May 27th Regular Meeting5/27/2018 The Maplewood Grange #662 opened Sunday on 05/27/18 with potluck at 3:30pm. Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm.
Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez * Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez * Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant) Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez * Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= >>>>> Members present: 6, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: Doug is hopeful that Zumba Instructor, Christina Casalez, will be interested in membership MINUTES (Secretary): 1/28/18 Minutes (not yet available) 02/25/18 Minutes - Approved (no corrections). No meeting in March. 4/22/18 Minutes - Approved (no corrections). COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): Clackamas Pomona #1
Oregon State Grange (OSG): April/May 2018 Bulletin- mailed directly to membership.
OSG - Future Dates:
benefits District 3 (less fortunate). SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps): Betty promoted the Goodie Basket Raffle fundraiser: benefits Youth grangers travel to Western Regional and/or National grange conventions. Betty motioned that Maplewood donate $40 in funds (same as last year) toward the Goodie Basket fundraiser, Kathie Femrite seconded. Discussion: Vicki Pounds, Treasurer, communicated there was nothing budgeted for donations and with rentals being our only income - those funds cover building and operating expenses. After further discussion, Dan called for a vote on the Goodie Basket donation, motion was approved. Betty will forward the Grange check and two private donations (Dan Keeley and Betty Chipps donated 5 tickets each-$10 total) to OSG. TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): - On June 9th the old checking account was closed and $8,300 (approximately) was moved to new account. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Clackamas County Fair - POMONA Cookie Bake: Dan needs to reserve times when Maplewood grangers can help bake cookies. Discussion: possibly reserve for morning of FRIDAY, August 17th, as several grangers will be at the fairgrounds to do a DEMO (at Noon), with the square dancers. AM time on 8/17/18 works for Betty (& Terry), Kathie Femrite and JoAnn & Dan Keeley. GRANGE CLEAN-UP DAY is SAT, June 16th (arriving between 9:00-10:00am) Lunchtime Pizza will be served. - please announce at Chaps & Petticoats 6/15 dance. A list of jobs/chores (for everyone) to be accomplished can be found at: list. Betty Chipps is not available 6/16, however will volunteer for grass edging and pressure washing the entry steps. GRANGE HALL: 1. Timeline for submitting OSG Matching Grant application for Building Siding is July 1 - September 30, 2018. 2. Ballroom: Dan found a no-buff floor wax (in Mensroom supply cabinet) - will apply wax to a sample area to test. 3. Roof Repair (longer screws) - still pending. 4. Water Test Results (Dan Keeley): Bacterial test passed, Nitrate did not - normal is 10/ per Million - test came back 11.5/Million ... status: - Laura Ellis has not yet advised on Ag. (Food and Drug) Dept. requirements regarding kitchen cooking. - Dan Keeley advised Filtration System costs approximately $100 - do we need it? - JoAnn Keeley suggests we try a different test when ground is not saturated. Kathie Femrite agrees a dry weather test should confirm results. 5. (upstairs) Storm Windows Maintenance Status (Vicki Pounds): Two windows need to be fixed as glass storm windows want to fall out. JoAnn Keeley has used Keith Brown's Salvage Yard (off 99N end of Salem) for parts. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) GRANGE HALL (continued) 6. (upstairs) Lobby/Foyer Floor failing (Dan Keeley): Talked with Nagel's - "Pergo" artificial-wood, snap-together flooring is expensive: $250-$300/sq.ft. JoAnn Keeley suggests Nagel's visit the Grange and suggest options. - Sandy volunteered to coordinate the Nagel visit for June 16th, Grange Cleaning Day. Discussion: Kathie Femrite suggests try Lumber Liquidators (for special prices). Vicki Pounds commented a discount product might not be available if replacement flooring was needed. COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): no report COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Veterans have been invited to attend the Grange Open House for potluck and sharing on June 24th – but no Vets have responded. JoAnn even extended the invitation to the Oregon City Veterans Service – with no response either. JoAnn suggests we possibly extend the Open House to a different date. Dan suggests food include a BBQ with sides. Other suggestions included: post the invitation in the Community Events section of the Canby Herald (and/or) post the Flyer on FACEBOOK. Discussion: Vicki Pounds suggests the Grange Open House date be moved to September 16th and invite the attendees to join the “Intro-To-Square-Dance” afterwards (upstairs) – shows additional event taking place at the Grange. Liking that idea, JoAnn motioned to change the Grange Open House & BBQ to Sunday, September 16th, Kathie Femrite seconded. Betty Chipps thought maybe September 23rd instead – keeps the normal Grange meeting date on a 4th Sunday and we can still join the “Intro-To-Square-Dance” afterwards. After discussion, JoAnn amended the motion to host the Grange Open House & BBQ on Sunday, September 23rd, Kathie Femrite seconded – motion passed with “voting sign of the order”. Time will be 4:00pm short meeting, 4:30–5:30pm BBQ, then move upstairs at 5:30pm. Dan notes: Foster Child interest (tabled for later). EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Schools let out soon for the summer - be careful drivers. Mr. Seaman, a Noblesville Indiana Science teacher, stopped a classroom shooting. The teacher distracted the Middle School student gunman by throwing a basketball, rushed him, knocked the gun(s) out of his hands and tackled the gunman to the ground. The teacher and one classroom student were injured, though without the teacher's intervention more would have been injured. Federal Court ruled that Education Department violated privacy laws when it defrauded students. Education Dept. challenged old (Obama) regulations (if for-profit college went under - then student loan debt was forgiven) when Dept. deprived student(s) of part of the student loan monies. GWA (Grange Worker's Activities): (vacant) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): 1. Saturday hall rentals are very popular. May and June Saturdays are mostly booked; also a couple of August dates have been reserved. COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): (continued) 2. Dan advised another Zumba Instructor, Christina Casalez, plans to instruct two (2) classes a day - five (5) days a week. She currently has 4-5 people interested - classes will be at 10:00am and 6:00pm daily. Dan is willing to offer the same rental package: First month's rent free and $150/month beginning the second month. Dan is unsure what to offer thereafter, possibly re-negotiate in the third month (or after a certain number of students are enrolled i.e. 20)? Discussion: Vicki wanted to know what would be the wear and tear on the floor? Betty asked is the contract open-ended or re-evaluated at a later date? LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): INFO: Measure 101 (on 2017 ballot) questioned: should Oregon stick with the plan lawmakers came up with to fund health insurance? Republican State Rep., Julie Parrish, creator of Measure 101 - promotes health care funding change: if PERS folks' Health Insurance came through Cover Oregon instead of private coverage, the savings would be up to 1/2 of all premium or approximately $1,000,000,000 (1 billion) dollars. LECTURER (Sandy Shew): No report MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): No report VETERANS (Sandy Shew): Betty Chipps advised the State Grange Veterans Tour is: FRI, June 22nd - tour of the Military Base - leaves Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria at 12:30pm - Free to Vets (reservation required). YOUTH (Betty Chipps): No report NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): $100 Rental Deposit Expense Reimbursements: Pinesol and Mower Oil: $14.17 Marker (for drive) and Fly Strips: 12.17 Dan Keeley - TOTAL: $26.34 Finger latches for upstairs Windows: Vicki Pounds-TOTAL: $30.00 JoAnn Keeley moved to pay three bill reimbursements, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carried via "voting sign of the order." NEW BUSINESS: GRANGE DISPLAY BOOTH - at Clackamas County Fair in AUGUST: Theme is: "Grow It...Sew It...Show It." Betty Chipps dropped into the Clackamas County Fair and Events office, talked with Laurie _______ and toured the Horning Hall (where Cookies are baked) to research a potential Maplewood Grange Booth site (the NW corner Hall - near an exit door was favored). Reservations are different this year: 1.) Entry Form/App. can be submitted (with payment) online: beginning June 1, 2018 but no later than July14. 2.) Booth locations are no longer pre-reserved - it is a "first come-first served" basis (on a designated date) to claim a space. This year beginning 9:00am on SUN, August 12th or MON, August 13th, the Display site is reserved AND set-up same day. Judging begins at 6:00pm MON, August 13th. 3.) Booth/space size measures 8 ft. square (8'x8'). Floor to be covered by a rug, grass carpet of white paper. Correction: space measures 8-foot width x 6-foot depth. 4.) Release date/time (take-down) is SUN, August 19th between 8:00am and 4:00pm - NO SOONER THAN. On June 1st, Betty is available to drop off the Maplewood Grange application/Entry Form, which must be accompanied by a check for $10, payable to: Clackamas County Fair and Event Center (CCFEC). Betty motioned that Maplewood Grange pay $10 to secure a Display Booth at the Clackamas County Fair, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed. Betty circulated a list of Planning Ideas for discussion: these ideas were discussed: 1.) Grange Display - Dan has a video, Grange backdrop, possibly include Plant-interactive Table, Grange THEME could be: "It Takes a Community to Grow a Grange" and mini-seed germinating samples (to take). 2.) Chaps and Petticoats Display - Vicki is collaborating to create a continual-loop video 3.) Ellis Farm - participation is welcomed 4.) Silverton Youth - participation is welcomed (possibly Competition video) 5.) Possibly Zumba would be interested. GRANGE CONNECTION 2018: (tabled till June 24th meeting) Info: State Grange office can help/aid Community Granges...ask. To Discuss: Grange plan to "connect" to Members, Community, other Granges. GOOD to the ORDER: Grange Clean-up Day is Saturday, June 16th, beginning 9:00am. Grange OPEN HOUSE, beginning 4:00pm, on September or 23rd - Veterans, Community welcome. Next Meeting: SUNDAY, 6/24/18- 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: at 6:25pm. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary The Maplewood Grange #662 opened Sunday on 05/27/18 with potluck at 3:30pm. Master, Dan Keeley, called the meeting to order at 4:30pm. Guest(s) present: (none) Visitation: (none) Roll Call (Secretary): ”*” indicates NOT in attendance. ** Absentee Members Master: Dan Keeley Steward: Felipe Gonzalez * Overseer: Don Sether * Asst. Steward: Mike Ellis * Lecturer: Sandy Shew Lady Asst. Steward: Katie Gonzalez * Chaplain: Kathie Femrite Gatekeeper: JoAnn Keeley Secretary: Betty Chipps Pomona: Sandy Shew Treasurer: Vicki Pounds Ceres: Judi Aus * Member: Laura Ellis * Flora: (vacant) Member: John Keeley * Executive Committee Members: Jack and Priscilla Weaver (Canby ) ** #1 Felipe Gonzalez * Member: Stacie Bernert (OR City) ** #2 JoAnn Keeley Member: Adin Hester (California) ** #3 Sandy Shew Member: Jo Ann Lee (OR City) ** Member: Joyce (Olivier) Urnaut (Sandy) ** >>>> Roll call has been taken ============================================================================= >>>>> Members present: 6, Guests: 0, Youth: 0 >>>> (Mandatory – Quorum “7”) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSALS for MEMBERSHIP: Doug is hopeful that Zumba Instructor, Christina Casalez, will be interested in membership MINUTES (Secretary): 1/28/18 Minutes (not yet available) 02/25/18 Minutes - Approved (no corrections). No meeting in March. 4/22/18 Minutes - Approved (no corrections). COMMUNICATIONS (Secretary): Clackamas Pomona #1
Oregon State Grange (OSG): April/May 2018 Bulletin- mailed directly to membership.
OSG - Future Dates:
benefits District 3 (less fortunate). SECRETARY Report (Betty Chipps): Betty promoted the Goodie Basket Raffle fundraiser: benefits Youth grangers travel to Western Regional and/or National grange conventions. Betty motioned that Maplewood donate $40 in funds (same as last year) toward the Goodie Basket fundraiser, Kathie Femrite seconded. Discussion: Vicki Pounds, Treasurer, communicated there was nothing budgeted for donations and with rentals being our only income - those funds cover building and operating expenses. After further discussion, Dan called for a vote on the Goodie Basket donation, motion was approved. Betty will forward the Grange check and two private donations (Dan Keeley and Betty Chipps donated 5 tickets each-$10 total) to OSG. TREASURER Report (Vicki Pounds): - On June 9th the old checking account was closed and $8,300 (approximately) was moved to new account. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (Dan Keeley) Clackamas County Fair - POMONA Cookie Bake: Dan needs to reserve times when Maplewood grangers can help bake cookies. Discussion: possibly reserve for morning of FRIDAY, August 17th, as several grangers will be at the fairgrounds to do a DEMO (at Noon), with the square dancers. AM time on 8/17/18 works for Betty (& Terry), Kathie Femrite and JoAnn & Dan Keeley. GRANGE CLEAN-UP DAY is SAT, June 16th (arriving between 9:00-10:00am) Lunchtime Pizza will be served. - please announce at Chaps & Petticoats 6/15 dance. A list of jobs/chores (for everyone) to be accomplished can be found at: list. Betty Chipps is not available 6/16, however will volunteer for grass edging and pressure washing the entry steps. GRANGE HALL: 1. Timeline for submitting OSG Matching Grant application for Building Siding is July 1 - September 30, 2018. 2. Ballroom: Dan found a no-buff floor wax (in Mensroom supply cabinet) - will apply wax to a sample area to test. 3. Roof Repair (longer screws) - still pending. 4. Water Test Results (Dan Keeley): Bacterial test passed, Nitrate did not - normal is 10/ per Million - test came back 11.5/Million ... status: - Laura Ellis has not yet advised on Ag. (Food and Drug) Dept. requirements regarding kitchen cooking. - Dan Keeley advised Filtration System costs approximately $100 - do we need it? - JoAnn Keeley suggests we try a different test when ground is not saturated. Kathie Femrite agrees a dry weather test should confirm results. 5. (upstairs) Storm Windows Maintenance Status (Vicki Pounds): Two windows need to be fixed as glass storm windows want to fall out. JoAnn Keeley has used Keith Brown's Salvage Yard (off 99N end of Salem) for parts. OLD/UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) GRANGE HALL (continued) 6. (upstairs) Lobby/Foyer Floor failing (Dan Keeley): Talked with Nagel's - "Pergo" artificial-wood, snap-together flooring is expensive: $250-$300/sq.ft. JoAnn Keeley suggests Nagel's visit the Grange and suggest options. - Sandy volunteered to coordinate the Nagel visit for June 16th, Grange Cleaning Day. Discussion: Kathie Femrite suggests try Lumber Liquidators (for special prices). Vicki Pounds commented a discount product might not be available if replacement flooring was needed. COMMITTEE REPORTS AGRICULTURE (Dan Keeley): no report COMMUNITY SERVICE (JoAnn Keeley): Veterans have been invited to attend the Grange Open House for potluck and sharing on June 24th – but no Vets have responded. JoAnn even extended the invitation to the Oregon City Veterans Service – with no response either. JoAnn suggests we possibly extend the Open House to a different date. Dan suggests food include a BBQ with sides. Other suggestions included: post the invitation in the Community Events section of the Canby Herald (and/or) post the Flyer on FACEBOOK. Discussion: Vicki Pounds suggests the Grange Open House date be moved to September 16th and invite the attendees to join the “Intro-To-Square-Dance” afterwards (upstairs) – shows additional event taking place at the Grange. Liking that idea, JoAnn motioned to change the Grange Open House & BBQ to Sunday, September 16th, Kathie Femrite seconded. Betty Chipps thought maybe September 23rd instead – keeps the normal Grange meeting date on a 4th Sunday and we can still join the “Intro-To-Square-Dance” afterwards. After discussion, JoAnn amended the motion to host the Grange Open House & BBQ on Sunday, September 23rd, Kathie Femrite seconded – motion passed with “voting sign of the order”. Time will be 4:00pm short meeting, 4:30–5:30pm BBQ, then move upstairs at 5:30pm. Dan notes: Foster Child interest (tabled for later). EDUCATION (Dan Keeley): Schools let out soon for the summer - be careful drivers. Mr. Seaman, a Noblesville Indiana Science teacher, stopped a classroom shooting. The teacher distracted the Middle School student gunman by throwing a basketball, rushed him, knocked the gun(s) out of his hands and tackled the gunman to the ground. The teacher and one classroom student were injured, though without the teacher's intervention more would have been injured. Federal Court ruled that Education Department violated privacy laws when it defrauded students. Education Dept. challenged old (Obama) regulations (if for-profit college went under - then student loan debt was forgiven) when Dept. deprived student(s) of part of the student loan monies. GWA (Grange Worker's Activities): (vacant) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): 1. Saturday hall rentals are very popular. May and June Saturdays are mostly booked; also a couple of August dates have been reserved. COMMITTEE REPORTS (continued) HALL RENTAL (Dan Keeley): (continued) 2. Dan advised another Zumba Instructor, Christina Casalez, plans to instruct two (2) classes a day - five (5) days a week. She currently has 4-5 people interested - classes will be at 10:00am and 6:00pm daily. Dan is willing to offer the same rental package: First month's rent free and $150/month beginning the second month. Dan is unsure what to offer thereafter, possibly re-negotiate in the third month (or after a certain number of students are enrolled i.e. 20)? Discussion: Vicki wanted to know what would be the wear and tear on the floor? Betty asked is the contract open-ended or re-evaluated at a later date? LEGISLATIVE (Dan Keeley): INFO: Measure 101 (on 2017 ballot) questioned: should Oregon stick with the plan lawmakers came up with to fund health insurance? Republican State Rep., Julie Parrish, creator of Measure 101 - promotes health care funding change: if PERS folks' Health Insurance came through Cover Oregon instead of private coverage, the savings would be up to 1/2 of all premium or approximately $1,000,000,000 (1 billion) dollars. LECTURER (Sandy Shew): No report MEMBERSHIP (Betty Chipps): No report VETERANS (Sandy Shew): Betty Chipps advised the State Grange Veterans Tour is: FRI, June 22nd - tour of the Military Base - leaves Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria at 12:30pm - Free to Vets (reservation required). YOUTH (Betty Chipps): No report NEW BUSINESS Treasurer - Bills/Receipts: Receipts (Dan Keeley): $100 Rental Deposit Expense Reimbursements: Pinesol and Mower Oil: $14.17 Marker (for drive) and Fly Strips: 12.17 Dan Keeley - TOTAL: $26.34 Finger latches for upstairs Windows: Vicki Pounds-TOTAL: $30.00 JoAnn Keeley moved to pay three bill reimbursements, Betty Chipps seconded, motion carried via "voting sign of the order." NEW BUSINESS: GRANGE DISPLAY BOOTH - at Clackamas County Fair in AUGUST: Theme is: "Grow It...Sew It...Show It." Betty Chipps dropped into the Clackamas County Fair and Events office, talked with Laurie _______ and toured the Horning Hall (where Cookies are baked) to research a potential Maplewood Grange Booth site (the NW corner Hall - near an exit door was favored). Reservations are different this year: 1.) Entry Form/App. can be submitted (with payment) online: beginning June 1, 2018 but no later than July14. 2.) Booth locations are no longer pre-reserved - it is a "first come-first served" basis (on a designated date) to claim a space. This year beginning 9:00am on SUN, August 12th or MON, August 13th, the Display site is reserved AND set-up same day. Judging begins at 6:00pm MON, August 13th. 3.) Booth/space size measures 8 ft. square (8'x8'). Floor to be covered by a rug, grass carpet of white paper. Correction: space measures 8-foot width x 6-foot depth. 4.) Release date/time (take-down) is SUN, August 19th between 8:00am and 4:00pm - NO SOONER THAN. On June 1st, Betty is available to drop off the Maplewood Grange application/Entry Form, which must be accompanied by a check for $10, payable to: Clackamas County Fair and Event Center (CCFEC). Betty motioned that Maplewood Grange pay $10 to secure a Display Booth at the Clackamas County Fair, Kathie Femrite seconded, motion passed. Betty circulated a list of Planning Ideas for discussion: these ideas were discussed: 1.) Grange Display - Dan has a video, Grange backdrop, possibly include Plant-interactive Table, Grange THEME could be: "It Takes a Community to Grow a Grange" and mini-seed germinating samples (to take). 2.) Chaps and Petticoats Display - Vicki is collaborating to create a continual-loop video 3.) Ellis Farm - participation is welcomed 4.) Silverton Youth - participation is welcomed (possibly Competition video) 5.) Possibly Zumba would be interested. GRANGE CONNECTION 2018: (tabled till June 24th meeting) Info: State Grange office can help/aid Community Granges...ask. To Discuss: Grange plan to "connect" to Members, Community, other Granges. GOOD to the ORDER: Grange Clean-up Day is Saturday, June 16th, beginning 9:00am. Grange OPEN HOUSE, beginning 4:00pm, on September or 23rd - Veterans, Community welcome. Next Meeting: SUNDAY, 6/24/18- 3:30pm Potluck, 4:30pm Meeting Meeting Adjourned: at 6:25pm. Respectfully Submitted Betty Chipps Secretary Comments are closed.
AuthorBetty Chipps, Secretary. Edited by Dan Keeley Categories |