January Minutes2/15/2017 The Grange opened, on the above date, at 3:30pm and potluck was served. Don Sether, Overseer, began the meeting at 4:37pm with "Opening of the Grange" reading.
Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. Master: Dan Keeley * Overseer: Don Sether Steward: Ken Fessler Executive Committee #1: (vacant) Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Chaplain: Laura Ellis * Lady Asst. Steward: (vacant) Gatekeeper: (vacant) Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Kathie Femrite Ceres: Judi Aus * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Flora: (vacant) Member: Vicki Pounds ================================================================================== ***** Members present: 6, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 ****** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Members acting Pro-Tem: Ken Fessler, Gatekeeper; and Betty Chipps, Chaplain. PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: Last meeting Dan Keeley expressed, wife, JoAnn Keeley may be interested in joining the Grange. Minutes: (Secretary) October and November meeting minutes were emailed. November 27th Minutes were tentatively approved, pending Master, Dan Keeley's input, which would make a quorum. COMMUNICATION: (Secretary) Oregon State Grange (OSG) letter from Susan Noah dated 12/20/16, with enclosures, was circulated:
Clackamas Pomona #1
TREASURER Report: (Kathie Femrite) Current account balance is $8,144.08.
SECRETARY Report: (Betty Chipps)
OLD BUSINESS: (Betty Chipps)
COMMITTEE REPORTS: Agriculture (Ken Fessler): 370,000 plants arrived this week at Fessler Nursery. Don Sether reported Legislative Director Burton Eller represented the National Grange at an invitation-only listening session by President Trump's Ag Team (regarding new Farm Bill). Education (Dan Keeley): (none): Grange Workers Activities (vacant): Lecturer (Sandy Shew): No report Legislative (Dan Keeley): Betty reported the Legislature is in-session next month, in Salem. Don Sether reported volunteer(s) are needed to report to/from legislature on Grange activities as Ed Luttrell, our last Lobbyist, is no longer available. Prior Lobbyist Jim Welch, a cattleman, was Grange Lobbyist many years. State Grange hoping volunteers will work for now. Membership (Betty Chipps): Don Sether: In celebration of the National Grange's 150th year, prizes for new membership will be awarded for participation in the National Membership Drive: $750 - 1st place, $500 - 2nd, $250 - 3rd. Districts with one/more new members will be served an Ice Cream social by State Grange. Rental (Dan Keeley): (none) Veterans (Sandy Shew): Don Sether reported Governor signed off on awarding Veterans 1-1/2% versus the former 2-1/2% of Lottery Funds. Grange members should email the Legislature and protest the decline in distribution. Youth (Don Sether): Don Sether reported FFA youth are encouraged to practice Lecture skills at local their local Grange - either Canby or Warner Grange will host next month's FFA. UNFINISHED BUSINESS:
Cleaning Day ... to be scheduled. NEW BUSINESS: Betty searched the Clackamas Pomona Calendar and found Maplewood Grange Meeting Date reflects 4th Tuesdays each Month. Don Sether reported filing our Pomona Roster will correct the calendar. OTHER BUSINESS: Future dates for MAPLEWOOD GRANGE CALENDAR include:
Meeting Adjourned: at 5:15pm with the "Closing of the Grange" reading. Next Meeting: February 26, 2017 Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |