May Minutes5/28/2023 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:40 PM, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, May 28, 2023 (at tables upstairs…warmer). The “Opening of the Grange” was read and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) Members present: 8 Members acting Pro-Temp: Kathie Femrite, Gatekeeper. ROLL CALL (Secretary): Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, Roberta Elders, and Kathie & Doug Femrite. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – future renter seems interested. MINUTES (Secretary): The APRIL 23, 2023 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed May 27, 2023. Dan asked were there any questions or corrections to the minutes, hearing none: JoAnn moved to approve the April minutes, Roberta seconded, motion carried, VSO. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps) –
SECRETARY REPORT (Betty Chipps) – none COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals on the books. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Dan has taken the mower home for service (running rough and needs lubricated) - will be returned to the shed for next mowing and will stay there for the summer. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas. Front ramp needing paint again - needs sanded, primed and paint applied. Repainting under eaves of hall – Contract project? Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished. Kitchen counters need refinished (paint or formica). Kitchen (on ramp side) walls and under ramp - could use touch-up of paint. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Irrigation water supplies are looking much better in most of Oregon. Even farmers in the Klamath basin are getting water. Also, a recent NOAA study of fish passage in the lower Snake river showed that 90+% of fish swimming upstream successfully pass the four dams on the lower Snake River and survival rates for young fish passing downstream is above 95% at each of the four dams and above 75% past all 4 dams. The study has put a damper on some of the demands to remove the four dams but has not eliminated the threat. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Ag Fest was successful as usual. Thanks go to State President Jay Sexton for organizing, and tolerating me (seems I poured a watering can on him). Also thanks to Maplewood members who participated. IOOF Cemetery (off Meridian) - looking pretty good after May 15th & 20th cleanup: Grass was mowed, Dan pressure washed headstones & lawn edged almost all of them, Roberta did pruning (string trimmer was used in tight places). JoAnn asked if anyone knew who put up the flags? No clues - JoAnn will call Todd. Supplies will be delivered Tuesday to Veterans Village. Foster children birthday parties? Other granges and organizations are throwing birthday parties for foster children whose families request it. - JoAnn still needs to call and investigate the program, and extend our grange offer. First Responder dinners at Christmas and/or Thanksgiving? Troy is in - loves to prepare food!
EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – In a continuing saga Governor Kotek has stepped up efforts to align reading/literacy instruction in Oregon with current research that shows teaching old fashioned phonics is critical. The current action is in the Legislature where an effort to align teacher education in the State University system (like Western Oregon University) and at the private system (like George Fox University) with the new/old research is underway. Dan advises school is out soon - be careful & watch for children. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Big news here is the Legislative walkout by Senate Republican caucus and Sen. Boquist. The current argument is who gets to determine what bills are voted on when. Republicans say they will only show up to vote on bills they like, Democrats say they are in the majority and have the right to schedule votes on all the bills in the pipeline whether Republicans like them or not. The real argument is about policy, particularly hot button issues such as climate change response, treatment of minority populations, response to crime and criminals, waste of state money, etc. The next big argument will be enforcing the terms of office for the next elected officials. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – Sent 2023 Dues Reminder notice to three members. POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – next meeting July 22nd at Harding. Dan is now receiving more information for the Pomona website.
YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – absent TABLED BUSINESS – Bike rodeo idea … anyone interested in spear-heading this event?. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) – The MAY Treasurer’s Report (emailed 5/25/2023) had an opening balance of $10,378.07 on April 24 and on May 28 reflected an ending balance of $10,463.38. Dan asked for questions/comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report was ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
Discussion: Vicki emphasized today it is hard to know what is legal/illegal. Dan Keeley related with drugs everything now is a misdemeanor (or decriminalized - illegal but prosecuted like a traffic ticket).
Betty motioned for Maplewood to purchase Goodie Basket Raffle Tickets for $20 to benefit/donate to the OSG Youth fundraiser, Don Sether seconded, motion carries, VSO.
Roberta Elders works the “Rainbow” Corn Booth on Wednesday, August 16th, as well. NEW BUSINESS
- BILLS presented: Reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Broken mower throttle lever $ 18.00 (wore out) Light bulbs 27.98 Paint supplies (tape, etc.) 6.97 Keeley TOTAL: $ 52.95 Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, Roberta Elders seconded, motion carries, VSO. Dan presented Vicki with fuel bill of: $284.40 (90 gallons)
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – None reported. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) “In my older face, I see my life. My face carries all my memories. Why should I erase them?” (Diane Von Furstenberg) HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – (Young couple seated at a bench overlooking the lake/mountains) THE INTERESTS, THE SOCIAL RELATIONS AND THE DESTINY OF MAN AND WOMAN ARE IDENTICAL. SHE WAS INTENDED BY OUR CREATOR, TO BE THE HELPMEET, COMPANION, AND EQUAL OF MAN - THE PERFECTING HALF ADDED TO HIS HEMISPHERE - THUS COMPLETING THE FULLY-GLOBED ORB OF OUR COMMON HUMANITY; HENCE, AS ONE, EACH SHARES THE GLORY OR THE SHAME OF THE OTHER. (First Degree; Chaplain) GRANGE - CLEANING DAY – Sunday, JUNE 25, 2023 CLEANING DAY arrive at 10:00AM. and NEXT MEETING – will be after Cleaning projects concluded (or perhaps at lunch). CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:41 PM with the “Closing of the Grange” reading (upstairs). Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |