July 2021 Minutes7/25/2021 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:12pm, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, July 25, 2021 with the 'Opening of the Grange Ritual' reading and Flag Salute.
Members acting Pro-Temp: Kathie Femrite, Gatekeeper Guest: POMONA President, Joyce Parker Visitation: None (Pending) refers to Dues pmt Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: JoAnn Keeley Overseer: Don Sether Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * (Pending) Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward (LAS): Sandy Shew Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: Doug Femrite Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds * Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis: * (Pending) Flora: (vacant) Member: Ken Fessler * (Pending) Member: Roberta Elders Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby) ** #1 Vicki Pounds Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** #3 Sandy Shew ========================================================================================= Members present: 8, Guests: 1, Youth: 0 ***** (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) TOTAL Members: 17 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP – (None) MINUTES (Secretary): The June 27, 2021 Minutes are in progress - to be approved at the August meeting. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary) … see last page SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps) The Q2-2021 Quarterly (financial) report, ending 6/30/2021, develops a Credit balance of $(188.10), comprised of:
Maplewood subordinate Grange Seal was affixed and Q2 report was signed by Secretary and Master, Dan Keeley. . Don Sether moved to approve the 2nd Quarter, 2021 Report, JoAnn seconded, motion carries, VSO. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasury Report ended July 25, 2021 reflected an ending balance of $14,606.00. Bank activity includes rentals (possible after 7/1/21 with the Governor’s release on COVID mandates) and OSG Matching Grant deposit of $4.940. Hearing no questions, the report will be ‘filed for Audit’. Treasurer - BILLS and RECEIPTS: Vicki reports: “I will be out of town and unable to attend the (July) meeting. Keeleys have presented me with receipts for reimbursement that I have reviewed and I cast my vote to reimburse Keeleys for $1,439.77. Keeleys have the receipts for the board to review”. Bills presented by Dan: County evaluation fee for septic system $ 835.00 Fire Code updates (panic hardware, exit signs/wiring): 555.77 Website renewal 49.00 Sub-total: ……………………………$1,439.77 Don Sether moved to pay the bills, Betty seconded, (Dan called for questions - none), motion carries, VSO. COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL ( Dan Keeley): Fire code related improvements are complete. Chief Dyke has done the final inspection and occupation numbers should arrive soon. Septic evaluation is in the County's very long queue and county says maybe late August for the inspection. Three party rentals on the books and Pioneer Church was promised 3 rentals with one yet to go. Currently they are paying $60/week and seemed OK with providing at least one grange member to continue at the same rate. Pioneer Church updated their plans: August 1st will be their last rental - advised another venue was chosen. Dan talked with Guy Nayhorn, home school kids (Pickwick) theater group is interested in using the hall. They would like to do a couple months of twice weekly rehearsals and two 3 day weekend shows. One thought is allow the rehearsals as education at no-charge similar to the scouts but charge for the weekend shows. Would we want to sell concessions as part of the fee or is that experience part of the kids' education? Make the fee a percentage of the gate or just regular rental? Pickwick Theater group is donating ticket sales to a Christian charity. Discussion followed:
Don Sether moved to allow a special rental rate of $100/each performance night (or $75 minimum), Kathie Femrite seconded, motion carries, VSO (voting sign of the order). Re Oiling floor got delayed last weekend - turned out we bought the wrong buffing pad, red instead of maroon. Dan/JoAnn, plan to finish tonight. PROJECTS - PENDING in priority order (Dan Keeley): Fire code related improvements -- COMPLETE. Handrail at rear ramp is loose on wall - removing the gap and will secure to wall -- In progress. Dance hall floor re-oiled for 2021 -- In progress. Septic tank needs replaced - Summer 2021 project -- In progress. Parking bumpers need anchored - Summer 2021 project Pedestrian path to front door needs pea gravel - Summer 2021 project Rear yard - In progress, moles need to be trapped - anyone have mulch? Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, need glued and painted. Entrance porch needs refinished Northeast side roofing screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE: (Dan Keeley): Klamath river dams are in the news. Article in the Capital Press argues that the dams do not store irrigation water for the Klamath project and they create water quality issues in the lower river that cause irrigation water from upper Klamath lake to be diverted away from the Klamath irrigation project to help cool and flush fish parasites out of the lower river reaches. By this argument removing dams will increase irrigation water for the Klamath project. Major downside is the loss of hydropower that could be used to balance the electrical grid as more solar and wind power comes on line. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): (none) EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – “For the 2021-2022 school year, schools must plan to provide full-time, in-person education for all students every school day,” according to Oregon Education Department policy document, Ready Schools, Safe Learners.” Each district will determine if masks and social distancing are required. However, variant COVID infections are increasing among both vaccinated and unvaccinated people and have been harder on children than the original virus. Vaccination does appear to prevent almost all hospitalizations but vaccination requirements are being hotly contested politically if not rationally. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): Deadlock continues in Washington DC. In Oregon the session is over. Two special recognitions, I agree with, come from the Oregon Farm Bureau: Christine Drazan (R-Canby) and Susan McLain (D-Forest Grove). Both representatives are recognized for listening skills and support of agriculture and reason in general. Important new laws: Also a comprehensive water package (many different legislative bills) The package makes $538.1 million in investments at the state, regional, and local levels. The funding includes a massive investment in drinking water, wastewater, and groundwater infrastructure projects across the state, updates to water law and money for planning for water resources. HB 2160 – and SB 16 Designed to undermine the state land use program. Expands UGB (Urban Growth Boundaries) in Pendleton and authorizes 200 McMansions outside the UGB around Ontario. Kathie Femrite commented the construction next door to them (on Arndt Rd) is a very large house with several rooms. Home Occupation allows the renting out of these rooms. Don Sether cautioned members to read carefully before signing Petitions. There are two (2) gun law petitions in circulation, so be careful you understand the intent before signing. (One petition has the aim to lock-up gun use and possession - the real restricting one). MEMBERSHIP Report (Betty Chipps) As of today, Maplewood Grange reflects 17 Total Members, (of which 3 members need to remit dues). Membership renewal was received from Stacie Bernert (Ck#5472 for $45). Stacie reports she is still cleaning up from the Ice-Storm damage, otherwise all is good. GOAL: We have zero (0) Family Plan members and NO Associate Business members: We should design our recruiting of members toward these groups of people. Why?
POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – New officers were elected at the July 24th meeting at Sandy Grange: Joyce Parker replaces Ed Luttrell as Master/President and Dan is Gatekeeper. Cookie booth at Clackamas Co. Fair is on - Jeannie Force has the sign-up list and Pam Furlan of Beavercreek Grange is coordinator. The log Cabin is also happening at the State Fair. We have three shifts a day 10:00–1:00; 1:00–4:00; 4:00–7:00. We need four or five people per shift, or about 130 for the 11 days of the fair - Contact is Susan Noah at [email protected]. TABLED BUSINESS Group photo for website: Planned for August 22, 2021 meeting. Bike Rodeo - tabled till next Spring. OLD BUSINESS New OSG Matching Grant cycle opened JULY 1st - application must be to OSG by 9/1/21 (email OK). QUESTION: Septic Grant was received in June, are we eligible to apply in this 2nd cycle? Joyce Parker advised Yes - we could apply. JoAnn says no to new projects, at this time. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Draping of the Charter … Planned for August 22, 2021 meeting. Adin Hester (Cottonwood, CA) Member: APR 1,1961 - until ‘deceased’ OCT 5, 2020 Septic System and rear yard restoration – waiting on county evaluation (in SEPT). - Once evaluation is known, drain field can be drawn up then filed for Permit (approx. 2-3 weeks to approve). National night out is August 3rd and granges are being encouraged to observe and use the holiday. I was unable to talk the magician into donating a show for this. Other ideas discussed were: Audience participation in Line Dancing or possibly wait to hear from Pickwick Theater Group - perhaps they would like to entertain us? We could delay the date for the Grange opening event - maybe Pumpkin Party in October? It was decided we would postpone decision until the next meeting - after Dan speaks with Pickwick Theater Group. Possible Community-Dance sponsorship – Chaps (tabled till August meeting) Clackamas County Fair Booth - Joyce Parker, newly elected POMONA Master/President, volunteered: The theme this year is: “Back in the Saddle Again.” Fair/Exhibitions & Grange Fair Booth set up is Sunday, 8/15 through 8/16 Monday at 6:00pm. Deadline to submit a Grange entry is July 31st. Dan asked who was interested in or had ideas for this event? Hearing no volunteers and knowing August was already an active month, the decision was to pass on the Grange Booth, this year. POMONA Cookie Booth at the Clackamas County Fair: The Fair is August 17-21 and the Cookie Booth is active, thus volunteers are needed. Cookie Booth contacts - TEXT: Jeanie Force (503) 260-5301 (or) Pam Furlan. Maplewood volunteers, thus far are: Kathie, Doug and Roberta will sign-up for AUG 17 (afternoon), plus Dan, JoAnn and Betty/Terry are available on the 18th or 19th. NEW BUSINESS 1. Grange ReOpening (Dan/JoAnn Keeley) – No entertainment, at this time, thus it was decided to pass on National Night Out-AUGUST 3rd and postpone the decision pending discussion with Pickwick Theater Group. 2. OSG-LOG CABIN – Beginning Friday AUG 27 - Monday SEPT 6 (Labor Day) 3-4 volunteers are needed for each shift (10am-1pm, 1-4pm and 4-7pm) daily. OSG's purpose is to introduce the Grange and entertain and inform the public. Several volunteers provide: games for kids, provide literature on Grange programs for kids & adults and history of the Granges are introduced via ‘displays of the Granges.’ Susan Noah, OSG State Grange contact can sign you up or email Dan on your dates and shift preferences to volunteer. 3. FLYERS At the POMONA meeting on July 24, Grange promotional items were shared that can be ordered: such as Flyers and little Brochures. Dan passed around a couple - members suggested the Red/White/Blue promotional Brochure. 4. OSG DISTRICT Reorganization (as outlined in OSG July 14, 2021 correspondence from Susan Noah).
The Deschutes POMONA would also need to be restructured - these suggestion have been made by the OSG Executive Committee:
End result: Oregon would end up with five districts: District #1, #2, #3 and #4 will keep the same number and District #6 will change to District #5. 5. POINT OF INFORMATION In Washington, Hazel Dell Grange was vandalized (during COVID shutdowns) and is likely to Close as even more maintenance/repairs are needed, such as a new furnace. Unaware if their State Grange has been consulted/contacted. Betty asked Joyce Parker, in Washington (State) are there different POMONA Granges throughout the State? Answer: Yes, there are multiple County Pomonas. GOOD TO THE ORDER: Thought for the month: Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self confidence. (Robert Frost) NEXT Meeting: SUN, AUGUST 22, 2021 at Maplewood Grange - Potluck at NOON, Group Photo after, Rehearsal for Draping the Charter, then Meeting at 3:00 PM. Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:45 pm with the Closing of the Grange Ritual reading. Respectfully Submitted Betty B.Chipps Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |