June Minutes6/25/2023 Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 1:22 PM, by Master/President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, June 25, 2023 (which followed the Grange Clean-Up luncheon).
Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: (none) ROLL CALL (Secretary): Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Betty Chipps, Roberta Elders, and Mindy Ferris. Members present: 5, Mandatory – Quorum “ 7 ” PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – None MINUTES (Secretary): The MAY 28, 2023 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed May 27, 2023. With no quorum present, approval is pending for the next meeting. COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary, Betty Chipps)
SECRETARY REPORT (Betty Chipps) – None COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL (Dan Keeley) – Four party rentals on the books. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. Mower has been serviced and returned to the Grange. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Some grading and additional gravel needed on parking areas - complete. Front ramp needing paint again - Dan removed railings - to be painted at home. Repainting under eaves of hall – Contract project? Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished. Kitchen counters need refinished (paint or formica). Kitchen (on ramp side) walls and under ramp - has been washed, await touch-up paint. AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – no report. COMMUNITY SERVICE (Dan Keeley) – Our Goodie Basket tickets did NOT win 😐. The kids sold a lot of tickets - put them in a 33 gallon trash can and drew tickets from there. I heard there were over 4000 tickets sold. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – no report. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – As you know the Legislature is back in session. Bills backed up by the walkout are being passed in rapid succession. MEMBERSHIP REPORT (Betty Chipps) – Ken Fessler mailed check for $50, his 2023 dues. Mindy Ferris gave $45 cash in payment of 2023 dues - requests new Grange Membership Card. POMONA REPORT (Dan Keeley) – next meeting July 22nd at Harding Grange.
Troy Bayliss asked about the 5th Degree. Dan expressed the 1st-4th degrees are subordinate grange and represent each season. A member initiated into the 4th degree can receive the 5th degree, which is Pomona (i.e. county) level. Sixth degree is conferred at State level. STATE SESSION REPORT (Dan Keeley) – State Session went fairly well. Our resolution concerning Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) went down but so did several others (including the one promoting a study of moving Oregon’s borders. I talked with several folks about the RCV issue and was surprised that the “conservatives” and the “liberals” agreed on one thing: they did not like RCV because neither the far left nor the far right wings of politics would likely get elected under that system of counting votes. Jay Sexton did a pretty good job moderating, at least until we had an amendment - to an amendment - to an amendment of a resolution. YOUTH REPORT (Mindy Ferriss) – None TABLED BUSINESS – Bike rodeo idea TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) – The June Treasurer’s Report (emailed 6/22/2023) had an opening balance of $10,463.38 on May 21 and on June 22 reflected an ending balance of$10,844.74. The report can be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley)
We discussed how to get some better attendance. Advertising the old way doesn't seem to have much impact. Social media may be better but I’m not very adept at that. Word of mouth is best but often takes years to yield results. Combining our dinner with Troy’s carnival might do both some good as we have both done a previous event that should be generating some word of mouth. Troy’s carnival is scheduled for October 28. Idea: Invite POMONA Junior Grangers
The State Grange’s 150th birthday is September 27, 2023 and the folks at the convention would like to have some sort of celebration at all the community granges. We discussed the possibility of moving the community dinner (we decided, at the May meeting, to have in 2024) to this year. Maybe have something fairly simple such as spaghetti, chili or stew and cornbread or french bread with salads and dessert. Make it a donation option for a good cause.
So, conclusion of those present was: Grange should have our dinner/open house this year in combination with Troy’s carnival, set up a display for Maplewood at the county fair in August and advertise our event as a 150th Grange birthday party with charitable benefit in that display. Troy’s intention is to benefit the lunch program at ‘91 School by paying off overdue bills. We could stick with that or pick something else for the dinner proceeds,(if any).
Mindy Ferris gave $45 cash for 2023 Dues. . - BILLS presented: Reimbursement to Dan Keeley: Cleaning Supplies $ 19.27 (rear) Door threshold 120.00 Paper products 92.30 Keeley TOTAL: $231.57 With no quorum present, bills will be presented for reimbursement at the next meeting.
MEMBERS SICK or IN DISTRESS (Dan Keeley) – Note received from Ken Fessler, he writes: We are slowing up a little. Marie (his wife) had gallbladder surgery, then a triple (heart) by-pass and COVID on top of that. Now we are doing pretty good. GOOD OF THE ORDER (Dan Keeley) Our children are the messages we send to a future we will never see. (Elijah Cummings, US Representative). HEIRLOOM PROGRAM – (picture: budding and flowering trees) LET US REMEMBER THAT NO TREES BEAR FRUIT IN AUTUMN WHICH DO NOT BLOSSOM IN THE EARLY SUMMERTIME. THAT LIFE MAY BE PROFITABLE, LADEN WITH GOOD FRUITS, LET ALL ENDEAVOR THAT YOUTH BE STUDIOUS AND VIRTUOUS , REPLETE WITH THE BLOSSOMS OF OBSERVATION AND STUDY – THE PROMISE OF FUTURE WISDOM AND USEFULNESS. (Second Degree; Pomona) NEXT MEETING – Sunday, JULY 23 at 4:30 PM CLOSING – Meeting was adjourned, by Dan Keeley, at 2:20 PM (downstairs). Respectfully Submitted, Betty Chipps Secretary INFO: Members noted the following vacations / trips planned:
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AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |