January Minutes1/9/2022 Maplewood Grange #662 meeting was held upstairs and called to order at 4:40 PM by Master, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, January 9, 2022 with the Flag Salute and reading the “Opening of the Grange Ritual.”
ROLL CALL: Members present: 8 (Quorum = 7) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Betty Chipps, Sandy Shew, Kathie Femrite, Doug Femrite, Roberta Elders and Mindy Ferriss. Guest: NONE Visitation: NONE Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – Shauna Carter, Yoga Instructor – It would be nice if members could get to know her. Dan will invite her to a meeting assuming she is still interested in her yoga class. MINUTES (Secretary): The November 28, 2021 Minutes (and Ballot) were previously emailed November 2st (via Dan Keeley) Dan confirmed members had read the minutes and asked were there any questions/corrections to the minutes. Hearing none, a motion to accept was requested.. JoAnn moved to accept the November 2021 Minutes, Kathie seconded, motion carried (VSO). COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) 1. MAPLEWOOD MAILBOX - checked 1/7/2022 (only ads and solicitations) 2. ROSTERS filed
TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds presented via 11/26/21 email) The Treasurer’s Report opening balance was $7,461.75 and reflected an ending balance of $7,816.34 for date ended November 28, 2021. (Note: Refer to the 3rd-tab of the Treasurer’s spreadsheet for Septic Project details.) Dan asked for any questions or comments to the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Four party rentals on the books plus Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance and Scouts have long term contracts. I am negotiating with Shauna Carter for a Yoga group – see unfinished business. Rear lot got some fertilizer and is growing well. I will spray weedy grasses at the next opportunity. Moles and squirrels continue to need control. It is critical that rocks get picked up, before the grass needs mowed – use bucket in the mower shed, dump rocks on top of the septic tank. Work day?
No major cleanup problems with rentals. The Christmas pageant went well as did an art sale the same day. The Public Announcement (PA) system got dusted off and also worked well. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Rear yard - needs rocks picked up, and varmint control continued. Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, and need to be glued and painted. Rear door sticking when wet, frame had some rot in it. (patched - thought still needs work) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished Mindy Ferriss reported the deadbolt, to the side door, was broken. Dan noted that the panic hardware on the door still keeps the door locked. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Concern increases in the Agricultural community over investment companies buying up land for speculation. Prices are being driven so high ($20,000/acre +) that beginning farmers are being priced out of the market. If interest rates go up for borrowing, many younger farmers will have to sell out and either quit farming or lease ground instead of owning. With increased availability of automation the concern is farm areas and small towns will be depopulated and be run from board rooms. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – 85 pounds of clothing, and twelve pounds of toys went to the Portland Rescue Mission Women’s and Children’s Center. EDUCATION (no report) LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Redistricting is final. Ag minimum wage (addresses whether Agriculture industry should have to pay overtime) is back in play for the upcoming legislative session. Initiative being prepared (IP 34) proposing a citizen’s commission be formed to do redistricting. Should you wish to support the idea, their address is https://www.peoplenotpoliticians./org Medicare Part D Should Pay for Essential Immunizations (From National Grange Newsletter) One of the best and most cost-effective ways to protect our nation’s seniors is to ensure they are vaccinated against common infectious diseases. That’s the message the National Grange carried to fifty members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and House members of the Congressional Rural Caucus in mid-December. Congressmen were urged to co-sponsor H.R. 1978, the bipartisan Protecting Seniors Through Immunization Act of 2021. The bill would make vaccines for shingles, pneumonia and several more diseases available at no cost to seniors under Medicare Part D the same as other essential vaccines are covered by Part B. The data tell us that the more seniors must pay, the less likely they are to get vaccinated. One wonders why this should be restricted to seniors on Medicare. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps)
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Dan has been assigned to work on the POMONA website and bring it up-to-date (last update was 2019) but so far no progress to report. Perhaps Joyce has had second thoughts, anyway she doesn’t respond to emails or the one phone call made. SECRETARY REPORT – (Betty Chipps) The Q4-2021 Quarterly (financial) report, ended 12/31/2021, develops a balance due of $202.50, comprised of:
JoAnn Keeley moved to approve the OSG 4th Quarter Report, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries (VSO). Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed and Q4 report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan Keeley. TABLED BUSINESS – Bike Rodeo - Spring.2022 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Potential Renter (Dan Keeley) – Yoga instructor, Shauna Carter, is still interested in one or two classes a week at Maplewood, maybe 5-6 PM. Dan proposes $15 per 1 hour session, similar to Zumba - rationale is heat is already on from Zumba instruction and Shauna is willing to be a member and help with grange work days, etc.
NEW BUSINESS 1. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Bills presented by Dan: Rear lot - fertilizer & spray $ 12.75 Paper supplies 12.00 Website renewal 67.90 TOTAL: $ 92.65 Betty Chipps moved to pay the bills, as presented, Roberta Elders seconded, motion carries,VSO. 2. Review RESOLUTIONS for 2022 Convention (Dan Keeley) Note: The Resolution process is first approved by Local Grange, then sent on to POMONA for approval, next debated and voted on at State Convention, then if approved included in Grange policy manual for guidance of State Grange Lobbyists -which hopefully may result in action in the legislature.
Mindy Ferriss moved to send Resolution No. 2 on to Pomona, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carried. 3. POMONA Visitation to Maplewood Grange MARCH 27, 2021 at 4:30pm - mark your calendars. 4. OSG Matching Grant Applications (due by 3/1/22) … will consider Application in the second-half of 2022. 5. AUDIT Report for 2021 - reminder acknowledged … tabled. LECTURER & LITERARY PROGRAM (none presented) MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS – (none presented) GOOD TO THE ORDER – Thought for the month: Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die. (Anne Lamott, American novelist) NEXT Meeting: SUN, FEB 27, 2022 at 4:30 PM at Maplewood Grange Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:43 PM. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |