June Minutes6/26/2022 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday June 26, 2022.
ROLL CALL: Members present: 5 (Quorum = 7) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Betty Chipps, Vicki Pounds, and Roberta Elders. Guest: (none) Visitation: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: N/A PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None presented. MINUTES (Secretary): The May 22, 2022 Minutes were not yet available. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): OSG Correspondence dated June 14, 2022 from Susan Noah, Master:
COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Six party rentals on the books plus Chaps, Zumba, Rental Housing Maintenance, Gamers and Scouts have long term contracts. Area over the sewer pipe has been regraded, next job will be to place a load of gravel there and around back. Poles to keep traffic off the new grass have been placed but need to be nailed down. Hall additions – Cameras and screen are in, lock has been ordered. Shawn volunteered, in April, to help on installation - first, however, Dan must catch up on orchard work. Spare pump will be ordered soon. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Dance hall floor re-oiling. Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas. Front doors are coming apart at the bottom, and need to be glued and painted. Repainting under eaves of hall. Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Looking more and more likely that there will be food shortages this winter in several areas, overseas as well as some parts of South America. (Africa - in Somalia, alone, one-million people may starve.) Prices of staple foods such as grains that poor countries can afford have never been higher (i.e. five years ago Wheat was $5/bushel, today it is $15/bushel). Unfortunately input prices such as labor, fuel and fertilizer have also soared. Ag income for this crop year is likely to be higher than last year but not by a lot. Hazelnuts and other specialty crop prices have not kept up with input prices and margins there are shrinking. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) – Maplewood’s “Keep Oregon Warm” clothing donations were turned in at the OSG Convention in Talent. JoAnn received a Customer Service Award at Convention. Another Aurora IOOF Cemetery clean-up day will be planned when the weather turns decent. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Continued turmoil in Newberg’s board meetings seems to be spreading. Dan read about several other districts that have been dealing with turmoil rooted in our current politics. It has been widely reported that a significant number of teachers are so tired of the conflicts that they will be leaving the profession (survey reported almost 30% likely to leave). LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Ranked choice voting is being promoted by Oregon RCV at https://www.oregonrcv.org A measure is possible at the next election. Our resolution on that subject was voted down at state convention 35 to 36. MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps) – Member dues of $45 received from Stacie Bernert. Two remaining memberships yet to be received. POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – Website revamp will begin next week. Web address is: https://www.grange.org/clackamasor1/ Next POMONA meeting is JULY 24th at Frogpond Grange – 10 AM, potluck picnic is at Noon. Clackamas County Fair Booth – Report (Betty Chipps): Committee met 6/18/22 – three committee members present: Betty, Mindy and Roberta. CCF Booth Theme: “See the Old and New in 2022” … WHAT should our Maplewood theme be? Members, Renters, Businesses & Activities at Maplewood: please help - need pictures to complete the Tri-fold Poster Board, which represents the current Grange in AG Farms, Store Fronts (Mt.Hope Farms: Mike, Laura, Samuel & Mason), Grange Activities: Zumba, Sq.Dance, Scouts, Gamers(?), quilters(?), Businesses: Rental Housing Maintenance, etc. Samples needed for our Maplewood Grange Booth at the Clackamas Fair/Horning Hall (set-up) August 14th, such as: quilt blocks, jams/spreads, hazelnuts, hay bales on farm, etc. would help complete our Booth. The ideas are coming together, however, we have a lot to assemble in a short period of time (one month) . TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds): The JUNE Treasurer’s Report (emailed on 6/25/22) had an opening balance of $7,983.95 on May 23 and on June 26 reflected an ending balance of $9,903.69. Dan asked for any questions or comments regarding the report? Hearing none, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss - absent) TABLED BUSINESS – Bike Rodeo idea. Betty Chipps suggested perhaps Mindy Ferriss and the Scouts would take this on as a project. Dan will present the idea to Mindy. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
BILLS presented for reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Camera System $439.99 Combination Door Lock 129.00 Projector Screen 27.99 sub-total: $596.98 Part of May 22 budget approved for $1,850-$2,100 max. Pending a quorum, approval of the following expenses was deferred for reimbursement: Fertilizer for Lawn 64.70 Paper Towels 127.40 Deadbolt Misc. Supplies 8.98 Ant Bait 5.98 Bathroom Cleaner 5.99 Refrigerator Shelf 19.77 TOTAL: $232.82 Chris Burk, heat pump repair, approx. $400 - pending receipts include: Contactor replaced, Capacitor added and unit was serviced.
Question is whether the concept is good for Maplewood and good for those getting the donated clothing. INFO: Willamette Grange had a positive experience with the program, and St. Pauly Textiles is wanting to partner with other Oregon Granges. Process: Donations are retrieved from the clothing shed and distributed overseas, which does not benefit local persons. Then the clothing/materials are then washed, sorted and distributed, which competes with foreign textile industries. Other Pro/Cons: The clothing shed does take up parking space. Inside the shed needs to be serviced/organized weekly. JoAnn, C.S., thinks Maplewood does not have the traffic to support the effort. ToeDraggers have one of these sheds. Betty spoke with the President, Diana Gray, who shared a down-side: maintenance is required weekly to keep piled boxes away from the drop site. Vicki recalled, from the May meeting, that Sandy Shew was enthused to have one of these sheds and said she would contact the vendor. No one knows if she did so. Dan volunteered to speak with Sandy and get some answers or determine her passion to take charge of the program.
HEIRLOOM PROGRAM “Prune idle thoughts and sinful suggestions, and thus keep your passions within due bounds and prevent your fancy from leading you astray after the vanities and vices of the world.” (OSG Second Degree Master/President’s speech) MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley): Doug Femrite over-extended himself working yesterday, thus will take today to recoup. GOOD OF THE ORDER: The errand of life is to be able to understand as many perspectives as you can. (John Darnielle, musician and novelist) NEXT Meeting: SUN, JULY 28, 2022 time: 4:30pm Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 5:18 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps, Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |