Master, Dan Keeley, opened Maplewood Grange #662, on the above date, with the "Opening the Grange" Ritual at 4:40pm. Don Sether, Overseer and Ken Fessler, Steward filled the roll.
Members acting Pro-Tem: Sandy Shew, Gatekeeper; and Betty Chipps, Chaplain (due to Laura Ellis' early departure).
The following Guest(s) present: JoAnn Keeley Visitation: None
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance.
Master: Dan Keeley Overseer: Don Sether
Steward: Ken Fessler Executive Committee #1: (vacant)
Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis
Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant)
Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew
Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Ceres: Judi Aus * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Flora: (vacant)
Member: Vicki Pounds
***** Members present: 8, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”)
PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: Laura Ellis (& Mike) were welcomed today.
Dan Keeley introduced his wife, JoAnn Keeley, and welcomed her interest in joining the Grange. All members, knowing JoAnn, voted in favor of her membership giving the "voting sign of the order"(hand palm up).
Master, Dan Keeley, gave the following Grange introductions to JoAnn, as new member:
- Grange Salutation (with hand motions)
- Annual meeting password: VISIONARY (Gatekeeper may require for entrance).
- Master has no vote in meetings - exception: can vote to break a tie.
- Granges are less formal today (i.e. member personal beliefs can trump Grange ritual), however, the BIBLE stays as the Grange book of faith.
MINUTES: (Secretary) January 22, 1017 meeting minutes were emailed. Dan Keeley asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Vicki Pounds motioned to accept the minutes, Ken Fessler seconded - all in favor, motion passed.
Clackamas Pomona #1
- Clackamas/Pomona Newsletter of January 26, 2017 was circulated...special mentions:
2. "GOOD DAY," the National Grange 2017 quarterly publication is available to members for $14.
3. Beavercreek Grange Dinner/Meeting is March 18, 2017... Flyer circulated.
4. APRIL is "Grange Month".
5. CLACKAMAS COUNTY FAIR is August 15-19, 2017 - theme "Always in August".
6. Resolutions due by APRIL to POMONA to be timely for STATE SESSION June 19, 2017 meeting.
Note: OREGON STATE GRANGE CONVENTION is JUNE 24-29 in Florence, Oregon.
Oregon State Grange (OSG)
- Dan Keeley: 2017 Oregon State Grange Roster 2/28/17 letter from OSG Master, Susan Noah
- Don Sether: Oregon State Grange hosting 151st National Grange Convention in Spokane - November 7th-11th, 2017 in Spokane, Washington.
2. National 6th Degree ceremony
3. 2017 celebrating 150th Anniversary of National Grange (is December 4th):
National Membership Drive/Promotion is this year's purpose.
- "GRANGE-UP '17...Engage, Connect, Celebrate" promotional pins were handed out.
- State Grange will Award the Granges leading in percentage of "new" memberships:
1st Place - Grand Prize: $750
2nd Place: 500
3rd Place: $250
DISTRICT's with one/more new members will be served an Ice Cream Social by State Grange.
TREASURER Report: (Kathie Femrite)
Kathie indicated she is over-extended in her family life and wishes to resign. Kathie suggested Vicki Pounds be nominated to the Treasurer position. Don Sether motioned we elect Vicki Pounds as Treasurer of Maplewood Grange, Ken Fessler seconded - motion passed by unanimous consent.
Currently Dan Keeley and Kathy Femrite are check signers. Don Sether motioned we elect Dan Keeley and Vicki Pounds as checking account signers, Ken Fessler seconded - motion passed.
SECRETARY Report: (Betty Chipps) - no additional communication or reports.
Agriculture (Ken Fessler):
Don Sether: In Clackamas County WASPS were introduced into "Brown Marmorated Stink-Bug" population and are controlling the reproduction by eating their eggs.
Don Sether: Requested Dan Keeley enter the "Agriculturalist of the Year" as Maplewood's Award nominee.
Dan Keeley: April 29-30, 2017 is AG FEST at Oregon State Fairgrounds - volunteers needed.
Education (Dan Keeley): Dan reported (from publication dated 2/1/17):
Oregon City High School raised graduation rate from low 70's to approx. 95% by:
- Program where teachers show interest in students.
- Students behind are assigned a Mentor - kids get attention and help.
Grange Workers Activities (vacant):
Lecturer (Sandy Shew): Remember "Rosie the Rivoter"
Legislative (Dan Keeley): OSG Legislative Day at Salem, State Capital, is April 18th.
Don Sether reported: State Grange needs people to attend Legislature session(s) to report on Grange policies ... Dan Keeley is interested.
Dan Keeley reports:
Lobbying can be legislation requiring 20-yr old cars to smog control was dropped.
- Measure 97 - Tax on Net Revenue, NOT on Profits measure was voted down.
- State is in Session: possible tare (weight measure) rate hike in near future.
- Legislature wants to get rid of Measure 50 Law and add approximately $3,000 to each property tax holder.
- Road Taxation from Gas Tax to Mile Tax is proposed.
Membership (Betty Chipps): no report
Rental (Dan Keeley): Rentals are down this winter, Dan Keeley suggests perhaps rates are too high. Perhaps we need to advertise more that Grange rentals are available.
Veterans (Sandy Shew): no report
Youth (Don Sether): no report
- LEAD TEST: Passes (with only trace particles found). Dan will mail Laura Ellis these results to satisfy Food Handler requirements.
Don Sether moved to replace/move outside signage & framing and apply for Grant, Kathie Femrite seconded - motion passed.
- Roof Repair-North Side (in need of longer screws): placed on hold per 1/22/17 Meeting with Don Sether presiding.
- Exhaust Hoods for over Stoves: Per Don Sether, "Request for Grant" due by 05/01/2017.
Cleaning Day ... to be scheduled.
- Saturday, March 18th: Beavercreek Grange - St. Patricks Day Dinner 5:00 - 7:00pm
- Thursday, March 23rd: Salem Capital AG Luncheon
- Tuesday, April 18th: Legislative Day comes to Grange Meeting at State Capitol.
- SAT/SUN, April 29-30: AG FEST - Grange booth at State Fairgrounds, planters needed
- SAT, July 15th: HOP Festival in Hubbard:
Treasurer - Bill/Receipts (Dan Keeley):
- $200 received from last Renter
- $200 received from Valley River Dancers for New Years 2017
- $ 20 Membership (cash donation) was given to Treasurer.
- Expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley for $269.65:
Betty Chipps motioned to approve expense reimbursement to Dan Keeley of $269.65, Don Sether seconded, motion passed with unanimous consent.
- Fire and General Liability Insurance renews through Country Financial for $1,893.
- Dan Keeley inquired on Fiduciary Liability Insurance (aka: Errors and Omissions Bond) through Country Financial, premium was approx. $200. Don Sether indicated same insurance is offered through Oregon State Grange for approx. $50.
Maintenance (Dan Keeley):
Dan has research Siding repair project for (south)West side of Grange as current siding is Pine, which does not hold paint (due to pitch). Contractor cost is $1,100 to reside, "hardy" plank and materials are $1,500 + paint.
Don moved to apply for Grant Application to replace siding on "West" side of Grange, with "hardy plank," and including insulation and rollout; Kathie Femrite seconded.
- Approval "pending."
Grange Banner (advertisement that hangs on West-side of Grange) is weathered and fading. Dan indicated cost to replace would be $120. Don Sether suggested we check on a "metal" Grange sign - probably just an additional $20. Another suggestion was to move the Grange Banner to the front of the Grange (now that the church signage no longer occupies the space).
Dan will check on "metal" Grange signage cost(s).
- 4th Sunday, 9/24/17 - Maplewood hosts "Degree Day" for new members
- 4th Sunday, 10/22/17 - Maplewood hosts "POMONA" Grange Meeting.
Meeting Adjourned: at 5:50pm with the "Closing of the Grange" reading.
Next Meeting: March 26, 2017
Respectfully Submitted,
Betty B. Chipps,