/23/19) . Discussed and decided Grange meeting would be the following Sunday, JUNE 30th. GOOD TO THE ORDER: State Grange Password for 2019 is: “INVOLVE” With fewer members attending the Potluck (held before Regular Meeting) , Joann motioned to delete 3:30pm Potluck and serve instead snacks during 4:30pm Meeting, Don Sether seconded, motion carried. NEXT Meeting: SUNDAY, June 30, 2019 - Maplewood Grange: “NO” Potluck, Meeting 4:30pm (with snacks) . Meeting Adjourned: at 6:35pm with the “Closing of the Grange” ritual. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |