March Minutes3/24/2024 Maplewood Grange Meeting MARCH 24, 2024 @ 3:00pm
Maplewood Grange #662 general meeting was called to order at 3:00 PM, by Master / President, Dan Keeley, on Sunday, March 24, 2024 with the “Opening of the Grange” reading (downstairs). The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Visitation: (none) Guest: (none) Members acting Pro-Temp: Don Sether, Master (part-time, while Dan was present with potential renter) . ROLL CALL (Secretary): Members present: 9 (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) Dan Keeley, JoAnn Keeley, Don Sether, Roberta Elders, Vicki Pounds, Sandy Shew, Mindy Ferris and Betty Chipps (late arrival). PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP (Dan Keeley) – none MINUTES (Secretary): The February 25, 2024 Grange Meeting Minutes were emailed March 20th to members. Dan inquired of members were there any comments, hearing none: Don Sether moved to approve the minutes as presented, Mindy Ferris seconded, motion carried, VSO (voting sign of the order). COMMITTEE REPORTS HALL REPORT (Dan Keeley) –9 party rentals scheduled. Chaps, Gamers and Zumba still have long term contracts. HALL PROJECTS - in priority order (Dan Keeley): Small meter base removed and roof patched Insulate crawl space under bathrooms (1/2 done) Northeast side roof needs additional screws Kitchen counters need refinished Kitchen needs exhaust hood and fan Repainting under eves of hall Kitchen and dining hall floors need refinished AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley) – Hazelnut blight turned out to be locally bred. Growers planting resistant trees in heavily blighted orchards put extreme selection pressure on the blight and it does what diseases do, it evolved. EDUCATION (Dan Keeley) – Sorry, busy this week - No report. LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley) – Short session is over and measure 110 has been extensively remodeled. Private possession of controlled substances is again a crime, albeit a specially designed misdemeanor. Cities and counties are being encouraged (but not required) to use the threat of jail time as a lever to get addicts into treatment. Law would then allow (but again not require) the conviction to be expunged from the persons record. Additional money was also provided for treatment. We will see how that part goes. Visitation at Redland – Great pot luck but meeting a bit long. Several resolutions debated and sent on to Pomona. Pomona will schedule an extra work day for the legislative committee early in April. Around 50 resolutions expected for review (Dan taking 35). Clackamas POMONA Grange (Dan Keeley) sponsors a CANDIDATES’ FORUM on Sunday, May 5th, Abernethy Grange: 1:00 PM Nacho Bar (Cinco de Mayo), Cookies and beverages 2:00 PM Candidate Statements - bring your Questions! SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE (JoAnn Keeley) – Schools should be turning in applications: deadlines: North Marion (April 7th), Canby (April 15th), Sandy Shew is interested in having the Applicants come and present their program. JoAnn advised Committee will decide before April 20th. COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley) Veteran Village donations are due today, can bring into Maplewood just let Dan/JoAnn know before April 27th Pomona meeting at Abernethy Grange. Portland Rescue Mission (PRM) deadline is end of May. IOOF / Meridian Cemetery Clean-Up 10:00 AM – MAY 14 and/or MAY 16, or MAY 18th - Dan has sprayed weeds around the Cemetery. JoAnn will check out headstone grasses. Volunteers 5/14 & 5/16: Betty, Don, Roberta – bring knee pads, garden cleaning tools (knee pads, claw, nippers, wire-brush, 5-gal bucket), hat & sunscreen protection. Roberta Elders is interested in Guide Dogs for the Blind (near Boring) – they take pups and go walk in the country, and other settings to train them. The dogs are trained to aid the blind or as health monitors for their owners. Roberta attended one tour at the Adult Center, main event usually at 10:00 AM. COMMUNICATIONS (Betty Chipps) Maplewood visitation to Redland Gr. was March 14th. President (& Legislative Chair), Georgene Barragan filled the missing stations of Pomona, Ceres and Flora with, respectively, Joyce Parker, JoAnn Keeley and Betty Chipps - I was impressed by this. TREASURER’S REPORT (Vicki Pounds) The Treasurer’s Report for the March 24, 2024 Maplewood Grange meeting was emailed 03/21/2024. The opening balance, as of February 23, was $12,,202.22 and the ending balance on March 21, 2024 was $12,760.72. Hearing no discussion, the report will be ‘filed for Audit.’ UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) – Spring Cleaning day JoAnn Keeley motioned to have June 9th as Spring Cleaning Day (meet at 10 AM and bring in lunch), Don Sether seconded, motion carries. NEW BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) BILLS presented to Treasurer – Reimbursement to Dan Keeley: 02/27/2024 All Systems Heating $ 350.00 (furnace & heat pump tune-up: filter can rusted) 02/27/2024 Paint for Dance Hall Lamps 9.99 02/28/2024 Lamp Cord for Dance Hall Lamps 10.27 (lamps-rewired) 03/09/2024 Lawn work and dish soap 12.98 03/20/2024 Dimmer for Ball Room Light 25.35 03/20/2024 Diesel for mower 3.5 gal@$4.05 14.17 TOTAL $ 422.76 additional: Valley AG (2 bags fertilizer) 44.00 Insurance - $ 3,159.00 (standard expenditure) Mindy Ferris commented State Farm has lapsed policies on Granges. Don Sether moved to pay the bills, Betty seconded (no further discussion), motion carries,. Grange Hall Speaker, one more being repaired, cost TBA. JoAnn moved to pre-approve the cost of Speaker, Betty seconded, motion carries.
- Certified Report (JoAnn & Betty jointly) completed and seal affixed before mailing.
Mindy motioned to buy an FFA banner and post out front to show our community support. JoAnn will ask North Marion and Canby Schools: how can the Grange support FFA?
JoAnn so moved to accept our Mission Statement, Roberta seconded, motion carries, VSO.
GOOD OF THE ORDER (none) CLOSING: Meeting adjourned at 5:46 PM with “Closing of the Grange” reading. NEXT MEETING: April 28, 2024 at 4:30pm Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |