Members acting Pro-Temp: Dan Keeley, Chaplain; JoAnn Keeley, Gatekeeper
Guest(s): None Visitation: None
Attendance: Members present: 7
Dan & JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Sandy Shew, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, and Roberta Elders.
MINUTES (Secretary): Minutes from the February 28,2021 and March 28, 2021 general meetings were presented for approval.
Don Sether motioned to approve February and March Minutes, Sandy seconded, motion carries - Voting Sign of theOrder (VSO).
COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) See last Page
Q1-2021 Quarterly (financial) Report, ending 3/31/2021, developed an adjusted payable due OSG of $156.25 - report as follows::
- Dues for 17 total members this quarter ($45 dues/4 qtrs = $11.25 per member) is $191.25, less $35 overpayment from Q4-2020 (adjusted per Vicki Pounds) equals $156.25 payable.
- (3) Regular meetings were held in the 1st Quarter:
- Membership attendance each meeting: JAN 24-seven (7), FEB 28 eight (8) and MAR 28-eight (8).
- answered: Has the Grange secured bonding for 2021 year? YES
- answered: Have you done an Audit for 2020 Year? YES
- Date Report approved: 4/25/2021
Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed and Report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan Keeley.
Don Sether moved to approve the Q1-2021 Report (as adjusted), JoAnn Keeley seconded, motion passed (VSO).
Opening balance was $10,557.76, Ending balance, as of Sunday, April 25, 2021, in Columbia Bank checking account is $7,838.00. (Major expenses included $2.442 Country Insurance annual premium and Stanley Steamer cleaning $432).
Dan called for comments regarding the Treasurer’s Report, hearing none, the report was “filed for audit.”
Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS presented:
- Dan submitted Mower-Shed expense for Primer Spray Paint $4.00
Don Sether moved to pay the bill, Betty Chipps seconded, motion passed VSO.
Draping of the Charter for: Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) - Member: APR 1,1961 - OCT 5, 2020.
HALL ( Dan Keeley) - Two business rentals on the books & several more party rentals turned down.
- Mower shed is complete. Thanks to Vicki for the paint job.
- Remodeling cleanup–handrails still need secured unless the ramp is removed.
- Septic Tank & Drain Field project - OSG-Matching Grant has been awarded for $4,940 (which almost covers materials). If Fire Codes are tolerable, financially, the project will be a go.
Acceptance of the Grant, requires member approval - see UNFINISHED BUSINESS
PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley):
Mower shed – Complete
Rear yard - In progress, moles need trapped, anyone have mulch?
Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project
Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project
Ped path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project
Front doors are coming apart at bottom, need to be glued and painted.
Entrance porch needs refinished
Dance hall floor will need re-oiled for 2021
Northeast side roofing screws
Kitchen needs exhaust fan
Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished
The Preserving Family Farms Act of 2021, in Washington D.C., sponsored by Reps. Jimmy Panetta (D-Calif.) and Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), modernizes the special use valuation provision of the estate tax. This valuation allows property to be appraised as farmland rather than its commercial development value when determining estate taxes. Farm and ranch families who choose to use the special use valuation commit to continue operating their farm or ranch business for 10 years. If they stop farming or ranching, sell the farm or ranch outside of the family, or change the use of their property, they must repay the forgiven estate taxes.
Also, southern Oregon is in an extreme drought situation. For example the Talent Irrigation District's (TID) entire water system stores a total of 115,800 acre-feet of water, and this year, the district announced it is at 16% capacity, causing a delayed start and an early cut-off for farmers this season. Klamath county is even worse.
1. Collecting Summer Clothing for Portland Rescue Mission.
2. Collection Winter Clothing for “Keep Oregon Warm” Grange Youth fundraiser
3. Cemetery on Meridian Road, Aurora, - JoAnn met with Tadd Lewis, Caretaker (his Grandfather was the previous Caretaker) and met the old lady in the brick house (2nd mailbox on Meridian Rd) behind the cemetery. Tadd will mow and has plans to weed spray the grounds - Dan/JoAnn have plans to get rid of the Birch Tree on the South-side of cemetery - Grange mission is to beautify the headstones and the grounds.
A date of May 5th was chosen for cemetery clean-up beginning approx. 1:00pm.
JoAnn’s is also available 5/26 and 5/28.
BRING: Personal gear: hat, sunscreen, rawhide gloves; water.
Tools include: wire brush, flat shovel, rake, pruner(s), 5-gal buckets, vinegar for headstones.
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Schools are open! Watch for kids and busses. So far Covid 19 controls appear to be effective. No major school based outbreaks.
The State Grange legislative committee meeting was April 18. Grange is tracking several bills and is particularly interested in promoting HB 2560A, requiring continued remote (Zoom) access to legislature.
We need one more push in the Senate to get HB 2560A across the finish line.
HB 2560A will be heard by the Senate Housing & Dev't Committee on TUES, April 27, at 1:00 pm.
You can help in three ways:
1. Submit written testimony. It must be submitted the day before the hearing — by Monday, April 26 by 1:00 PM.
Go to OLIS (OR Legislative Info. System) select the 4/27/2021 meeting date to find our bill.
2. Register to testify live, remotely (you can do this even if you've submitted written testimony).
Go to OLIS online.
3. Contact your senators!
MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps) – see Page 6
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley): Meeting is via Zoom on the 24th of April at 1:00pm
Group photo for website: ** PLAN PICTURES for Next Meeting **
Bike rodeo – Dan is unable to pursue (septic tank and fire code issues take priority)..
If someone else wants to pursue, N. Marion Schools would include a plug in their school newsletter. Coordinating with Aurora Colony Days and/or Hubbard Hop Festival would be a good idea, also.
Aurora Fire Department has determined that NO radio relay system is required.
Our Septic system replacement Grant application has been awarded $4,940. We need to officially accept the Grant and plan the project. We will also need an Excavator to lay the lines.
Don Sether moved to accept the Matching Grant of $4,940 in one lump-sum, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carries, VSO
A call with the Fire Marshal’s office resulted in the following:
(INFO:County Building code does NOT deal with stoves, instead would be Aurora Fire Marshal)
Two exits required for more than 50 people allowed downstairs
For moveable chairs (folding chairs) 15 square feet required per person.
For “booth seating” where seating is more or less fixed two feet of seating required per person. . . Aurora Fire Marshal makes the call of which standard applies.
Our ramp would not qualify as a legal exit but could probably remain. To determine for sure would require applying for a building permit or officially asking the question directly, possibly resulting in an order to remove the ramp.
A second exit from the basement could be cut into the wall, where the Chaps & Petticoats supply cabinet is, with a block stairway and retaining wall leading up to the parking area.
Question: How much would we be willing to spend to build such an exit and preserve the ramp down into the basement?
Answer: To up the basement number from 50 people to possibly 95 would, likely, require:
- Taking out the Ramp
- The block Staircase to get up to the ground would take approximately $7,000.
Additionally, Dan spoke with WINONA Grange - they invite the Fire Marshal’s inspection every other year. One inspection required their curtains and stage drapes be fire-proofed, a $500 expense.
A poll of members was taken and majority agreed to invite the Aurora Fire Marshal to inspect the Grange.
Grange is occupancy A2 downstairs (95 people), A3 upstairs (150 people)
15 sq. feet per person maximum occupancy – For grange this comes to 160 persons in ballroom
Radio responder system required for basement –unless waived by fire dept.
Illuminated exit signs for egress doors – probably OK
Panic hardware for egress doors – Need at least backdoor done
28” minimum door width - OK
50 persons per foot of door width - OK
Two exits from each occupancy – Could be OK
Stairs – Max. 8 ¼” rise per tread, Min. 10” run per tread - OK
Handrails on stairs and ramps – one side between 30 and 42 inches high - OK
Ramps – 10% maximum slope - NOT to CODE (our ramp is 22%)
Maximum distance for fire escape – 75’ - OK
1. Registrations for Oregon State Convention - Enterprise, OR (SAT June 19 - THURS June 24, 2021)
- Committee Preferences (due by May 15th)
- All Registrations, in person and Zoom (due by June 1st)
Don moved to allow $200 traveling expense (for up to two Delegates) for attending State Convention at Enterprise, OR, Betty seconded, motion carried, VSO (though two opposed).
2. Goodie Basket Donation(s): supports OSG Youth Travel Fund - $1 each Ticket
- due OSG by June 10th, DRAWING at NOON, June 23
Betty Chipps moved for Maplewood to Donate $20, for purchase of 20 Goodie Basket Tickets, Don Sether seconded, motion passed.
GOOD TO THE ORDER: Thought for the month (Dan Keeley)
“Being offended is the natural consequence of leaving one's home. Get over it!”
(Fran Leibowitz, New York author)
NEXT Meeting: (SUN) MAY 23, 2021 at Maplewood Grange, Time: 4:30pm
Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:57 pm, with the “Closing of the Grange” reading.
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty Chipps, Secretary
Clackamas POMONA Grange - MEMBERSHIP Training MARCH 09, 2021
As Reported to: MAPLEWOOD Grange (by Betty Chipps - April 25th)
Attended the April 9,2021 POMONA ‘Zoom’ Membership 7pm, led by Ed Luttrell, (retiring POMONA Master (Clackamas County Grange) - Eight (8) were in attendance:
- Maplewood Grange: Dan Keeley, Betty Chipps
- Molalla Grange: Don & Susan Sether; Ernie & Sandra (plus one other) Winterton
- Scholls Grange: Toniann Perry
TOPIC was: “How To Meet Member’s Needs”
The Grange has been in existence for one-hundred (100) years!!
Ask your members: Set the Stage!
- Is the Grange important, any more?
- What are we doing that is important to you?
What Makes a Member? One who pays dues, attends meetings, and hopefully volunteers their time.
Why do we lose members?
- Conflicts of time: School activities, personal circumstances and family needs,
- Death,
- Conflicts between members,
- Lack of Value - did they feel valuable?
- A member’s needs change: Ask the question were their needs met? Listen
How to Retain Existing Members? Fill their need(s) ...make them feel a part of the group.
1. Communicate. Communication forms:
a.) Emails (takes a response),
b.) Website (needs traffic referrals),
c.) Newsletter (informs - maybe publish every other month).
2. Get them involved (appoint tasks),
3. Define their passions - what are their interests/expertise?
4. Define their schedules - how active do they want to be?
Why do so few members recruit others?
1. Lack of training,
2. Lack of belief (in the importance of the Grange).
How do we get educated? Recommendation: Invite and Welcome!
1. Ask POMONA or State Grange to aid in training.
2. Schedule a Subordinate Grange Class: i.e. General Leadership Training (can be 20 min - 1 hour)
- Invite other neighboring granges (connect with granges, too)
Betty Chipps, Membership Chair
OLD BUSINESS -- Scholarships are offered through OSG -- deadline: to OSG by 5/01/21.
- Charles E. Spence Scholarship Fund - application for college/school funds.
- OSG-GWA Scholarship Application: scholarship check will be made payable to college/school, Student must carry min. 12 credit-hours in the term you request funding for.
- Mary Helen Sauter Ramm-Memorial Scholarship: min.$250 - awarded to Female student only.
- Marcel “Muzzy Mandel - Memorial Scholarship (OSG Foundation award):
- grange member or a child/grandchild of grange member may apply,
- used toward undergraduate work while attending any institute or post-HS education
- Acceptance Agreement (approval, signature & affix seal) - Grant Year: 7/1/21-6/20/22
OSG-Convention is June 19-24, 2021 in Enterprise, OR (Wallowa County), letter dated 4/13/21:
- PRE-Registration Form (Mail before JUNE 1st AND enclose check) -- Lodging suggestion provided.
- Approval for Subordinate Grange DELEGATES (affix Seal) -- deadline best by MAY 15th, latest JUNE 1st.
- Committee Assignments (to OSG before MAY 15th)
- Memorial Report - honoring deceased State Officers: (Mail before JUNE 1st)
DISTRICT #6 - OSG Youth and Young Adults, correspondence dated April 6, 2021
- GOODIE BASKET RAFFLE Fundraiser - Ticket $1 (approve Maplewood donation $20 = 20 tickets)
- 30 GOODIE BASKET TICKETS remain - for individual sale (return ticket + money to Betty Chipps)
- Subordinate Granges or individuals can donate entire basked (or) items for the basket - contact Dumolts
“KEEP OREGON WARM” sponsored by Western Region - OSG Youth and Young Adults:
- Collecting (at Enterprise Convention) WARM clothing for d i s t r i b u t i o n to the less-fortunate in DISTRICT 6
- For more information contact Dumolts: JC (503) 509-2228 -- Christy (503) 929-6740 -- [email protected]
>>>Clackamas POMONA GRANGE<<< JULY 24th - POMONA Gr. Mtg Where: Sandy
- Every 1st SAT (MAY 1, JUN 5) BEAVERCREEK Grange serves Breakfast 8-11am:
- Adults $10, ages 6-12 $5, under age 6 - Free. - (MAY 2, 16th & 30th) REDLAND Grange - Farmers Market, 10-3 (COVID mandates observed)
- (MAY 9) BEAVERCREEK-Mothers Day Breakfast (8-11 AM)
Veterans Transitional Housing Project: Ongoing DONATION-Household Supplies
call: (503) 754-6572 or Contact: Clackamas POMONA CS Chairman, Don Kingsborough (503) 636-2544
GRANGE MAIL (Betty Chipps): collected FRIDAY, 04/23/21 … (given to Dan)
1. Clackamas County Planning - NOTICE of DECISION on a TYPE-II LAND USE PERMIT, Zoned: EFU
At 25420 S. Hwy 99 - Construction of small building for wood-drying - deadline to Appeal