April Minutes4/22/2018 The Maplewood Grange #662 opened Sunday on 04/22/18 with potluck at 3:30pm. Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:40pm with the "Opening of the Grange" ritual.
Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez * Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez * Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis Flora: (vacant) Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez * Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= >>>>> Members present: 7, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: (none) MINUTES (Secretary): 02/25/18 Minutes - not available...Highlights read. Also 1/28/18 Minutes to be approved. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): Clackamas Pomona #1
- OSG-Grange Workers Activities (GWA) SCHOLARSHIP Application: $400 Award - Marcel "Muzzy" Mandel Memorial SCHOLARSHIP Application: Award upon proof-of- Enrollment - Mary Helen Sauter Ramm Memorial Scholarship Application: $250 Award
COMMUNICATIONS (continued) OSG - Future Dates:
SECRETARY Report: Q1-2018 Quarterly Report was given: two Regular meetings were held in the 1st Quarter - Member attendance in January was eight (8) and February was six (6) - though a quorum is 7 members, decisions did get made. Maplewood reported 20 total-members (includes 6 members with dues outstanding). OSG was advised that Maplewood's 2017 Audit was pending. First Quarter dues were $225 less $15 for (3 new-member) 2017 vouchers for a total due OSG of $210. Pending a check and Grange Master's signature, the report can be submitted, including no updates to the Membership List. JoAnn Keeley moved to approve the 2018 Q1-Report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): Report accepted as presented. - Checking account beginning balance: $8,814.01, ending balance: $7,369.36 - most significant expense was the Grange's General Liability and Property insurance renewal, $1,925 paid to: County(wide) Mutual Insurance. Noted: $800, in rent & rental deposit income, will be deposited come Monday. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) 1. Timeline for submitting OSG Matching Grant application for Building Siding is July 1 - September 30, 2018. 2. Ballroom: Floor oil application is a warmer/summer weather project. 3. Roof Repair (longer screws) - still pending. COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley):
Grange Worker's Activities (GWA): (vacant) GRANGE HALL: 1. Water Test Results (Dan Keeley): Bacterial test passed, Nitrate did not - normal is 10/ per Million - test came back 11.5/Million. - Nitrate can be detrimental in unborn baby's neurological (nervous/spinal system) development. - Question: do we continue to test (maybe in dry weather), or what is the alternative: Filters, bottled water, or is the occasional drink of water harmful? Laura Ellis will check into status/options regarding kitchen cooking. Dan Keeley will price filter (system). Dan will also check into what neighboring tests found: i.e. City of Aurora - determine if Grange test results are an anomaly and we need to do something. 2. (upstairs) Storm Windows Maintenance Status (Vicki Pounds): Status of how to fix has been researched. Vicki will undertake the project with help from Son-in-law, David, once he is available to lend a hand. Vicki noticed some latches on lower panes are broken. JoAnn Keeley commented the sashes are removable as she has taken them out each year to clean the windows. Options are: 1.) We might need to replaces the panes, 2.) Should we post "Do NOT Open" signs in the meantime? Dan commented we might attach windows to Building - as some windows are now held up by a stick (suggests brass or stainless screws be used). Vicki will work on attachment of Storm Windows to building. 3. (upstairs) Thermostat & (downstairs) Furnace Function (Dan Keeley): Furnace has been fixed by Wolfers Heating - nozzle was replaced. - Check the Furnace room for a "Checklist" on how to test or fix problems. -NOTE: Two (2) spare nozzles can be found inside the Furnace (near the bottom). A furnace-repair person called out to fix a problem will always want to order a nozzle - so Dan has purchased spares. - Thermostat is auto-set for one hour - to override: use arrows to select desired temperature, then in lower (left-hand) corner of menu choose length of time. 4. (upstairs) Lobby/Foyer Floor failing (Dan Keeley): Cleaning the tiles and grout is a lot of work - never looks clean either. The floor is going to need replaced. Question: Should we consider replacing with Vinyl or a wood-flooring look-a-like? Vicki Pounds expressed there might be a problem taking out the tiles and grout. Dan felt the issue is getting the mortar off. Dan/JoAnn will check on product replacements and get samples. 5. North Wall Paint needed (Dan Keeley): The North Wall paint is peeling - eventually need to strip and repaint. - Sandy emphasized the downstairs cement (in front of buffet counter) was cracking and chipping - a liability risk for stubble and fall. - Dan has prepared a list of needed repairs - look to website and review the job list. Dan asked: do we want to do a Grange Cleaning Day? Laura Ellis moved to have a Saturday, June 16, 2018 as a Grange Clean-up day (arriving between 9:00-10:00am), Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried. Pizza will be ordered for lunch. GRANGE HALL (Dan Keeley): (continued) 6. (outside) Roadway Sign (Dan Keeley): The East-side aluminum SIGN, at the highway, has (once again) been hit; the frame and pole has been bent. After some discussion, Dan decided he will fix it - one more time. HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): Friends of French Prairie has rented the hall for April 26 at 6:30 PM to introduce Democratic Party primary candidates to the community. All are welcome. - Vicki commented the Grange cannot support specific candidates - isn't that a conflict? - After discussion, Dan and all agreed it was a rental of space, not Grange sponsored, and was open to the public - so no issue. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Inspired by the OREGONIAN article by Steven Duin entitled: "Foster Care? It should be personal for you, too." Dennis Richardson, Oregon's Secretary of State, demanded an audit of the State's DEPT of HUMAN SERVICES; with over 100 DHS programs Richardson said "I want the (audit) to focus on where there is the greatest vulnerability: adoption and foster care. I've personally been involved with both." The article points to potential foster families driven away, treated like a criminal, and have to prove their innocence before becoming a foster parent." Kathie Femrite's son and daughter-in-law take in Foster kids. Kathie has seen horrible things happen to both sides: Foster kids can be yanked from foster homes, by State, as parents have rights. The State can do horrible things to the Parents too who have to prove their innocence. Dan asked the members: should the Grange support, get involved in some way, with the Foster Care Program? Perhaps through 1.) Grange Lobbyist, 2.) or through elections, 3.) or aid to Foster Families? - Dan will do more research and report back at next meeting. LECTURER (Sandy Shew): No report MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): No report VETERANS (Sandy Shew): No report YOUTH (Betty Chipps): No report NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): see Treasurer Report Expense Reimbursement (Dan Keeley): County Mutual-GL/Property Ins renewal: $1, 925.00 Wolfers - Furnace repair: 273.47 Water Test (receipt at home) approximately: 90.00 TOTAL: $2,288.47 Treasurer - Bills/Receipts (continued) JoAnn Keeley moved to pay for all bill reimbursements, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carried via "voting sign of the order." NEW BUSINESS (Dan Keeley): 1. Grange - Connections 2018: Idea presented at January 28th meeting was:
JoAnn Keeley moved to plan a Grange "Open House" on Sunday, June24th and invite Veterans from all local groups - starting with a Grange "Opening" (upstairs at 4:30pm) and community sharing and Potluck (downstairs at 5:00pm), Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed via "voting sign of the order." JoAnn will create an Invitational FLYER and welcome all to "bring your favorite dish" (that serves 12 people). Dan will have the upstairs furniture set up (for the "Opening" Ritual). 2. Members present at the January 2018 meeting elected "Active Members" too would pay their own 2018 Dues. Laura (and Mike) Ellis and Sandy Shew agreed - a reminder notice of the $40 dues payable will be sent by Vicki. 3. The Grange has, in the past, set up a Display at the Clackamas County Fair. The 2018 Theme is: "Grow It, Sew It and Show It" Dan asked whether the Grange Members would be interested in creating an 8' x 10' Display, at no cost (or maybe 10' x 10' Display)? Yes, further discussion: Theme is adaptable to the Grange: "Grow (kids), Sew (reap/harvest) and Show It (the community)." An Application is needed and outlets researched. Dan has an old TV - DVD player. Betty will call the Clackamas County Fair and reserve space. 4. BBQ (Chicken) GRILL: Vicki Pounds indicated Chaps and Petticoats (C & P) owns an oblong (approx. eight-foot) table length Grill - professionally constructed by a former Club member. C & P is unsure what to do with the metal-constructed Grill. Vicki asked: Would the Grange be interested in a Picnic Grill, for a Grange Event? Kathie Femrite suggested post a picture on EBAY - perhaps advertise for sale. 5. 2018 Election Ballot for OSG Officers - voting was conducted. GOOD to the ORDER: Grange Clean-up Day is Saturday, June 16th. Grange OPEN HOUSE, beginning 4:30pm, on June 24th - Veterans especially invited. Next Meeting: SUNDAY, 5/27/18- 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: With "Closing of the Grange" ritual at 6:33pm. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |